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Somewhere else...

I hope you don't mind but I edited my edit to create a new post for it. It seems to flow better when looking back through things.

That is fine. Especially since you were able to pull this off consecutively. Below is what you learn during your questioning:

"I am a healer. You are ill and your teeth are not the cause of it. This is a pestilence I have seen before. It infests your innards and causes a slow and terrible death. 9 Are all of your people suffering the same?" If he answers in the affirmative, I respond with "have you ever considered that this "Rotting Man" may be the source of your troubles? ** Tell me of him and leave nothing out."

* "Most have been sick or died from sickness. We don't say it out loud but I think...well...what you said (very nervously)...may be the truth of it..."

** 1) He wears the skins of everything that dies or around him...mostly its what he kills. He doesn't cure it so good...I think that's on purpose...and he and his chamber always stinks of death cause of it. His eyes are so dark that they appear black.

2) He talks to something we can't see...sometimes right in the middle of talking to us...and it it answers him but we can't hear it...

3) He's lived here a long time. When we got desperate, we found this place. That was 10 years ago I guess. I've lived down here mostly so I just get word of what happens up top but don't see it so much.

"Kennel and larder you say? I assume these are the two tunnels that don't lead to the upper levels of the complex? What will we find there? Are there any living beings in your larder?"

On this, he tells you (a) no one and no thing (all manner of meat and gathered food is there) is living there and (b) the kennel doubles as the barracks for the men down here (all of the dogs and men are dead now...except for the man in front of you and the man you captured before). To expedite matters due to the medium, there is no point of access to the higher levels in either of those places. When/however you investigate:

Larder - The larder is an extremely cold, cavernous basement. Nothing of interest there.

Kennel/barracks - There is a naked, pregnant woman in chains, thoroughly defeated (physically, mentally, emotionally). Clearly she has been raped hundreds of time. She is so deeply drawn inward that she barely registers your presence and she doesn't resist if you attempt to move her.

There is a reasonable amount of mineral wealth wrapped in bedrolls or stowed in various (easily opened due to their poor construction and your skill) lockboxes. 300 GP worth in total.

You also find an ancient book that these men probably have no idea of its value; a Tree Stride Ritual Book written in a fey language that would be unfamiliar to them.

Finally, you find a well-constructed, multi-person canoe and paddles. Its extremely heavy and requires several people to move it.

* Does the river connect to tunnels that will let me access the upper complex? Are they well patrolled?
** I want to know about The Rotting Man's lair. Location, layout, and guards?
*** Are there any potential mutineers here that feel their group has become mere thralls to The Rotting Man? Who are they and where may I find them?

* It does. It meets other rivers into a greater body before it continues on and feeds into the river aboveground that accesses the bay. The upper level is accessible where that great underground body of water is located. Its a climb, but they've worked the stone into a a spiraling stair. They send foodstuff and goods that way. There are typically a few men there to receive.

** Its at the top of the complex. Its a scary place with skins hanging on the walls, all kinds of garish pictorials painted, a stagnant pool of water and the Circle of Blood. He needs no guards and none could stay in that place for long without retching.

*** He welcomes them. Anyone who wishes to challenge him may do so freely by entering the Circle of Blood and announcing their intent. Only a few have. The last time, 5 men banded together to challenge him. They were quickly vanquished, but their deaths were a terrible and slow thing. Most folks think that The Rotting Man takes more than just your flesh when he kills you... Well, that hasn't happened in a few years. But there are whispers that the son of one man that was killed, Yamel, has a mind for vengeance. He has some favor with some of the others. I don't know where you'd find him. Up top somewhere.

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I'm going to have my bear stay and watch over the man as the four of us go check out the kennel/barracks and the larder. I'll take the book and learn the Tree Stride Ritual during the next Extended Rest. I will insist that we split the mineral wealth evenly (300/4 = 75). If Terilion tries to protest or tries to tell me they have little worth to he and his people, I will tell him to look at them as food, not gems or unfinished ore. The ritual I taught his elder will more-or-less directly transmute these material components into the replenishment of their garden.

