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The Shackled City - Golarion Interest/Recruitment (CLOSED)


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Character Generation

I strongly encourage people to read the brief introduction I wrote up, along with some general Golarion background on the race/class combo you are interested in playing. Please try and develop a reason your character would want to aid and support the city of Cauldron. I would like each player to write out a brief bulleted list of general character background (or written out in prose if you are feeling inspired). When everyone has some general background, I encourage you to read each others background and possibly come up with one connection to something in one other characters background and add it to your character. We'll see where this takes us :) The players don't necessarily need to know each initially, but I thought it might speed things along.

As for the crunch, as stated previously, characters will be generated using a point buy system used by Pathfinder Society:

Pathfinder Society uses the “purchase” system for
generating ability scores, as explained on pages 15–16 of the
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook. Pathfinder Society
uses the “High Fantasy” choice of 20 points, allowing you
to build a solid PC at 1st level. Please remember that no
score can be reduced below 7 or raised above 18 using this
method. Racial modifiers are applied after the points are
spent, so it is possible to begin play with a low ability score
of 5 and a high ability score of 20, depending on your race

Allowed Sources:
Pathfinder Core
Pathfinder APG
Pathfinder Complete Magic
Pathfinder Complete Combat
Other Paizo books must be approved
No 3rd Party

I will allow Tiefling and Aasimar Characters however, Tieflings must take Infernal Bastard, and Aasimar must take Fallen Angel

Infernal Bastard
You are a tiefling. You might be an escaped slave, a hidden shame, or a homeless vagabond, but whatever your upbringing, life has been particularly hard on you. You have suffered greatly, nearly starving to death one winter, nearly being beaten to death by racist sailors one summer, and so on. Whether or not these experiences have made you a bitter and cynical scoundrel or a pious and hopeful optimist is up to you, but one thing is certain—you are something less than even your tiefling kin. Perhaps it is a result of your hard life, or perhaps it is due to some fault in your fiendish heritage, but you lack a tiefling’s standard resistances to cold, electricity, and fire—instead, you merely have a +2 bonus on all saving throws made against these effects. Likewise, you do not have the ability to use darkness as a spell-like ability once per day—instead, you may choose any one 0-level spell that you can instead use at will as a spell-like ability.

Fallen Angel
You lack an Aasimar's standard resistances, instead you merely have a +2 bonus to all saving throws made against these effects. Likewise you do not have the ability to use daylight as a spell-like ability once per day-instead you may choose any one 0-level spell that you can instead use at will as a spell-like ability.

In addition to the Traits listed above, all players (including Tiefling and Aasimar) *may* choose a racial, combat, regional, or religious trait

In addition to the Traits listed above, all players (including Tiefling and Aasimar) must choose one of the following Campaign traits (or I can assign randomly if you prefer)

Child of Jzadirune
One of your ancestors lived in the gnomish enclave of Jzaridune at the time the Vanishing struck. You are especially resistant to diseases, but find the prospect of becoming sick yourself horrifying.
+2 bonus to disease save
Suffer -2 morale penalty on save vs fear while in the ruins of Jzadirune or when fighting any creatures that are diseased or can inflict disease

One of your ancestors was a half-fiend. As a result, you carry some of the taint with you
Regardless of you actual alignment, spells and spell-like abilities with the evil descriptor will treat you as if you are evil. Magic items are similarly fooled.
Regardless of your actual alignment, spells and spell-like abilities with the good descriptor will treat you as if you were evil.

Dream Haunted
Your dreams are haunted by strange visions of tortured landscapes and deformed monsters. In some of the dreams, YOU are the deformed monster.
You are used to fatigue and suffer no penalties when you become fatigued. If you are exhausted, treat it as fatigued.
-2 vs saves against madness, insanity, or sleep effects

Long Shadowed
You are descended from a tribe of indiginous people who died out as a seperate tribe many centuries ago. Still, this tribe's penchant for necromatic magic runs in your blood.
You automatically stabilize if reduce <0 hitpoints. Reduce all negative energy damage by 5hp
Healing magic works poorly on you. You gain -1 hp per character level, to a minimum of -1 per healing die rolled.

Mark of the Beast
One of your ancestors was a Lycanthrope. Select a predatory animal of your choice; that animal feels a mystic bond with you.
Animals of the chose type feel a strange reticence to attack you suffering -2 to all attack rolls. If you have wild empathy, gain +1 to all wild empathy checks with that animal type.
-4 vs save vs lycanthropy. Take +1 dmg from silver weapons

You were born into a noble family
Start play with +200gp. +1 to all Diplomacy and intimidate checks in Cauldron and surrounding villages. Certain NPCs may treat you differently. I will work with you to pick a family.
You suffer -4 penalty to all disguise checks in Cauldron and surrounding villages. Certian NPCs may treat you differently :devil:

Scarred Soul
You've led a particularly tough life. Perhaps you're an orphan or maybe you suffered a traumatic experience as a kid. Whatever the cause, your childhood experiences have left you jumpy and haunted
+2 Initiative checks
Your mind is less able to deal with traumatic experiences -1 will saves

Scion of Surabar
You are a descendant of the man who discovered Cauldron and helped settle the region, and aided in the defeat of an ancient demonic army.
Pride in your lineage helps gird your mind and soul. +2 vs fear, death, insanity, and confusion.
Demons you encounter in the Cauldron region can instinctively sense your lineage and connection to their old enemy and gain +1 bonus to attack rolls and damage against you.

