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#6 Revelations release date!


Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain.
Apologies - I was just going by your first reply in which you said, in direct response to a question about release dates, that the forthcoming Kickstarter announcement might 'change things'. I hope you understand that it very much sounded as though the Kickstarter would affect the release date. I'm sorry to hear that the real reason is a personal, private issue.

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Please, if you make a kickstarter to improve things is ok but please, release at least adventure 6 as it is even if you then add extra maps and things.
Even with my SLOOW pace (play 2 - 3 hours a week and not every week) and alternating between games we are starting adventure 5 because my group needed they dose of Zeitgeist.


Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain.
It would change things in a positive way. If the KS does well, some spare cash can bring in extra manpower to speed things up.

I'm sorry, but I thought we paid a subscription fee for that. If you guys can't meet your commitments with the money coming through that primary revenue stream, perhaps it's time you stopped charging for silver/gold subscriptions? Just sell the pdfs when they come out. As the only installment of Zeitgeist to be released in a year, Cauldron Born has worked out more expensive to a gold subscriber than Ptolus. Everyone is sympathetic to hear about personal setbacks, etc, but I think paying customers are still entitled to receive the product they have paid for, and if your business model doesn't allow for that it needs to be addressed.

And not by charging people even more for what they've already paid for.
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Well, that was fun
Staff member
If you're only subscribing to EN World for ZEITGEIST, I'd like to suggest that's not the optimum solution for you. Buy them individually. The site subscriptions are not sold as AP subscriptions; the APs are bonuses. They're designed for site features, search, custom avatars, community support, and the like.

We offer a whole variety of ways to obtain our adventure paths and allow you to choose the one that suits you and your wallet. Different stores, formats, subscriptions, individual purchases, PDFs, softcovers, hopefully compiled hardcovers. But an ENW sub had never been primarily offered as a subscription for a specific adventure path,

I apologise sincerely if you feel misled by that, gideonpepys. Clearly a miscommunication on my part. I'm am very sorry (man, I seem to say that a lot to you over the last couple of years) and accept that it is completely my fault. But we need to end this situation where you repeatedly feel cheated and disappointed over and over and over, whether it be an AP or a Kickstarter reward which I end up letting you jump the queue for. Please drop me an email and I'll refund you and cancel your subscription. I never wanted anybody to think that the ENW subscription was just about this adventure path or feel cheated by it, and I personally don't want to feel this crushing sense of obligation to you.

Honestly, I think that's the best solution for you. You're one of our biggest fans, and I'm sincerely grateful for that, but everything we do disappoints you -- and that upsets you and it upsets me. Both of us is unhappy, so why continue it? From threads here to PMs you send me, you clearly don't feel you're getting what you paid for. I would rather you not feel that way. Let's find a situation where neither of us is upset.

So let's cancel that sub, I'll refund you, and you can buy any of our products you want to as and when we release them.

Then we're all happy, no? You even end up with a bunch of high quality adventures for free!
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Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain.
If you're only subscribing to EN World for ZEITGEIST, I'd like to suggest that's not the optimum solution for you. Buy them individually. The site subscriptions are not sold as AP subscriptions; the APs are bonuses. They're designed for site features, search, custom avatars, community support, and the like.

Gold and silver subscribers get everything you listed for the copper subscription. If the additional money at silver and gold aren't for creating the APs, then how do you fund them (prior to Kickstarter)?
I apologise sincerely if you feel misled by that, gideonpepys. Clearly a miscommunication on my part. I'm am very sorry (man, I seem to say that a lot to you over the last couple of years) and accept that it is completely my fault. But we need to end this situation where you repeatedly feel cheated and disappointed over and over and over, whether it be an AP or a Kickstarter reward which I end up letting you jump the queue for. Please drop me an email and I'll refund you and cancel your subscription. I never wanted anybody to think that the ENW subscription was just about this adventure path or feel cheated by it, and I personally don't want to feel this crushing sense of obligation to you.

At no point did I make this a personal issue. All of my above points were aimed and the proposed Kickstarter. I think that your ad hominem remarks are unnecessary, but allow me to address one of them:

Honestly, I think that's the best solution for you. You're one of our biggest fans, and I'm sincerely grateful for that, but everything we do disappoints you -- and that upsets you and it upsets me. Both of us is unhappy, so why continue it? From threads here to PMs you send me, you clearly don't feel you're getting what you paid for. I would rather you not feel that way. Let's find a situation where neither of us is upset.

Yes, I paid for gold subscription and didn't get it for four months, so had no access to anything. You told me in private messages before I paid that it would take you a week but insisted on fulfilling my reward with the 'Immortal' group, whose deadline was clearly and obviously less urgent. I could not download pdfs I needed, or gain any of the benefits of membership which was very difficult for me indeed. I'm a DM and couldn't download the material I needed. I waited very patiently and only began to message you when the gold subscriptions were all fulfilled after three months.

You say I 'clearly don't feel' I was getting what I paid for but at the point when I complained I wasn't. It wasn't a 'feeling'. I have never been unreasonable.

When you say 'everything we do disappoints you' this all starts to sound dreadfully passive-aggressive. Nothing you do disappoints me. I think War of the Burning Sky and Zeitgeist are hugely entertaining and innovative adventure paths, and as you mentioned, I am one of your biggest fans.

So let's cancel that sub, I'll refund you, and you can buy any of our products you want to as and when we release them. Then we're all happy, no? You even end up with a bunch of high quality adventures for free!

The sub was never the issue. Not being able to run a campaign, that's the issue. But having no real hope that matters will improve, I reluctantly accept your offer.

I remain an ardent fan of Zeitgeist and will continue to try to run it, but in return for your demonstration of good faith, I will say no more whatever on the issue of delays or about the Kickstarter.
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It's ready for layout (all text, art, maps are all completely done) but we have a Kickstarter we'll be announcing hopefully this week which might change things. It's for hardcover compilations, but we want to add extra art and maps to the rest of the adventures, too.

Looking forward to both Part 6 and the upcoming Kickstarter! I think i've mentioned it elsewhere before now, but i was sorely disappointed that the original KS for Zeitgeist didn't get the attention it needed to fund. I'm glad we're getting another chance to make it happen.


Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain.
Looking forward to both Part 6 and the upcoming Kickstarter! I think i've mentioned it elsewhere before now, but i was sorely disappointed that the original KS for Zeitgeist didn't get the attention it needed to fund. I'm glad we're getting another chance to make it happen.

I was disappointed that the original Kickstarter didn't fund too.


Well, that was fun
Staff member
This was in no way my desire at the start of this exchange, but as you have decided to take this personally, it makes my continued membership of the community awkward and uncomfortable

I promise that that is the exact opposite of my intention. My goal here was to find an amicable solution. Again, I'm really, really sorry.


Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain.
I promise that that is the exact opposite of my intention. My goal here was to find an amicable solution. Again, I'm really, really sorry.

Heh. I changed the wording of that. In fact, I edited the whole message.

Lesson learned: never post a reply of this kind at six o'clock in the morning and after a bad night's sleep. (Not that I'm sweetness and light at the best of times.)

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