I will find something clean (a blanket or a winter coat) from my pack and tenderly swaddle the woman. When we get back to the small fire in the cavern, I will make her some tea and feed her some dried meat. Throughout the process, I will stare holes into the dog handler that we have captured. He will meet my eyes and there will be only the deepest contempt possible there.

Presumably, the canoe and paddles are movable by two to three people. If so, Terillion and I will fetch it ourselves to lessen the burden on the injured men. If we have time alone during that (if not, I will make some time for it), I will convince him that his men are hurt and will only slow us down and likely get killed in the process. I won't stand for either of those cases. Further, we need both the woman and our captive taken to the surface and to the camp at the front of the lair. The captive should be able to lead them there.

Once Terilion's men, the pregnant woman, and the captive are on their way, Terilion and I will launch the canoe into the river. Once Terilion and my bear are in, I will get in as well and we will take off. If you need some kind of navigation check, I've rolled a 6. The plan is just to move the canoe straight to the landing where the goods are recieved upstream.

Along the way, I'm going to debrief Terilion on my plan. I have no intent to let any of these men go free. However, if there is an opportunity to make an alliance with this "Yamel" and whomever may follow him, I will make it. This Rotting Man likely has some supernatural source of his power and allies (especially disposable ones!) would be welcome. Our leverage will be that they will exchange their harsh master for the prospect of a more lenient master, possibly indentured servitude if Terilion's people will accept this. They can toil the terraced farms and perhaps eventually earn the respect of Terilion's people and a place in actual civilization. Life is too harsh out here. They need not continue their path of current misery and continue being a blight upon the only decent peoples in these mountains. They must also understand that I don't speek for the Terilion's elders. It may be death for them if The World Serpent deems it so. Regardless, if they don't agree to these terms, it will be death for them now.

If Terilion doesn't agree, I won't make a fuss. He speaks for his people here so I will gladly and sincerely defer to his judgement. If its "kill on sight and let the gods sort them out", so be it.

@Binks , it is as you have outlined above. Terilion breaks it to the men and they are reulactant but they certainly understand. Hugs are exchanged, hands are shaked, and they wish you well with blessings; "May the primal spirits watch over you (The World Serpent and the spirit of caverns and rivers)." They take the prisoner in chains, carefully and attentively aid the woman, and they exit the cavern the way you came.

You don't need to make any checks for passage on the river. There is no conflict here. Its a straight-forward paddle downstream to the landing where the goods are received. However, you guys will have to travel by torchlight to navigate as its pitch black in these tunnels. There is a notch carved into the front of the canoe that is used to hold torches while the rowers do their work.

You launch your vessel, row your way, and navigate the winding river. The pace isn't slow but it isn't treacherous by any means. The river widens and narrows intermittently, the pace falling and rising accordingly. Perhaps a half hour later it empties you out into a small underground cove. By the light of your torch, you can see the landing that the man spoke of. There is a winding stone stair with a flanking flat surface, surely for goods that are wheeled, that leads up to higher ground. On the stone landing are a pair of men throwing dice and sipping (surely) home-brewed spirits on a small wooden table with a pair of chairs. Torches light the landing and several light the way up the stairs. On the flat stone, there are a few wooden carts and wheelbarrows. You can hear the sounds of rapids moving off further downstream as the river continues on (and swiftly) somewhere beyond your sight.

When your torchlight comes into view, the two men rise from their game and hail you, their voices echoing off the large cavern. You're a good 200 feet from the landing so they don't seem to be able to tell at this point that (a) you're both unfamiliar and (b) you have a bear in your canoe!

What are you doing?
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Perhaps a half hour later it empties you out into a small underground cove. By the light of your torch, you can see the landing that the man spoke of. There is a winding stone stair with a flanking flat surface, surely for goods that are wheeled, that leads up to higher ground. On the stone landing are a pair of men throwing dice and sipping (surely) home-brewed spirits on a small wooden table with a pair of chairs. Torches light the landing and several light the way up the stairs. On the flat stone, there are a few wooden carts and wheelbarrows. You can hear the sounds of rapids moving off further downstream as the river continues on (and swiftly) somewhere beyond your sight.