Wyrm Blooded
One of your ancestors was a half-black dragon. You have some sort of distinctively draconic feature. Be it reptillian eyes, scales on the backs of your hands, or tiny vestigial horns.
You gain +4 save vs acid, +2 bonus to swim, +1 bonus to listen/spot
Your body isn't as limber as it could be, take -1 reflex save.
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First Post
Very nice! I'm even more excited about the game now that I've read the intro.

(I'm an OP user as well - same user name as here on ENWorld).

I was toying with playing a cleric of Cayden Cailean - would that work, or would a cleric need to be a follower of one of the established churches?

Cayden Cailean would be fine. I actually really like that god :) I almost put a church to him in Cauldron until I realized he probably wouldn't have one beyond the local Inn/Tavern :devil:


First Post
I will be adding a section on the People and Noble families of Cauldron but thought what I posted should be enough to get you started. Cauldron and Sasserine are very cosmopolitan cities, but the population is largely human...most races are represented in both cities. I will hopefully also have a player map of the island before play begins.


First Post
Regarding Character sheets, I haven't come across a good solution for character sheets that I've really liked. Does anyone have a good example of something that has worked for them in the past?

Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!
I put all of my characters on my OP site, using a formatted sheet I made myself. Barring that, udalrich has a character sheet on the OP site as well - start a character in the "Character" tab, and at the very top there's a drop box for sheets. Only one selection.

Character Sheet

Click the link above. You can copy/paste the text into the Description section of the character page. You'll have to put <pre> before the text and </pre> after the text to get it to format correctly.

Since you're using OP as the repository for the game, we could post our characters on the character tab on your site.
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Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!
Valinnan Vapaus - Aasimar Cleric (Cayden Cailean) 01

Initial Character Thoughts:

  • Orphaned early in life
  • Lived on the streets of Cauldron as a child - rough life (think Dark Angel Trilogy by Brent Weeks, if you've read it)
  • Caught thieving from a tavern/inn; the innkeepers took him in, protecting him from the retribution of the others in his old life and 'rehabilitating' him
  • Innkeepers were followers of Cayden Cailean, saw themselves as liberating him from the bonds of his old life, and he grew to be a devout worshiper, and eventually a priest.
  • Adopted parents would very much like for him to take over the inn when they're old enough to retire, but he's driven to take a more active part in changing Cauldron for the better, changing the way the street life works for those abandoned there. As a way to help him with this, his parents have made the inn a haven for orphans - as many as they can give a home to, anyway. The kids work at the inn, but are not taken advantage of - they're well provided for and taught responsibility and the value of making an honest living, and are always given the choice to stay or leave. If they choose to go, they'll be given a small amount of money and taken to Sasserine so that their old 'friends' won't be able to get to them.
  • Rehabilitation was thorough. Personality is now outgoing, exuberant; however, he does have some periods of doubt, darkness, brooding. Never enough to lead to isolation, but enough to hint to others (if his appearance doesn't do it) that his life hasn't been all sweetness and light.
  • Plagued by nightmares from his childhood.
  • Appearance: Pale skin, Black hair, Gold eyes, heavily tattooed, lots of jewelry. Looks sort of (maybe more than sort of) Goth, but his attitude isn't what you'd expect from his looks.
  • Traits: Scarred Soul, Fallen Angel (Both resulting from his horrible childhood on the streets), Magical Knack (Cleric) (Originating from his Angelic Ancestor)
  • Domains: Chaos, Travel
  • Alignment: Chaotic Good
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Walking Dad

First Post
After reading dream haunted, I would like to play a dreamhaunted oracle with the dark tapestry mystery...

what trait would fit my first idea, an elf from a line of powerful spell casters?


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So correct me if I'm wrong, but so far the announced classes are as such:

Oracle (Walking Dad)
Cleric (Mowgli)
Rogue (Fangor)

I'm still debating my class and race... Shayuri, jkason, either of you have a major preference?


First Post
With two divine characters and a trapmaster, looks like both the arcane and the slashy-stab roles need filling? Maybe someone with a little bit of both? I haven't looked super-close at the Magus class, but it seems interesting, especially the hexcrafter archetype (I'm intrigued by witches, but the "lose your familiar, lose all your spells" problem is just too much for me to get over).

A hexcrafter magus would mix well with demonscarred, long shadowed, or wyrm blooded traits, at least flavorfully; reducing heal-ability in a melee character and / or reducing my character's weakest save might be arguably really poor choices. :)

Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!
Re: Traits - Just to clarify, it looks like Aasimar and Tieflings take two traits (one actually weakens the character to bring them in line with the other races) while the others take just one. Am I reading this correctly?

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