• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Recent content by Waldorf

  1. W

    4E is unacceptable

    4e ain't all that bad; I haven't had cause to use the A-bomb in years...
  2. W

    WotC to Revise D&D 4th Edition GSL and SRD

    For better or worse, Wotc is starting to resemble TSR more and more.
  3. W

    Licensees not going to 4e because of poor sales?

    The marketplace speaks volumes. Go to Amazon and read the reviews for the 3e PhB. Now read the ones for the 4e PhB. Take from that what you will.
  4. W

    3rd printing of core books?

    ... and a slightly different font, a few more things in bold, a few slightly different explanations for certain things, and yes, the errata. Also, I somehow doubt the print run was that large since publishers love to chirp about multiple prints of any given book.
  5. W

    What are people doing with their 3.x colletions?

    Since I will be playing 3.5 for years to come, I guess I'll be keeping it.
  6. W

    Let's Spitball a Hypothetical Situation---WOTC Discontinues D&D--What Happens?

    I'll tell you what happens. I hang on to my 3.5 books even more tightly, buy up whatever books I still don't have from Amazon and/or eBay, continue to play with my buddies on a weekly basis, and finally run the Age of Worms. Which is to say, nothing in my universe will change. But a crappy...
  7. W

    Let's Spitball a Hypothetical Situation---WOTC Discontinues D&D--What Happens?

    4e tanks? No big surprise there. Everyone would still have their 3.5 books. Everyone would keep playing. Ebay would keep people in books indefinitely.
  8. W

    Gleemax is Dead

    Gleemax remains the dumbest name I have heard for anything in the last few years. Its collapse does not bode well for the company. I suspect 4e is not too far behind.
  9. W

    When is D&D Insider actually launching?

    Don't hold your breath.
  10. W

    4th Edition is New Coke

    There, I said it.
  11. W

    D&D 4E Just played my first 4E game

    This is most intelligent post I've seen in weeks.
  12. W

    Against the Giants picture gallery is up!

    I see some huge uncommons that will fit nicely into my collection. Other than that, this set blows.
  13. W

    4E Poorly Rated on Amazon...

    Heh. I playtested 4e. If I could give it less than one star, I would.
  14. W

    Does Wizards want Greyhawk to fail?

    The current management of Wotc has done more damage to Greyhawk than I ever could.