• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

#6 Revelations release date!


Well, that was fun
Staff member
I fear this is a bad move, @Morrus . The things you mention are the benefits earned by copper subscribers. Silver subscriber benefits specifically list Zeitgeist as one of the main benefits, meaning that the AP isn't so much of a bonus, but a bargained-for benefit. The quoted statement trivializes the silver and gold subscription levels, which are clearly aimed at the AP, among other things.

I'll always suggest different options and point people to the many different ways of obtaining our stuff. Different people have different needs, and that's why we have a whole range of different options - from different ways to actually make the purchases, to different locations you can do it, to different formats you can obtain the products in, including PDFs and softcovers. The EN World subscription method isn't just an AP subscription, though - it gets you three APs, a pile of other products, now TO SLAY A DRAGON, plus a slew of site benefits and features. It's ideal for folks who want all of that; but for those who just want a bit of it, there are alternatives should they find those more convenient.

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You may want to keep some of the loftier stretch goals hidden at first. I've noticed that a lot of Kickstarters reveal their stretch goals slowly. For instance, if the funding goal is $10k, they might reveal their $15k and $20k stretch goals initially, and keep any higher ones under wraps until it looks like they might actually cross the $15k barrier. They seem to stay a couple of revealed stretch goals ahead of the funding rate.

Love the Convocation, and will absolutely be drafting at least one contribution of my own.

The reward tiers for physical maps and the multi-level Coaltongue are great, as are the headshot ones. I'd be all over those physical rewards if I was running my game around a literal table instead of via videoconference. The compilation itself is less useful for me, since I don't really like running from physical books even when I'm running a live physical game.

Overall, I think that for people who are only now on the first or second adventure, or who haven't heard of Zeitgeist at all, it has potential. I have no idea how Zeitgeist is selling, but I'd say that if there's a large untapped market for it, you could definitely exceed your goals by quite a bit with enough publicity.

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