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D&D 5E (IC) Scourge of Daggerford


Angis Honack
Floshin Estates/Pantry
Round 0

As things settled down, Angis returned to his mounted crossbow on the roof, just checking to make sure it was well after the battle. He told the watch to keep it ready, man it if there was trouble, and send for him if needed. Then he went down to get some food and ale, nursing the wounds he still had from the fighting. He paid a visit down to Titus, bringing the boy some food.

OOC: Is this a short rest? Or long? Angis is still down twenty some hit points. He has 2 hit dice and 2 spell slots left. Just wondering which I should use.


Mounted Crossbow: +6 2d6+Dex 100/400
Bolts: 55
Bolts used:

Marauding gnolls (Ardeep Forest, noble hunting party hostage)
Orcs in the north (Harpshield Castle, Floshin Estate, Newfield)
Lizardfolk with steel weapons and armor (Rock Tower, Crom’s Hold)

Free Object Interaction:
Attack 1:

Attack 2:

Bonus Action:

Horde Breaker:

Reaction: Opportunity Attack

Hunter’s Mark, if applicable:

Initiative: +1
Perception: +5
Speed: 30
AC: 14/15 (dual wield)
HP: 35/58 HD: 2/6d10+2

Bolts: 50
Bolts used:
Handaxes: 2/2

1) 1/4 Absorb Elements, Cure Wounds, Hunter’s Mark
2) 1/2 Pass Without Trace
Primal Awareness (cast each spell once per long rest): Speak with Animals, Beast Sense
4/4 Boon of the Elk. Can cast Knock four times (without the loud sound) as an Action. Until he uses the last one, non-good aligned Fey count among his Favoured Enemies.

Vairar - elven cleric
Tommi - human rogue urban bounty hunter
Dandin - halfling bard guild merchant
Angis Honack - dwarven ranger outlander merchant
Lionel - halfling rogue folk hero
Escella - Human sorcerer

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The Daggerfordians ate a small meal, tended their wounds, and caught up on some much-needed rest. It was early-afternoon when they gathered together in the dining hall for a meal and some discussion. The druids had scouted the grounds and could confirm that the orcs had dispersed. The consensus was that the horde had broken into smaller groups, likely returning to their various lands, while the main force had turned toward Harpshield Castle (a ruined place some twenty miles to the north, at the south-eastern edge of the Ardeep forest).

This information led to a discussion of Gnolls in the western part of the same woods. Here, Escella was able to tell the tale of her ordeal and some connections were made to what happened to Titus and Shalendra.

OOC: @jmucchiello please share as much or as little as you like about Escella's ordeal. If you'd rather, I'll do it. In attendance are the PCs, Sir Darfin, Sarel the Raven Druid, and Dornuk the half-orc (and a couple of servants). I'll have Sir Darfin recount his interview with Shalendra after a few of you have posted. Oh! Long Rest. Not quite a level-up yet, though. Normally I'd reward you with one, but I did one just before the last battle. Next milestone.

Escella takes a sip of her drink and sighs as talk of gnolls abounds. During a break in the conversation she speaks, evenly, not too loud, not to soft. Having spent some time with her, you find this is how she always speaks, "When I first started working for Kelson, I was a scout on the road between Daggerford and Waterdeep. It was maybe my third or fourth mission when I disappeared for three months. It seems my movements had not been as unobserved as I had thought. The old me would have some witty statement about this to tell.

"A trap was laid and I fell for it. Or into it. It was a pit, at least thirty feet deep. I definitely broke an arm and twisted my ankle. I lay there in the pit for several days, hungry and dehydrated when a fever overtook me. I remember waking once in darkness. There was a silhouette of a humanoid standing at the top of the pit. I think it spoke to me. I did not understand it. It danced and then something landed next to me. It burned releasing a lot of smoke. I was knocked unconscious by the smoke. The next morning there was a water bottle nearby. I couldn't trust it but I needed water. It was cool and potable. Days passed. Water and food would arrive but my fever continued and I started hallucinating. Every now and then the hallucination was too real to be all in my head. An old gnoll shaman stood at the top of the pit and danced. It would always end with a burning human-shaped doll made of straw landing next to me. The smoke seemed to knock me out every time.

