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D&D 5E hafrogman's Hoard of the Dragon Queen (full)


A long day draws to a close and travel dust lies thick upon you and your companions as you draw near Greenest. But as the road crests the ridge in front of you, there is a sinister glow where you expected the welcoming warmth of Greenest's lanterns and hearths. Fire dances among the town, and thick columns of smoke rise up to the clouds above, filtering and dulling the setting sun. Something large moves among the clouds, and lightning flashes down. Framed against the dying light, you can see figures running through the town, the glint of metal barely discernable at this distance. Still, it is obvious - Greenest is under attack!

Hello, after a long lifetime of being a player, I have begun DMing for my in-person gaming group. In an effort to expand my horizons, I want to start up a game here at ENWorld too. I'm looking to run Hoard of the Dragon Queen. I'm sure it's been run before, many times. So just to be clear, I trust you all, and don't particularly care if you've played through it before or even if you've run it yourself. We're just here to have fun.

What I am looking for: 4-6 players (first come - first served).

Sorry to be a stick-in-the-mud, but I am specifically looking for HEROES. When your character comes across a town under attack by force(s) unknown, your first instinct is to run heedlessly into the fray, seeking to help people. Beyond that, I don't particularly care if your motivation is virtue or vainglory, as long as you can justify your actions and play well with others.

Character Creation:
27 Point Buy
3rd level characters (Fixed HP past 1st level)
Standard starting equipment plus 50gp to spend as you see fit.

I'd like to have the characters have shared history and interconnections. Not everyone has to know everyone, but please find/create a link to at least two other characters, I hope everyone will be flexible and accommodating with their backgrounds to this end. Leave room to fit other people.

As far as Greenest itself is concerned, the adventure does present bonds to tie you to the town if you want to take one (modified as needed for the above), or use it as a base for you own ideas.
[sblock=bonds]1. Leosin Erlanthar, a wandering monk, once saved your life. He’s sent urgent word for you to meet him in a small town called Greenest. Looks like it’s time to pay off that debt.
2. When an orc raid drove your family from your home, the people of Greenest took you in. Anyone who threatens Greenest is your sworn enemy.
3. Every five nights, you have a strange sequence of apocalyptic dreams. The world is destroyed by cold, choking fumes, lightning storms, waves of acid, and horrible fire. Each time, the dream ends with ten evil eyes glaring at you from the darkness. You feel a strange compulsion to travel to Greenest. Perhaps the answer to the riddle of your dreams awaits you there.
4. Ontharr Frume, a crusading warrior and champion of good, is your friend and mentor. He has asked you to travel to Greenest in search of rumors of increasing dragon activity.
5. You have heard rumors that your close childhood friend, a half-elf named Talis, has been kidnapped by a strange group of dragon cultists. Your investigations into the cult have led you to the town of Greenest. You must save her!
6. Being the grandchild of a renowned dragon slayer is usually a good way to impress people, but just last week a gang of ruffians attacked you. You barely escaped with your life, but as you fled, the ruffians told you that the Cult of the Dragon never forgets and always avenges. You’re hoping to lie low in a sleepy little town called Greenest until this blows over.
7. On his death bed, your father confessed that he had become involved with a group called the Cult of the Dragon. They paid him to smuggle goods across the Sword Coast. Wracked by guilt, he begged you to investigate the cult and undo the evil he may have helped foster. He urged you to begin your search in a town called Greenest.
8. The dragons destroyed everything you hold dear. They killed your family and destroyed your home. Now, with nothing but what you carry on your back and a horrid scar of the near fatal wounds you sustained in the attack, you seek revenge.
9. You and your family were members of the Cult of the Dragon, until your rivals in the cult arranged to wipe you out. Though they slaughtered your kin, you survived, but they think you’re dead. Now is your chance for vengeance! Your hit list consists of three names: a human cultist named Frulam Mondath, a half-orc named Bog Luck, and a half-dragon named Rezmir. You have arrived in Greenest, knowing it’s next on the cult’s list of targets.
10. You have a secret. You once were a gold dragon who served Bahamut. You were too proud and vain, to the point that Bahamut decided to teach you a lesson. You have been trapped in a weak, humanoid body, with your memories of your former life but a dim shadow. You remember only one thing with perfect clarity: Bahamut’s command to go into the world and prove your devotion to the cause of good.If you prove worthy, on your death you will return to his side in your true form.[/sblock]Roster:
Forged Fury - Morgan Cavendish, half-elf fighter
kuey1975 - Carad'anoron Isilme, elf rogue
Skarsgard - Agowawere "Hunter" Tsyffonji, human barbarian
Spartain104 - Venndur "Venn" Elkezerai, half-elf warlock
Steve Gorak - Jenivestia "Jeni" Elananthael, elf druid

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Forged Fury

First Post

Name:       Morgan Cavendish
Class:      Fighter (Battlemaster) 3
Race:       Half-Elf
Background: Soldier
Size:       Medium (5'6", 125 lbs)
Gender:     Female
Alignment:  Lawful Good

STR: 16 (+3) Save: +5    HP: 28 (3d10+6)
DEX: 08 (-1)             AC: 19 (Chainmail + Shield + Fighting Style)
CON: 14 (+2) Save: +4
INT: 10 (+0)             Speed:   30
WIS: 12 (+1)             Init:    -1
CHA: 16 (+3)             Passive Perception: 13