When your torchlight comes into view, the two men rise from their game and hail you, their voices echoing off the large cavern. You're a good 200 feet from the landing so they don't seem to be able to tell at this point that (a) you're both unfamiliar and (b) you have a bear in your canoe!

What are you doing?

This one is pretty simple. I'm going to assume these guys are minions. If they're not, obviously its a different situation. If they aren't, I'll focus-fire. I don't want to kill these guys. I'm hopeful that they can tell me where Yamel is and I can enlist them in the cause to destroy The Rotting Man.


Saerie is 16 + 7 = 23.
Terilion is 10 + 8 = 18.
Bear is 3 + 6 = 9.

Hopefully Saerie's actions are enough to resolve this. I suspect she will act first but let me know if she doesn't. I'm not going to bother with Terilion or Bear's actions until you let me know how this works out.

[sblock]Standard Action: Twin Strike + 11.

1st attack - I'm using Guidance of the Past on the first attack against one of the men. Rolled 6 and 13. 24 should hit. 11 damage if I need to roll.

2nd attack - 3. Elven Accuracy for reroll. 15. 26 should hit. 8 damage if I need to roll.[/sblock]

If those two guys are both minions, then they're hit and down. Again, I don't want to injure them, just knock them stagger them so we can get on the landing, overtake them quietly and quickly and interrogate them. Assuming this is the case, I'll roll an Intimidate Group Check for my 3 guys. I don't know what Terilion's is but its untrained so I'll just use + 3 for level.

[sblock]Saerie Intimidate + 5. Rolled 13. 18 passes the medium DC.

Terilion Intimidate + 3. Rolled 2. Yeah.

Bear Intimidate + 12. Rolled 5. 17 passes the medium DC.

That is 2/3 if its a medium DC.[/sblock]

Assuming all of that works, the below is my take on things. If its all off and I need to retcon, just let me know.

The men hail us but the scant light of the torch and the inevitable dulled senses from their brew is their downfall. One arrow slams into one man's flagon as he takes a sip. He is startled, falls back in his chair and is out cold when his head hits the stone. That odd sense of deja vu washes over me again but no visions accompany it this time. The other man attempts to react, but a second arrow takes the two back legs from his chair and he falls head over heels backward just as the first.

We quickly paddle and I leap to the landing and sprint to the men. My companions follow me shortly there after. We tie their hands behind their backs and sit them in separate locations on the landing. Cold water rouses them and Terilion is standing over one while I stand over the other. My bear lurks behind each of us, looking as menacing as ever.

We both tell the men that their only chance for survival is to tell us where we might find Yamel and they must reveal how many men here support him versus how many support The Rotting Man. We let them know that if their answers don't match up, it will be a watery grave for each of them...

@Binks , everything is good there and happens the way you outline it; minions + you win initiative + group Intimidate + success at it.

Both men stink something fierce, both body odor and of spirits equivalent to moonshine. They also both have that familiar stench of death and decay that you smelled earlier when speaking to the other man. The booze appears to take the edge off the man as he is more relaxed than would be fitting.

"The Yamels are up there. They don't mix with the Fahvenaards. The Clanless don't have a taste for either.

I guess all the rest 'sides Yamel's folk are for The Rotting Man. He lets us stay here. The Beastlord's wolfmen and the dark things of the wood don't come here because of him. That's good enough for me.

And he don't ask for much. Just a stray sacrifice. Sometimes human but so be it."

His voice abruptly changes and his eyes glaze momentarily "...IIIIIIII...seeeeeeeeeeee...yoooooooou...." Your Passive Insight is sufficient to 100 % confirm that this wasn't some silly game or ruse by the man. If you ask him about it, he legitimately doesn't know what you're talking about and thinks you're "funnin' with him."

