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When were you introduced to

So, what year were you introduced to the big following things:

Star Wars
Earth sea
Magic The Gathering
Marvel/ D.C

Other big-name geek stuff that I may have left out.

For me my introduction to D&D would have had to be in 2003 or 2002 during high school, Star wars would be in the mid-90s when the special editions came out. I had no clue what earth sea was until Sci-fi did a horrible job, Potter I got into it due to a cousin gifting me the first book. Magic would have to be also during High school so 2003. Marvel/D.C the 90s when the cartoons were happening. Stargate happened when the movie came out.

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He'll flip ya...Flip ya for real...
I was aware of it long before I actually got o play it. I saw a lot of fantasy movies in the 80s and always wanted to play. Though, I did play a good deal of HeroQuest at the time. It wouldnt be until into the aughts and beyond that I would actually play D&D with any regularity.

Star Wars:
Saw these as a kid in the 80's like most kids at the time I suppose. Was inescapable at the time. I had a large R2D2 toy box that was awesome! Was excited for the prequels as a recent high school grad, until I saw them. The J.J. reboots are not as bad, but also not memorable, IMO.

Earth Sea, H.Potter, Magic the Gathering:
I know these things exist but I'm not familiar with any of them. I collected a lot of sports cards as a kid, but as a young man I felt like I was maybe just a little too old to get int0 the card games like Magic, Pokemon, etc..

I collected comics a bit as a kid. I liked the real obscure stuff like ROM and purple snit. Though, I did go through an Xmen, Ghostrider, and Punisher phase. The movies are ok, but im not terribly excited about them.


So, what year were you introduced to the big following things:

Star Wars
Earth sea
Magic The Gathering
Marvel/ D.C

Other big-name geek stuff that I may have left out.

For me my introduction to D&D would have had to be in 2003 or 2002 during high school, Star wars would be in the mid-90s when the special editions came out. I had no clue what earth sea was until Sci-fi did a horrible job, Potter I got into it due to a cousin gifting me the first book. Magic would have to be also during High school so 2003. Marvel/D.C the 90s when the cartoons were happening. Stargate happened when the movie came out.
D&D - 1977
Star Wars - 1977
Earth sea - 1972
H.Potter - 2001
Magic The Gathering - 1996
Marvel/ D.C - 1966

Eff it, I'm old.

Edited to add...

Star Trek - 1966
Battlestar Galactica - Definitely 1978, though I have memories of it being released as a movie in theatres before the TV series was released.

Then we can get into all of the Irwin Allen stuff like "Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea", "Land of the Giants", "The Time Tunnel", "Lost in Space"... That I all saw either when they were released, or just a few years later in early rerun.
Last edited:


D&D would have been 80's.
40K, 90s.
Magic, 94-ish?
Harry Potter, was mostly my sisters thing. I was aware of it, but not interested till my kid wanted to watch them.
Star Wars, 80s we used to watch them every Easter holiday.
Marvel/DC, I had a comic phase in the 80s, my brother kept up with it.

Clearly my nostalgia kicks into the dark age of comics, and various other media at that time period between mid 80s to mid 90s.


D&D - It would have been 1981 I think. Maybe '82. A snowy recess when we were stuck indoors and one kid pulled out a basic rulebook and offered to run a game for us. I think we stole the dice out of the Risk boardgame that was in the classroom and he basically made a bunch of stuff up but I was hooked after that.

Star Wars - 1980 is when I have my first recollection of the franchise. The kids next door had divorced parents and so owned far more of the toys than anyone I've ever known. (My parents tell me that we saw Star Wars in a drive-in. But given that I would have been about 4 at the time I don't really have a memory of it :) )

Earthsea - Read the books in middle school, so it was probably 86 or 87? They made a bit of an impact but I didn't really appreciate them until I reread them for a college "Fantasy Literature" course much later. (The Lathe of Heaven, on the other hand, made a huge impact on my impressionable Middle Schooler mind...)

Potter - Sometime around 1999 people were asking if I'd heard of this Harry Potter franchise so I read the books. I think there were 2 of them at that point. I thought they were fine, and my wife liked it more than I did, so we kept up with the series as it came out.

Magic the Gathering - It was 1993. The comic book / game store owner at the college I attended was very excited about this new "Magic the Gathering" game that Wizards of the Coast was publishing. My entire dorm was insane about the game by the end of that semester. Folks were dropping hundreds of dollars on boxes of boosters. Too rich for my blood - I bought a few decks and some boosters and was mostly competitive except against the guys who had dropped the big bucks on the game.

Marvel/DC - I literally can't remember a time when I wasn't aware of these characters. Superfriends was on perpetual rotation on Saturday morning, Spider-man and his Amazing Friends was there too, and Adam West's Batman was always on in the afternoons. I can't even remember when I started reading comics - it feels like they were always there. My mom loved comics like Little Lulu and various Romance comics when she was a kid, and my uncle loved superheroes, so she actively encouraged us to read them. She would just pick up stacks of comics at garage sales cheap for us to read.


In 1966 this is what passed for comic book TV. This, Thor, The Hulk, Iron Man... They all had the same (barely) animated style. I think they ran on the ABC network.



Mod Squad
Staff member

Late 1982. But it wasn't my first RPG.

Star Wars

Standing in line for Episode IV when it first came out in 1977.

Earth sea

Not sure - sometime in the early 80s, I think. While an excellent work, I don't consider it "big" in the way Star Wars or Trek are.

Several books were out before I read any of them, but I don't recall exactly when.

Magic The Gathering

1993. My first cards were Beta.

Marvel/ D.C

I got into comic books back in the early 80s. I probably watched some of the animated series stuff in the 70s. Saturday morning cartoons, and all that.

Other big-name geek stuff that I may have left out.

Star Trek - watching reruns in the late 70s, I think.
Doctor Who - watching reruns on PBS in the late 70s to early 80s.


D&D 1980
Star Wars 1977
Earth sea 1992ish
H.Potter 2003ish
Magic The Gathering late 90s briefly, again in 2012
Marvel/ D.C 1973


So, what year were you introduced to the big following things:

Star Wars
Earth sea
Magic The Gathering
Marvel/ D.C

Other big-name geek stuff that I may have left out.

For me my introduction to D&D would have had to be in 2003 or 2002 during high school, Star wars would be in the mid-90s when the special editions came out. I had no clue what earth sea was until Sci-fi did a horrible job, Potter I got into it due to a cousin gifting me the first book. Magic would have to be also during High school so 2003. Marvel/D.C the 90s when the cartoons were happening. Stargate happened when the movie came out.
D.C- <1974 (Superman costume and lunchbox in 1974. Adored 1973-4 S1 Super Friends. )
Marvel- <1976 (Spider-Man replaced Superman as my hero of choice. 1967 tv series & on 'The Electric Company' 1974-77)
Star Wars- June 1977
D&D- June 1981 (Boy Scout camp)
Earthsea- 1982-ish (1977 trilogy box set)
Magic The Gathering- spring 1994 (revised editon)
H. Potter- July 2000 (release hype for book 4)

Voidrunner's Codex

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