The "I Didn't Comment in Another Thread" Thread

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Tension, apprension, and dissension have begun
Is that still true in the digital age? (Do they make any that stop and still show a time instead of a blank screen?)
I have an analog clock in my kitchen, so I can track the second hand when I'm cooking. It's less than five years old. If I don't keep the batteries changed, it slows and eventually stops. So, yes, they do in fact still make such clocks.


I have an analog clock in my kitchen, so I can track the second hand when I'm cooking. It's less than five years old. If I don't keep the batteries changed, it slows and eventually stops. So, yes, they do in fact still make such clocks.
My watch does, but my alarm clock, microwave, stove, weather thing wall clock, and my son's watch don't. I'm guessing it is true for the minority of households these days. (Has learning to read such clocks gone the way of cursive yet?).


Tension, apprension, and dissension have begun
My watch does, but my alarm clock, microwave, stove, weather thing wall clock, and my son's watch don't. I'm guessing it is true for the minority of households these days. (Has learning to read such clocks gone the way of cursive yet?).
I agree the majority of clocks people have in their homes are going to be digital--it's much easier to build those into something electronic. I know people still buy analog clocks, but I suspect for a lot of people it's at least as much about the look as it is about the function.

Whizbang Dustyboots

Gnometown Hero
I agree the majority of clocks people have in their homes are going to be digital--it's much easier to build those into something electronic. I know people still buy analog clocks, but I suspect for a lot of people it's at least as much about the look as it is about the function.
Digital wall clocks haven't really improved beyond the "early 1980s digital watch" stage, unless you get a weather station or a connected one that pulls data off the internet, both of which are much more expensive and sometimes still look like crap.

So yeah, if you want a wall clock (which might just be an old person thing), it's going to be analog.


I agree the majority of clocks people have in their homes are going to be digital--it's much easier to build those into something electronic. I know people still buy analog clocks, but I suspect for a lot of people it's at least as much about the look as it is about the function.
I have a Kienzle wall clock from my grandfather I need to get repaired. The only repair shop in our metro area can't make a replacement part it needs, so some week this summer I will hoperfully be driving it to one that's a couple hours away so that they can give it a try.


I have a Kienzle wall clock from my grandfather I need to get repaired. The only repair shop in our metro area can't make a replacement part it needs, so some week this summer I will hoperfully be driving it to one that's a couple hours away so that they can give it a try.

I will also note that I have never had a winding key from a digital clock spin around at half the speed of light and try take my fingers off when a part broke. :)


I don't believe in the no-win scenario
I have an old regulator clock I built when I was in middle school a billion years ago. every couple of years it annoys me because it uses C size batteries. The only thing in all of existence ive ever seen need them.

Thomas Shey

I have an analog clock in my kitchen, so I can track the second hand when I'm cooking. It's less than five years old. If I don't keep the batteries changed, it slows and eventually stops. So, yes, they do in fact still make such clocks.

Same, for much the same reason. I've also got one in my bathroom, because I ordered one for the kitchen that ended up being much smaller than I thought it was, and thus not useful for where I was going to place it.

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