He begins again as if nothing ever happened and relays that his best guess is that there are 30 or so men up here and less than 1/3 are Yamel's Clan. Most are Clanless. Yamel's Clan are the huntsmen so they're pretty vagabond. They stay near the main cavern entrance so they can hunt and trap game. You can't get there without accessing the main plaza up top and that is where the Fahvenaards (the raiders) and the Clanless (the builders, traders, and planners) set up.

However, he does let you know that the other guy he is with is a Yamel sympathizer and he could probably get a message to him. I'm sure you're going to want to roll an Insight check at some point here...

And yes, the two stories mesh, including the other guy being an admitted Yamel sympathizer.
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They also both have that familiar stench of death and decay that you smelled earlier when speaking to the other man.

Noted. I'll put that in my pocket for later when parlaying with Yamel and his clan.

His voice abruptly changes and his eyes glaze momentarily "...IIIIIIII...seeeeeeeeeeee...yoooooooou...." Your Passive Insight is sufficient to 100 % confirm that this wasn't some silly game or ruse by the man. If you ask him about it, he legitimately doesn't know what you're talking about and thinks you're "funnin' with him."

That too. I won't mention it to the man but I'll certainly let Terilion know about it. If he witnessed anything similar, I'd like to know about it.

He begins again as if nothing ever happened and relays that his best guess is that there are 30 or so men up here and less than 1/3 are Yamel's Clan. Most are Clanless. Yamel's Clan are the huntsmen so they're pretty vagabond. They stay near the main cavern entrance so they can hunt and trap game. You can't get there without accessing the main plaza up top and that is where the Fahvenaards (the raiders) and the Clanless (the builders, traders, and planners) set up.

However, he does let you know that the other guy he is with is a Yamel sympathizer and he could probably get a message to him. I'm sure you're going to want to roll an Insight check at some point here...

And yes, the two stories mesh, including the other guy being an admitted Yamel sympathizer.

I'll make an Insight check, but it won't influence my plan. There is zero chance I'm letting this guy run off by himself, even if it seems like he is sincere.

[sblock]Insight + 8. Rolled 19. 27 total. That passes the high DC.[/sblock]

We're going to annihilate the Fahvenaard clan as they seem to be the raiders that set upon Terilion's home. If I'm able to confirm that with either of the men, I would like to try. They're surely the most dangerous as well as they're a clan of warriors and aligned with The Rotting Man. Hopefully the plaza is cordoned off enough that we can take them out without the whole complex coming down on us. After that order of business is completed, then we'll make ourselves to the front of the cavernous complex for parlay with Yamel and his clan. I think I might check to see if the rest of the posse is in place as well as it might serve to give them an update on events and see if they still want a full-on seek and destroy in light of what we've learned. With The Rotting Man and the Fahvenaard clan gone, they might be able to live in peace with the Yamels and the Clanless.

Obviously, they'll need to tell us where the Fahvenaard clan is located and, once we get up top on the plaza, we'll make our way toward that area. Also, if there is specific protocol that they follow regarding their receiving and moving goods, we'll follow that.

If these guys have specific colors or garb on, I'm going to secure it; tunic, cloak and cowl, baldric, etc. We will keep these guys tied up and gagged down here in the shadows. I'll keep my hair tied back and I'll wear one of the mens' loose-fitting tunics so I can look the part of one of their men. Terilion will wear the other one. We will both take a small swig of the spirits and sprinkle some on our necks so we smell the part as well. We'll throw our packs in a pair of wheelbarrows and wheel them up the winding path to the top. My bear will be on the far side of us so we can obscure him from the vision of plaza onlookers. If there is a station where received goods are checked in at or some kind of manifest/ledger that has to be checked and notarized, we will head there.