Skills:                  Abilities:
Acrobatics         -1    Darkvision
Animal Handling    +1    Fey Ancestry
Arcana             +0    Defensive Fighting Style
*Athletics         +5    Second Wind
Deception          +3    Action Surge
*History           +2    Combat Superiority (4d8/DC13): Distract, Feint, & Rally
*Insight           +3    Student of War (Cartography)
*Intimidation      +5    
Investigation      +0
Medicine           +1
Nature             +0
*Perception        +3
Performance        +3    Military Rank (Officer)
*Persuasion        +5
Religion           +0
Sleight of Hand    -1
Stealth            -1
Survival           +1

Armor: All Armor & Shields
Weapons: Martial Weapons & Simple Weapons
Tools: Cartography, Dragonchess, & Vehicles (Land)
Languages: Common, Dwarvish, & Elvish

Spell Attack Modifier: NA
Spell Save DC: NA
Cantrips Known: None
Spells Known: None
Spell Slots: -/-/-/-/-/-/-/-


Weapon                Attack  Damage     Type  Range
Flail                  +5     1d8+3        B
Handaxe                +5     1d6+3        S  (20/60)
Javelin                +5     1d6+3        P  (30/120)
Dagger                 +5     1d4+3        P  (20/60)

Chain Mail
Hand Axe (2)
Javelin (4)
Lieutenant Rank Insignia
Shattered Goblin Axe Necklace
Common Clothes
- Deck of Cards
- Dragonchess Set
- Book of Military History
- Healer's Kit (10 Uses)
- Cartographer's Tools
- Bedroll
- Mess Kit
- Tinder Box
- Torch (10)
- One Day's Rations (10)
- Waterskin
- 50' Hemp Rope

Money: 10 GP

Personality Trait: I'm always polite and respectful.
Personality Trait: I'm full of inspiring and cautionary tales from my military experience relevant to almost every combat situation.
Ideal: Greater Good, Our lot is to lay down our lives in defense of others.
Bond: I fight for those who cannot fight for themselves.
Flaw: I obey the law, even if the law causes misery.

[sblock=Background]Morgan was the daughter of Sergeant Alistair Cavendish, a respected leader of the Black Tide mercenary company, and Adrie Nailo, one of the Black Tide camp followers. When Morgan was young, Adrie was killed during a campaign when an orc band the Black Tide had been contracted to eliminate infiltrated the rear element of the Company and killed many of the support staff. In the aftermath, Alistair found Morgan hidden under the body of her mother. In respect for the elf woman's sacrifice, Alistair chose to take responsibility for raising the girl.

Once she was of age, Morgan elected to join the Black Tide. Due to her natural charm as well as her long association with and understanding of the workings of the Company, she was made an officer. Leading a platoon of infantry soldiers, she gained a greater understanding of warcraft. Alistair kept her learning continuous by giving her a book of military history and teaching her how to play the game of dragonchess.

Recently, the Black Tide was hired to find the leader of a group of bandits, a half-dragon named Rezmir. It was believed that the bandits had been spotted launching raids from the Hill of Lost Souls area. When the Company reached the area, they moved to engage the bandits, but were ambushed by a dragon from the hill. Staying well out of any danger, the dragon was nonetheless able to break the Company, bathing huge swaths of the battlefield in fire. The bandits swept through the remaining force, and then quit the field, moving out to the south. Alistair Cavendish was among those slain.

Morgan was one of the few survivors of the attack. She found Venn wandering the blasted battlefield, presumably searching for more mysteries. Joined by the scouts Hunter and Carad, they decided to retreat and regroup in Scornubel. When they arrived, they were met by a wood elf named Jeni who was looking for Alistair on behalf of another elf from Greenest. Having little in the way of funds to fall back on, the survivors joined with the elf and began their journey to Greenest.[/sblock]

Future Plans: Multiclass to Bard for a Warlord feel.
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Unless you're looking for a dissimilar group to who you're playing with in Creamsteak's game, I would love to put forward a character, particularly a heroic one.
I certainly have no desire to cut out a bunch of potential players just because I'm already enjoying a game with them.

I figure if nothing else, any heroes put forward should be sufficiently different than the ruthless, criminal and amoral misfits who make up Creamsteak's game. :)

I cannot believe this game isn't already packed solid.

People! Hafrogman is going to make a killer DM. He was a great player for me in Sunless Citadel. Plus, Forged Fury's a great player. Super funny, super on-point.
[MENTION=8858]hafrogman[/MENTION], I can only assume that folks aren't on EN World much during the weekends, and that's why this game hasn't filled up in six hours flat.


I would love to join this, I am thinking a human barbarian
If you wouldn't mind me I'd like to join. I would probably want to do an elven ranger.
Welcome to you both. Feel free to get to work on your characters.

Thank you for your kind words, [MENTION=11146]CanadienneBacon[/MENTION]. I posted on Friday because that's when I got around to it, but yeah, I'll give a bump Monday morning to try and spread the word out more.


First Post
Just created my Enworld account just to join this game. :) Playing a real-life game right now but hey, you can never have too many D&D games...

Would like to play an eladrin rogue (arcane trickster), with a sage background.

Newbie question - How did [MENTION=95059]Forged Fury[/MENTION] create and post the character sheet?
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Forged Fury

First Post
If you click Reply With Quote on my post, it should allow you to copy my character sheet and the formatting code that goes with it. Just Cancel the post after you copy it over and work on it in Word or whatever Word Processing program you have available to you.

Voidrunner's Codex

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