D&D 5E Would you be happy with fixed damage?


Sparkly Dude
I can see where fixed damage might speed up play as not everyone is quick with arithmetic, but I'd still prefer to roll dice.

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Rolling and doing simple math does not slow down the game enough. Without some randomness, the game is much too easy to completely predict and control the outcome of a battle.

Personally yes. In reality I know it probably wouldn't fly with most players. When GMing I usually use fixed damage for monsters.

Fixed damage tends to work better (in the sense that less people have a problem with it) when it's tied to some kind of degree of success mechanic.


For mooks and partly with attacks spells that use too much dice. I.E. if sneak attack critical is 14d6+7 I would roll 4d6+35+7.
simply, roll 4 or 5 dice max, and average the rest of even number of dice.


If there was a campaign where weapons dealt fixed damage, e.g a dagger did 3+STR/DEX points of damage, a greatsword did 7+STR, etc. Would you be happy? Would it take away from the fun of rolling damage for you? Or would you be content if it sped up play?


That is big part of the fun for me, the random element. Taking it away for either players or monsters would ruin the game for me.
I can see its use when Chris Perkins does his public games on the cons. He takes fixed damage sometimes for mobs, so he saves time, and maybe to show to the people that this option exists.
I also see this as a possible method in a campaign with players interested mainly in role-play, and featuring heavy role-play with minimum combat, but even then, if there is so little combat, you can as well dice it out.


For mooks and partly with attacks spells that use too much dice. I.E. if sneak attack critical is 14d6+7 I would roll 4d6+35+7.
simply, roll 4 or 5 dice max, and average the rest of even number of dice.

Thing is, the more dice are to be rolled simultaneously, the less deviation you get with that method, still i love the frightened looks of the PCs to much, when I grab a handful of d10s ...

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