Not sure how you want to perform this mechanically. Things are pretty desperate here. Its very important that we get this done. I'm sure we'll all lose a Healing Surge here if we fail, so can I spend one of my Healing Surges (I've only got 4 left but we need it) here for 2 earned successes if we succeed at this Group Bluff check? I'll only have 2 left if we fail, but so be it. I'm going to spend Guidance of the Past for my part of the group check as well. I don't know what either of their Bluff checks are but they're both untrained so + 3 minimum. If either of them have a Cha bonus, just correct my totals.

[sblock]Saerie Bluff + 5. Guidance of the Past for a reroll. 14 and 4. That gives me a 19 which passes the medium DC.

Terilion Bluff + 3. Rolled 4. 7 passes nothing...

Drum roll...

Bear Bluff + 3. Rolled 16! 19 passes the medium DC![/sblock]

Let me know what happens.
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Looks like this conflict is for stealthy infiltration into the Fahvenaard Clan's domain. Complexity 1 Skill Challenge and you can have 2 successes for your Bluff/disguise deal in exchange for the spent Surge. That puts you at 3 Surges now.

2/4 successes0/3 failures
1) There is a small area where goods recieved are accounted for for divvying out later amongst the cavern's clans. There is some remedial accounting performed but nothing as fancy as a notarized manifest or ledger. Its primarily performed on an ad-hoc basis.

2) The area where the goods are sorted and accounted for is a small nook, an offset to the main plaza. While it is relatively tucked away, it is still somewhat visible to the rest of the cavern. It is typically manned by 1-3 people. On this particular occasion, it is manned by 2 men who are going through sacks of wild mushrooms, likely collected by Yamel's group on the mountain slopes at higher altitude. These men are busy in their work and as you approach, one of them briefly looks up and points to an open table, off to one side, to place your goods. He then looks back down and goes about his work. It doesn't appear that either of them noticed your line-of-sight obscured bear nor recognize you as anything but members of their "extended family."

* If you aren't going to throw your packs onto the receiving table that was pointed out to you, I'm going to need an Insight check to see if these guys are paying attention enough to notice.

3) Beyond the nook, the plaza continues on to your left some 200 linear feet, terminating in a roughly 400 square foot open living space inhabited by the Fahvenaard Clan. The living spaces are cordoned off a moderate bit by cavern walls, but any rowdy combat in any of the areas would definitely attract attention if not resolved in 3 rounds or less (or obviously if someone gets out and alerts the rest of the occupants). There are tunnels leading deeper in through this area. Per the men you interrogated, those tunnels lead to The Rotting Man's domain at the top of the complex. You can see 7 men occupying various locations in that 400 square foot area. Some are eating, some are sharpening weapons, some are dicing. A timid slave girl mills about, ladling stew into open bowls and filling horns with ale.

4) Beyond that, the main avenue that bisects the plaza ascends gently to the front of the complex. This is where the Yamel clan is and where your main raiding force should be assembled. On the opposite side of the Fahvenaard's is where the Clanless reside in a series of offset caves and tunnels. There are a few men out there committing to various mundane activities; mending breeches or shoes, etc.

Finally, there is a rail track cut into the stone floor at the south end of the cavern that spirals down to the old mining area of the cavern where you chased the man down.

(See the attached map for any reference you need)

Regardless of * what happens at the nook where the goods are sorted, in order to access the Fahvenaard Clan's domain without notice, I'm absolutely going to need a ** Group Stealth check (or something else if you've got a better plan in mind) as you're moving into an area where your bear cannot be obscured to onlookers in the Open Plaza.

Resolve your actions * and ** above and if no complications arise you will have successfully traversed the plaza to the Fahvenaard's lair without your presence being known. Both * and ** are Medium DC. At that point, two of the Fahvenaard Clan have gotten up from their dicing or gaming and have made their way over to a recessed area (the alcove on the left side of the attached map) that appears to drop off into an abyss. They will be standing over that precipce, relieving themselves. It will be a combat and you will have a surprise round against them. One is a Minion and one is a Standard.

If complications arise from * or **, then stop there and I'll let you know what happens.


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* If you aren't going to throw your packs onto the receiving table that was pointed out to you, I'm going to need an Insight check to see if these guys are paying attention enough to notice.


