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Why I feel so abysmally let down by the "Ravnica" news...


Magic sales have dipped slightly and dnd sales have risen. Just my guess but they are trying to peanutbutter and chocolate the two brands. Will it work? Who knows, dnd nerds can be stubborn sometimes about settings.

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Li Shenron

I was very surprised by the Ravnica announcement, mainly because I think ENWorld is a top forum for "hardcore" D&D fans and I don't remember anyone seriously asking or wishing for this setting to be supported. That obviously doesn't mean nobody did, just that I don't remember it... at least if it had been a widespread request I should remember it, right?

But that said, I am delighted that they decided to publish 2 settings I have zero interest in. This is just helping me continue to pursue what I want to be my attitude towards D&D for years to come: minimize buying stuff, maximizing playing the game and crafting DIY props.


Ebberon? If I want something steam-punk'ish, I'll play Iron Kingdoms.

Eberron is NOT steampunk, not even a little bit. It is magictech with a post WW1 pulp flavor, which definitely pulls it out of the bog standard D&D pseudo-medieval genre, but it isn't steampunk. People have been repeating that nonsense for 15 years.

Eberron is NOT steampunk, not even a little bit. It is magictech with a post WW1 pulp flavor, which definitely pulls it out of the bog standard D&D pseudo-medieval genre, but it isn't steampunk. People have been repeating that nonsense for 15 years.

It features airships, which are generally associated with Steampunk.


It features airships, which are generally associated with Steampunk.

It features magical flying boats powered by bound elementals, which is decidedly not steampunk. Steampunk is a genre built around the idea that you can have a high tech setting with inductrial revolution era technology -- steam power (of course), babbage engines, and clockwork all feature prominently whether a particular steampunk setting incorporates magic. Eberron borrows a few asthetic elements from steampunk in some of the artwork, but is much more influenced by magitech and pulp fiction.

I mean, it doesn't really matter, especially to folks that won't actually read any Eberron material and decide it is steampunk based on some random artwork, but it's one of those things that bugs me because it is so demonstrably false.

Carvorite, from H G Wells 1st Men in the Moon, is a magical power source for flying vehicles from a novel that is undoubtedly steampunk.

It doesn't have to be powered by steam in order to be Steampunk.

The John Carter stories are often classed as Steampunk, even though it's flying ships are powered by magic. Or if you want something contemporary, The Aeronaut's Windlass (Jim Butcher) is classed as Steampunk by Amazon, but features magic-powered flying ships.

So, I have really mixed feelings about this.

I'll start with Eberron. I never got into Eberron, but I was ok with the concept; Steampunk and Magic. That doesn't bother me so much...it's just a genre I never was interested in.

Now...Ravnica. Tie in to MtG (which I never liked). Strike one. What's the concept? The hook? Join a guild in this big city. Do something. Yay.

I'm having a difficult time understanding the appeal. Most of the big D&D settings have a core theme/concept (Dragonlance was epic fantasy...a world where common people could become extraordinary heroes. Spelljammer was D&D...IN SPAAAACE. Dark Sun was low fantasy where life was a brutal quest for survival). I'm not getting that with Ravnica.

Maybe I just need more information about it? I have no sense of excitement, though.

So yeah...definitely feel you. I was very "meh" about this announcement.


I'm still mightily pissed off that WotC cancelled a book three years ago that no one knew they were making until someone with way too much time on their hands went digging for random information, announced their findings to the D&D world, and everyone invented in their heads what this book that didn't exist was supposed to be.

Glad to see WotC learned their lesson from that and now only announce and produce products that every single one of the millions of D&D players love unreservedly, with a completely and utter 100% satisfaction rating.

It's about time they did that.

Voidrunner's Codex

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