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Aspects of D&D that have made you fed up?


Edition fatigue. WotC has been releasing new editions a bit too quickly for my taste.

Otherwise the rules and conventions don't bother me too much.

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People. I find my number one problem in most editions is people.

I was playing a druid in 3E, and I took less time to take my turn than the Barbarian. I was managing:

- Myself and my spell list
- My animal companion
- Usually 1-5 summons

He had the option of "Swinging his greatsword" or "Going into a beserker rage and... swinging his greatsword."

And yet every turn he'd look at the battlemap like it was something new. "What am I next to?" The ogre, same as last turn. "Okay, should I attempt a grapple?" No, it's a size category larger than you, it's not going to work and is a terrible idea (leave grappling to bears). "Um... hmmm... I have" *checks item sheet* "Okay..." *looks at us.*


"Maybe you attack it?" ... "Okay..."
*rolls dice as slowly as humanly possible*
"Does a 12 hit?" No...
*Rolls second attack*
"Does a 21 hit?" Yes...
"Um, okay. I have..." *checks dice*
*Rolls dice*
"Okay, I get 4 from strength... wait, it's 2 handed, 6... and it's a +2 weapon... and feat bonus... that's... um... am I using power attack?"

I wanted to kill him, and I like the guy.

Same bit in 4E. You have a handful of powers people, you don't need to read your character sheet EVERY TIME to figure out what they do.

People. I find my number one problem in most editions is people.


I wanted to kill him, and I like the guy.

I know exactly what you mean. One of my best friends, who also DMs by the way, seems to forget everything when he's on the player side of the table. His character sheet is a mess. We have the following conversation 10 times every game session:

"hmm what's my attack bonus? BAB is 4, Str +2, err is my sword magical? Ah yes, I think there is a "+1" under this grease spot... How does Power Attack work again? So -2 [goes on for a couple of minutes] ...so I attack at +8. Oh wait am I raging? Oh yeah so another +2 for +10"
"ok write that down somewhere"
"ahaha I should"
and he doesn't.



People. I find my number one problem in most editions is people.

I was playing a druid in 3E, and I took less time to take my turn than the Barbarian... [snip]

I wanted to kill him, and I like the guy.

Same bit in 4E. You have a handful of powers people, you don't need to read your character sheet EVERY TIME to figure out what they do.

Oh, I feel your pain. I play the wizard in our party, which means I need to keep an eye on where a dozen creatures (allies and enemies) are, what they're doing, what I can do to stuff up team bad guy as efficiently as possible, and what conditions I'm laying down and when they expire. And I take less time to decide what my character is doing than the players of the hexblade and the fighter - whose sole job it is to hit things.

And invariably I'm telling them not to move into my wizard's obvious blast areas - unless they want to be dazed and slowed and knocked prone too.

"But I can get a flank", they protest.

Dude, you're 15th level. If (a) you need a flank to get combat advantage; and (b) you need combat advantage to hit; you're doing something wrong. And so, in order to get a friggin' +2 bonus to your single attack roll, my wizard will forgo hitting 3 bad guys, doing 60+ points of damage, and imposing some condition on them which means you'll get combat advantage anyway?

And then, because I tell them it would be unwise to move into the square they had originally planned to, it takes them another 3 minutes to work out whether they want to move to a different square that's just next to the original square, and whether they now want to use a different power.

What's wrong with you? Ah yes, that'll be because your character has 9 Int, right? Role playing that Int very effectively aren't we? Pity, cos' when we actually need to role play, you sit there like a stunned mullet, or play on your phone...


Cheers, Al'Kelhar


Staff member
On meleers in blast zones:

If I'm playing the blaster, I announce- in character- where I'm targeting an AoE attack with known code words. Anybody in the blast will either be an intended target or assuming the risk.

If I'm playing the warrior, I try to be aware. If my PC is in the blast area, either the blaster screwed up or my PC is experiencing some testosterone poisoning. :)


Most of my issues have been covered, so I'll just list the big one left for me:
The division of magic not actually being a division at all.
  • Divine- god powered magic
  • Divine- nature powered magic
  • Arcane- wizard powered/spellbook magic
  • Arcane- something made up so nonwixards can feel like a unique snowflake but really just isn't as good and plays mechanically the same or worse
  • Psionics- something that is basically like the others, but isn't because this blizzard doesn't have enough unique wonder snowflakes

They all play the same (spell points aside), the effects are all spell effects. I don't get it! I want druids, clerics, and wizards to have magic that feels different. Not how the players opts to describe his actions, but a mechanic that truly makes them different.

3 Man

First Post
Hit Points

Hit points are the biggest problem. Playing 5e with 14hp characters that can be put down with 2-3 hits has been a blast! WotC needs to come up with a way to level characters without making them unthreatenable. When reading fiction it's common to see a hero wade through a mass of baddies, but the tension comes in because you feel if just one bad guy gets through he's going down. DND has no such tension after the first few levels.

Voidrunner's Codex

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