If complications arise from * or **, then stop there and I'll let you know what happens.

Going to spend my Secondary Skill here.

[sblock]Secondary Skill Insight + 8. Rolled 1...9 fails the low DC. - 2 to primary check for Thievery.

Primary Skill Thievery + 9 (-2). Rolled 6. 13 fails the medium DC.[/sblock]

Ugh. Successful Insight check would have clinched it.

Saerie nods to Terilion when the man points out the table to drop their goods. She pulls her pack out of her wheelbarrow and Terilion's pack out of his. She slaps them both down on the table the man pointed out, making a show of pantomiming the relinquishing of the goods. As she does so, she carefully eyes the men to see if they're paying her enough mind to notice when she subtly sleights of hand them back off the table and spins to go in one move...

Except I suck. So...rocks fall, I die?

Except I suck. So...rocks fall, I die?
Not quite, but delay here causes you to lose your ability to get the jump on the two Fahvenaard's relieving themselves in the shadowy, recessed area ahead of you. And you lose a Healing Surge, so 2 left. Fun times.

2/4 successes1/3 failures
"Hey, HEY! You there! No skimming. You'll be putting those back right now or we're gonna have some trouble." When you address the man, you can see that he has pullied out a nasty looking machete from a cubby under the table where he is sorting the bags of mushrooms. The man next to him does likewise. Apparently this has happened enough that precautionary measures are in place. And neither of the men are particularly small. He walks around the table and taps the blade of his machete on the table where he told you to place your packs and he gives you a crooked look.

You can sense the urgency...every second ticking...and a glance behind you reveals that the delay has cost you. The two members of the Fahvenaard Clan have finished releiving themselves and are headed back to their cavern proper.

This is, of course, presuming that you aren't going to do something rash here and/or you aren't ignoring the protests/demands of the men at the goods sorting station. If you do indeed ignore them or commit to something besides engaging these two men, I'll retcon the above as things will invariably be hairy in a different way. Let me know what you're doing.


Let me know what you're doing.

Saerie won't be doing anything rash. I think its time for Terilion and my Bear to show their mettle.

[sblock]Bear Intimidate + 12. Rolled 6. 18 succeeds at the medium DC[/sblock]

Saerie freezes, knowing that any word that she utters will betray her gender, which will in turn betray their ruse. She hears Terilion's voice from behind her as he steps forward.

"We have done far more than our share as of late. I've spent a week out of our haven, hunting rare mushrooms on the edge of a 1000 foot drop and this is how I'm treated? Like a thief? Yamel will hear of this. Or, you can take it up with him..."

Terilion stands aside and lets the menacing visage of my dearest companion come into view. Right on cue, he opens his maw wide, baring his terrible teeth. Both men flinch. The man who stepped beyond his table quickly jumps back behind it, putting it between he and the uncompromising muzzle of the ferocious ursine. He puts the machete back from whence it came and just nods nervously at us, an implicit "ok, move on", his eyes never leaving my bear.

We continue on our track up the wall and toward the Fahvenaard's domain. I curse under my breath that the two easy prey have gotten away from us. This giant cavern is extremely dimly lit, with burning torches or spit-fires only sparingly biting back the inky blackness. In short order we are enveloped by shadow and we skulk toward the entrance to the domain of our hunted.

Group Stealth Check! Wish me luck!

[sblock]Saerie Stealth + 11. Rolled 10. 21 passes the medium DC.

Bear Stealth + 5. Rolled 13. 18 passes the medium DC.

Terilion Stealth + 10. Rolled 8. 18 passes the medium DC.[/sblock]

Alright, all good. We're all in bad shape - low on surges and Bear and I are ailing with that - 1 to all defenses from that Cloud of Pestilential Fangs disease. We've got our APs though and I've got my Fox's Cunning Daily. Hopefully we can take care of these guys quickly. I suspect I'm going to need a map of their lair. I'll go ahead and roll Initiative.

Terilion 26
Saerie 20
Bear 8

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