"At the time I had no idea who long this lasted. But eventually the fever broke and my arm and ankle healed sufficiently for me to stand. I waited until the gnoll visited one last time and then crawled out of the pit. I managed to walk back to the road and a kind merchant let lay in the back of his cart. He took me to Waterdeep where I delivered the message I was supposed to deliver three months earlier. In Waterdeep, while waiting for a ride back to Daggerford I discovered I had magic. When I fell into the pit, I had no such ability. I found my way back to Daggerford shortly after that. And once I was strong enough, I took a mission to come to these estates and that's when I met you all."

She pauses in her story to take another sip. "The gnoll shaman was real. And I believe he imbued me with my arcane abilities. But I have no idea why. He never spoke to me when I was lucid enough to understand."

Prickly Pear

Wow! That's incredible... Horrible, yes, but incredible. I am glad that you lived to tell the tale to us now. Lionel looked at Escella with awe. The was an ordeal that he hoped he would never have to endure.
So tell us, Escella. Why have you come back? To look for the shaman?

"I am curious about the Shaman and his motivations," she says flatly. "I wish to thwart the gnoll plans if those plans are not peaceful. But I serve Kelson and he has sent me to aid Lord Darfin."

Vairar listened to the status update on orc movement with interest
"I don't care about gnolls one way or the other. But if the orcs are on the run I guess I can go with you and check that out. But we need to keep in mind the orcs have to fortress relatively close and they are a threat to the region."
And with even more interest the survival story of Escella
"I understand completely. Those evil races take unnatural pleasure in suffering of others and in forcing their views on all. You did well. You survived, now use that time well, what is left of it."


Angis Honack
Floshin Estates/Dining Hall
Round 0

Angis muttered into his beard again at Escella’s story. “Wot’s with ever’one gaein’ t’ evil t’ get magic?” he said, shaking his head. He bit off a healthy bite from a leg of mutton and chewed a moment. “Gnolls’re bad news. Someone shuild check ‘em oot. Might as well be us. An’ th’orcs are tha’ way, tae. Two birds, I say.”


Mounted Crossbow: +6 2d6+Dex 100/400
Bolts: 55
Bolts used:

Marauding gnolls (Ardeep Forest, noble hunting party hostage)
Orcs in the north (Harpshield Castle, Floshin Estate, Newfield)
Lizardfolk with steel weapons and armor (Rock Tower, Crom’s Hold)

Free Object Interaction:
Attack 1:

Attack 2:

Bonus Action:

Horde Breaker:

Reaction: Opportunity Attack

Hunter’s Mark, if applicable:

Initiative: +1
Perception: +5
Speed: 30
AC: 14/15 (dual wield)
HP: 58/58 HD: 5/6d10+2

Bolts: 50
Bolts used:
Handaxes: 2/2

1) 4/4 Absorb Elements, Cure Wounds, Hunter’s Mark
2) 2/2 Pass Without Trace
Primal Awareness (cast each spell once per long rest): Speak with Animals, Beast Sense
4/4 Boon of the Elk. Can cast Knock four times (without the loud sound) as an Action. Until he uses the last one, non-good aligned Fey count among his Favoured Enemies.

Vairar - elven cleric
Tommi - human rogue urban bounty hunter
Dandin - halfling bard guild merchant
Angis Honack - dwarven ranger outlander merchant
Lionel - halfling rogue folk hero
Escella - Human sorcerer

Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
Tommi lifts his glass, as he pokes his side to try to find where the stab wound had been before he was healed.

"Two birds."

He then drains his glass.

Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
Tommi no longer has the key to the cell below, but he hasn't put it back. It's in a drawer in the kitchen, and will probably be found in a day or two in any case. It lies on a wax tablet -- one of the ones that children use for writing, that can be erased with your thumb -- which says "prisoner has spells. not safe" and he thinks about how Sherlen would be proud of him. The note is unsigned, however.

Tommi also no longer has the remains of Orb 5. He has returned the flying thing's parts to the nest that it belongs in, in the disanimated body of Nexium, in the war wagon. The separate parts nestle together, and when Orb is in its nest (is that the right word, he wonders?) it appears only to be at rest.

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