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Dragonlance Dragonlance "Reimagined".

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Espicially on RT. Critics also tend towards snobbery. They look down on "lowbrow" entertainment.

If you want to be in an Oscar contention make a historical drama with a morality theme. Sure as hell you won't see a comedy win an Oscar these days.
So the fact that the reboot got a 95 says what?


So the fact that the reboot got a 95 says what?

It means 95% have it a thumbs up.

If I had to rate it out of 100 though I would give it somewhere in the 70's.

That's still a thumbs up.

BSG us also a rare example of a reboot being better than the original. It's like thatvrare cover song that's better. Doesn't happen often.

RT is essentially trash though and completely useless to determine quality. IMDb is better imho .


I agree that new takes aren't always better (Battlestar Galactica/Caprica & Star Wars sequels, I'm looking at you). Moreso, it's how much change am I willing to put up with?
I loved the BSG reboot.

I agree about Star Wars, though. I still haven't seen episode 9.


It wasn't genocide as such iirc the evil gods tricked the good ones.

Dragonlance is also good vs evil cosmic scale. From a gods PoV the cataclysm could be like amputating a limb that's infected.
Except the limb is actually thousands or millions of thinking, feeling, sentient beings, most of whom had nothing to do the "infection"... and the surgeon is most likely capable of using a precision attack instead of genocide but chose not to.

Cosmic scale alignments and actual morality don't mix.


No, it isn't. You're making an Argumentum ad populum, and I'm showing you the futility of that with an example.
You: Critics are snobs so their low rating of 1978 BSG doesn't count

Me: ok but the critics gave 2005 BSG a 95%

You: Doesn't count because argumentum ad populem

Explain how that's not moving the goalposts please.


It is being implicitly suggested by all the people who flock to new versions of old properties, and by content creators who insist on remakes instead of risking themselves a bit on original work.
You are inferring that, but that is usually not what is being implied. People may enjoy the new things more (tastes are, of course, subjective), but that's not the same as saying it's objectively better.

I like some new things. About half of nu-Trek is good, even great in my opinion. Most if not all the TV offerings for Star Wars are excellent. I don't like everything about new Spelljammer (especially the format and the lack of content), but they nailed the feel of the original.

On the other hand, my distaste for new Ravenloft is well known. Mostly, I'm just tired of people telling me that things I really liked growing up actually suck, over and over again.
OK. What was so great about the old Ravenloft that the new version destroyed to the point that you can never use it again?

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