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Recent content by PlotDevice

  1. PlotDevice

    [UNPAID][Art wanted]RPG Charity: New Product: Soliciting Art

    kewl! Email me and I will show you where we are up to and what we need. Warm regards, Evan
  2. PlotDevice

    [UNPAID][Art wanted]RPG Charity: New Product: Soliciting Art

    Give us an email now, and I'll let you know where the group is up to at the moment... Thanks! Evan
  3. PlotDevice

    RPG Charity: What Should I call this Product?

    Most definately, Adam, the more the merrier! Will email you in a minute. :) Warm regards, Evan
  4. PlotDevice

    RPG Charity: What Should I call this Product?

    Heh. Hey Joe, I just saw Before Level One in your sig and took a look. Looks like a bit of crossover there. I think I am going in a different direction that what you have indicated in your blurbs however. Email me if you want to chat about crossover / cross promotion options... Thanks again, Evan
  5. PlotDevice

    RPG Charity: What Should I call this Product?

    Well, that is a clear winner. I will check on this thread in a week or so just to make sure, but I think I have a name now. Thanks everyone. Evan
  6. PlotDevice

    RPG Charity: What Should I call this Product?

    Well, this is going in an interesting direction so far. Thanks for all the input! little feats *snort*. Thanks for the offer Fraser! I am hoping that this product might have avenue for spin offs, so keep that channel open! :) Warm regards Evan
  7. PlotDevice

    RPG Charity: What Should I call this Product?

    Heh. Too Scoobie Doo I recon. ;) And yes, that is the very essense of Transient Traits: Feats, Skills and Abilities that are only relevant for children. More to it than that of course, but that is the essense of this style of ability. Thanks again Evan
  8. PlotDevice

    RPG Charity: What Should I call this Product?

    :lol: Well, all I have to say to you is: Imagine the poor parents of the 6 month old prospective sorcerer who has taken 7 levels of the Precocious Transient Talent in Charisma based magic... and can cast 1st level spells. * Well, the preferences of people are all over the shop so far. Seems...
  9. PlotDevice

    RPG Charity: What Should I call this Product?

    Hi all! I am writing a new product to be released under the RPG Charity label, all proceeds to go to Oxfam. It will be a fairly hefty mod to the d20 base rules for a rather specific purpose: Characters from birth till they get to adulthood. Lots of stuff to do, have gotten a few artists to...
  10. PlotDevice

    Publishers, Piracy, and You

    By this kind of logic, it is OK to offer free downloads of scanned PDFs of all the books you buy because you are not making a profit. Be careful where your logic leads. What strikes you as morally OK on a small scale does not make it ethically right (or legal). On a small scale, sure, who...
  11. PlotDevice

    Publishers: Why'd you name your company what you did?

    So. Cool. I think Zarathustra is even cooler, but yields too many bad jokes. who spake these rules, anyhow? PS I have been saying 'the the' in my head for so long, I am so glad it is a Was not Was kind of thing. I love this thread. PPS Been a while since I encountered that binary joke. Gave...
  12. PlotDevice

    [UNPAID][Art wanted]RPG Charity: New Product: Soliciting Art

    cool! yes, computers and scanners are hard to send via email. Most inconvenient... ;) But art will be received with much thanks! Warm regards, Evan
  13. PlotDevice

    [UNPAID][Art wanted]RPG Charity: New Product: Soliciting Art

    Heya Charke! Nice to *read* you again! I have a fairly specific set of ideas I am working on for this one, and they are currently swirling in my head. I don't think I can divvy out the writing this time around. If that changes I will let you know. Thanks a heap for the offer, though. Maybe...
  14. PlotDevice

    [UNPAID][Art wanted]RPG Charity: New Product: Soliciting Art

    Hi everyone. I am thinking of putting out another RPG Charity product, to try to draw people back in to the other couple done this year, and make a bit more dosh for OxFam. I won't go into the details of the product here, save that it will be d20, fantasy genre, will involve youth...
  15. PlotDevice

    Publishers: Why'd you name your company what you did?

    I was originally going to name it Motive Force after a sci-fi/psycho drama game I wrote for a Con in Australia in the 90s... MoFo tends to get misunderstood though. I didn't want to say 'publishing' or 'games' because I had no idea what I was going to do with it. And I have a lot of ideas about...