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Marvel Comics (X-MEN) Days Of Future Past {OOC}

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Rogue Warrior
Looks like there is definite interest!

Work on some backgrounds for me and I will get you the specifics on character generation.


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kid A

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i'm totally interested in playing this!!! been waiting a long time to play a days of future past game! i'll post a character idea today!

-kid A


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The idea i have is to play a young athlete, still in college, have some difficulty with his studies have grades just high enough to pass, but is performing just too great in sports, like football, hockey and athletism. Would that be possible to know a bit more on the setting of the city you want to play, to give me some idea.

For the powers of that mutant, I was thinking to give him Super=Constitution and Running (with the flaw Tiring), maybe giving him some swimming and leaping too, but not sure... I will see after the background have been wirtten.


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Character Background

Character Background:

Not sure what you need so I'll just wing it.

Name: Symmetric Cipher
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Height: 5'4"
Weight: 170lbs
Hair: Blondie
Eyes: Red

Raised on the streets of Boston, Mass. Lost Mother to drugs never knew father. Was adopted and moved to Smallville, Ohio. Stayed in school, thanks to parents and school staff. Excelling in both academics and sports. Not very
social,likes to fight. Has no girlfriend as of yet.

(He sure would like some sweet powers, not like "Take form of water!"..BAM..water :(

Let me know if you need anything else. :]


First Post
Ability to heal myself and others (Wolverineish)

Power absorbtion by touch for a short time. (Rogue with a twist)
So basically I can heal you but, at a price.
You'll lose your powers for a short time.

Above average strength

Can turn entire body to flame with the ability to fly (Human Torch)

See I'm not asking for too much :] = (snikt face)
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I aim to misbehave
I've got a stat block from an older game that has since died. Here is the character and some power ideas.

Lorenzo Reynolds
Lorenzo Reynolds is a senior at high school, sliding his way though. Slacker, the authorities say, but the kids all love him. He’s friendly, thoughtful, and a heck of a lot of fun to be around. Tall (at 6’2, 225lbs), athletic (but without the attitude), and good looking (without actually acting like it), Zo mixes with all of the clique’s equally and no one really resents him for it.

His parents are still married and both carry full time jobs. His mother is a real estate agent and his father is a stock broker in town. Zo fell into an easy part time job as a salesman/product tester at a local computer store. Zo drives an old Monte Carlo that is in excellent shape to work and to school. Zo is an only child living in a wonderful home on the outskirts of town (the wealthier area, but not the ‘elite’) – and loves every minute of it.

Powers: Super Charisma, Luck, other misc.


Rogue Warrior
Nice Characters Keia and Unicron.
Diverse powers and backgrounds so far, very cool.

I am working on some npc stats trying to determine the power level of the characters. Hopefully I will have something tomorrow.

In the meantime, keep the great ideas coming!!



First Post
recicling is getting a habit of mine here. Somehow I have dozens of characters from dead games that never made it past the first page.

Jennifer Allen
The nice, a bit naive, fun loving girl from next door. Reasonably popular at school, from a family without any serious money problems and of course with an anoying younger brother that keeps telling he dad then she wants to go on a date.
(hint: yep that's the very short version;), will work on it then I get back this eve. )
-Powers: Absorbtion with the healing and energy blast extras. That combiantion makes her very tough but essentialy a passive character cause she has no powers if she isn't attacked.

kid A

First Post

here's my character idea:

Name: Eleyna Robertson (aka "Pressure")

Background: Eleyna Robertson was a junior in high school, majoring in psychology and working hard to continue her education at a good college. A straight-A student, she studied a great deal, but still made time for extra-curricular activities. Eleyna's voice was second to none in Smalltown, where she involved herself in the high school chrous. She loved to run, which resulted in her impressive cross-country and track records. Volunteering at local hospitals and homeless shelters enriched her life and made her feel as though she was giving back to her community. In addition, Eleyna cherished her family and friends. She would bend over backwards for any of them, most of the time ignoring her own needs to meet the needs of others. All in all, Elena was a very happy young woman.

Inside, however, Eleyna had some deep-rooted problems. As the years went by, Eleyna worked harder and harder at school, struggling to keep up with all of her homework, extra-curricular activities and friends. She began to build up expectations for herself in her head. Expectations that were impossible to attain, and yet she still felt as though everyone wanted the best of her. In her junior year, Eleyna began to experience severe headaches, and pain in her chest and abdomen. As if the pain weren't enough, she also began to suffer from the embarrasment of regular nosebleeds. Finally, on the day of her PSAT, Eleyna blacked out. She awoke to find herself in the hospital, having suffered from major internal hemmorrhaging. The doctors could tell her family nothing of what caused the problems except that they believed it to be stress-related. Eleyna was ordered to reduce her load of extra-curricular activities, and to get plenty of rest.

This changed her life drastically. The medical bills from her hospital visit had taken a toll on her family's finances, for which she blamed herself. Becoming less involved with the activities she loved also depressed her. Her depression began to show in her performance in school. Her grades dropped and she started becoming reclusive. Her family physician recommended that she see a psychiatrist. She longs for her life of only one year ago, to be active in her school and involved in her community, however she fears for her health and the financial toll it has on her family.

What Eleyna doesn't know is that her mutant powers are beginning to manifest themselves. She does not realize that she has the mutant ability to manipulate pressures to alter the physical world around her as well as inside her body. Her low self esteem, high expectations of herself and inability to deal with stress ultimately caused her powers to manifest, increasing her blood pressure and causing several major veins and arteries to pop. She does not know that if continues living without learning to control her powers, she presents a major threat to herself and the world around her. She does not see the irony that while she has the ability to control physical pressure and stress, she has a deeply rooted problem with controlling her own emotional stress. Eleyna Robertson is in a great amount of danger.

Powers: Eleyna has the ability to alter pressure in the physical world. This allows her to increase the internal and external pressure of her body, giving her a super-human strength. She can also alter air-pressure, allowing her to "fly" for short periods of time. In addition, she can alter the pressure or stress of any person or object, but only through physical contact.


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Name: Kyle Graham
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 140 lbs
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Hazel

Background.: Kyle never knew his parents, growing up with his Uncle Chris and Aunt Kari. The only thing he recalls of his father was a tall man with a serious face built like a wall of muscle.
Recently though he is starting to suspect that his father might have been a hero or villian from the 20th Century before the fall. His Aunt/Uncle won't clarify it but hinted that might be the case.
Family history aside, what little there is of it, he's had a fairly typical childhood and teen years. His talent for computers and electronics in school has drawn a few offers from some schools such as MIT and UC: Berkley, and only his hijinks in technical pranks and knack for improvizational acting (he's particularly good at voices)
Recently though he's found that he could 'feel' how some folks were different in an intangible way than others. After a little investigation (and the hacking of the school computer system) it turned out that he could 'feel' the people who were registered as 'anomolous'. The worried him, since it meant that he was most likely a mutant himself, but he had seen sentinels before and they hadn't attacked him.
Then there was the morning of his 15th birthday when he woke up as someone else. Well at least for a little bit. Since then, in the month or so since that incident occured, he's discovered that he can shift shape with difficulty and that somehow he can sense mutant signatures, shift shape and somehow doesn't register as a mutant.

Powers: Invisibility to Mutant Detection (Nano-based, a 'gift' from his father), Mutant Detection, and Shapeshifting (with difficulty because the nanites that screen him interfere with his power, making him slow to shift and possibly (gm's decision) burning it out. As a result of his full awareness of his body he has slightly higher than normal strength, agility and regeneration.

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