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Recent content by jollyninja

  1. jollyninja

    Gnomes Are Monsters! [merged!]

    Look, gnomes have lairs and henchmen named Francis, end of story. We should not bow to their terrorist like tactics.
  2. jollyninja

    Developing a "points of light" campaign setting

    I picture the POL ideal as european countries after Rome left them to their own devices. Sure some of them held together to an extent but what was happening in germany had little or no bearing on the life of someone in Brittian. For the vast majority of people on the southern end of a country...
  3. jollyninja

    A Formal Apology

    My favorite thing about that thread, which I encourage everyone to read with Archangel_Zero's intent in mind, is that I remember seeing hundreds of posts exactly like that before the release of third edition, without the whole "attempt at humor" thing. The more things change......
  4. jollyninja

    I need a Gnome!

    The only gnome that matters can be seen here: http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/toon/20071219a Ironically they have given me a base personality for gnomes, something they themselves had failed to do for the last three editions, in their announcement that Gnomes were being replaced by...
  5. jollyninja

    Is World of Warcraft creating a desire for more role-playing in D&D?

    as to the original topic. A friend of mine has been GMing for two decades of hacking and slashing fun through module after endless module with trips to town being more of a chance to heal and sell stuff then to interact with the populace, unless the populace were going to attack you. over the...
  6. jollyninja

    D&D 4E Does anyone agree with me about 4E?

    flame, flame, flame, threadcrap, flame!
  7. jollyninja

    D&D 4E Does anyone agree with me about 4E?

    This user is clearly just trolling as it is simply not possible that the new edition might bring a new user here. Everyone with a valid opinion must have been here at least as long as me and have at some point traded emails with eric noah over the validity of a 3e scoop.
  8. jollyninja

    D&D 4E Does anyone agree with me about 4E?

    bah woodless gaming is the only true way. If you were not such a devolveed gamer you would know that. the hobby trancended wood when the game that nobody played from that company that immediately went under but you can download off some guy's geocites page was released.
  9. jollyninja

    D&D 4E OK OK. A *NOT* negative thread from me re: 4E

    Well, I love the seeming focus on character abilities over shiny new toys. I also like the simplified stat blocks, though I've been running 3.X for as long as it's existed without ever fully statting a monster. It'll save space in the MM for more monsters. The designers willingness to rethink 30...
  10. jollyninja

    D&D 4E Does anyone agree with me about 4E?

    despite my assurances that you would never see me sully my reputation by being associated with the likes of you, I have returned only two posts later!
  11. jollyninja

    D&D 4E Does anyone agree with me about 4E?

    I feel the need to weigh in despite having nothing of interest to add to the conversation, furthermore if you look in another thread, I'll be contradicting the thing I just said. Also, no matter what happens, I hate everything that I don't love. I'm leaving this forum forever and never buying a...
  12. jollyninja

    How does it feel to be duped by WotC?

    God forbid they try to make the game more fun. How will my players ever be able to count my cieling tiles again? Will they forget the spot on my wall at which they stare so uninterestedly at? Will I never hear the standard "I hit three times for 53 points of damage" again? Edit: the most...
  13. jollyninja

    No Hit Dice!? WHAT!?

    As a point of note Razz, if you are genuinely never switching, you're not part of their customer base anymore and they shouldn't feel any need to care about you.
  14. jollyninja

    No Hit Dice!? WHAT!?

    ZOMG THE PUBLISHING COMPANY WANTS TO SELL (gasp) BOOKS! i'M NEVER GONNA BUY IT, NEVER! Seriously though, this lines up with everything we had heard was coming and yet the sky remains above us. Looks like a usable stat block to me, having the standard information needed for a fight with the...