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Dry Spell

Vigwyn the Unruly

First Post
Round 2

Eolan rushes forward to engage the gnoll nearest him at the gap to the left of the stone wall. He meets it at the gap and hacks at it with his bastard sword. The blow opens a dark gash on the gnoll’s forearm, and bright red blood rushes forth.

Hardin moves his giant body up and over the stone wall, positioning himself on the other side of the gnolls from Slyfen. One of the gnolls takes advantage of Hardin’s vulnerability as he moves over the wall, but the battleaxe is no match for Hardin’s armor. Hardin hopes that this position will make it virtually impossible for these two gnolls to retreat.

Slyfen, now flanking a gnoll with Hardin, takes aim and stabs at the stinking beast. Unfortunately, the gnoll has turned its attention back to Slyfen, and is able to block the elf’s rapier with his heavy steel shield.

Belisha finishes her spell, and a marvelous celestial giant bombardier beetle appears next to one of the gnolls between Hardin and Slyfen. The beetle immediately proceeds to unleash a cloud of acidic gas, engulfing both of the gnolls in this area. They are overcome, and writhe in pain as their eyes and hide burn! Impressed with the result, Belisha draws her crossbow, and moves into the room to get a better shot at one of the gnolls. Her loyal guard dog stays at her side, preparing to bite any gnoll that attacks her.

The gnoll engaged in combat with Eolan brings down his battleaxe, but Eolan deftly pulls back at just the right moment, avoiding the rusty blade. Similarly, Hardin avoids the attack of one of the gnolls between him and Slyfen. Unfortunately, the final gnoll has more success. With a grunt he brings his battleaxe down forcefully onto the glimmering golden carapace of the celestial beetle. A hairline crack in its shell results—and the beetle surprises everyone by responding with a pained, insectile shriek. The gnoll, alarmed as much by this disturbing sound as by his position between three opponents, steps to the side away from it.

End of Round 2

OOC Notes:

Delays until after Hardin’s turn
Oil of
magic weapon in effect for 2 more rounds

Moves 10’
Bastard sword 1h hits (AC 15, Atk roll 18 + 6 = 24)
3 damage (Dmg roll [1d10+2] 1 + 2 = 3)
gnoll 1 reduced to 8 hp

Moves 35’ provoking AoO from gnoll 3
You now have
magic weapon for 20 more rounds
shield of faith for 19 more rounds
bull’s strength for 18 more rounds
enlarge person for 5 more rounds
divine favor for 4 more rounds, and
protective ward for almost 1 hr

Gnoll 3
Battleaxe misses (Hardin AC 17, Atk roll 7 + 3 = 10)

Rapier flanking sneak attack misses (gnoll 3 AC 15, Atk roll 6 + 6 + 2 = 14)

(I’m ruling that you started the full-round action [casting
summon monster II] as the second part of your actions last round [as a standard action], so you can finish the spell now as the first part of your action in this round [as a standard action]. The beetle’s place in the initiative order will be right before yours, and you have only a move action left in round 2. This ruling is an exception—from now on, full-round actions will need to take place in a single round, not be spread out across rounds.)
Completes casting
summon monster II

Giant Bombardier Beetle
Round 1 of 3
Acid spray encompasses gnolls 2 and 3
Gnoll 2
Fails Fort save (DC 15, die result 8 + 4 = 12)
4 damage (Dmg roll [1d4+2] 2 + 2 = 4)
gnoll 2 reduced to 7 hp
Gnoll 3
Fails Fort save (DC 15, die result 10 + 4 = 14)
3 damage (Dmg roll [1d4+2] 1 + 2 = 3)
gnoll 3 reduced to 8 hp

Moves 10’, drawing crossbow

Readies an attack against anyone threatening Belisha

Gnoll 1
Battleaxe misses (Eolan AC 15, Atk roll 10 + 3 = 13)

Gnoll 2
Battleaxe misses (Hardin AC 17, Atk roll 4 + 3 = 7)

Gnoll 3
Battleaxe hits (GB beetle AC 16, Atk roll 20 + 3 = 23) critical threat
No critical hit (Verifier roll 11 + 3 = 14)
4 damage (Dmg roll [1d8+2] 2 + 2 = 4)
GB beetle reduced to 13 hp
5’ step

OK, PC actions for Round 3 please!


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Belisha fires at Gnoll 1. She continues to ask the beetle to attack Gnoll3. "I hope my crossbow skills are still good," she says to herself.

Vigwyn the Unruly

First Post
Round 3

The confusion of the battle mounts quickly. Eolan and the gnoll continue to attack each other in the gap to the left of the low wall. Each takes advantage of the cover provided by the wall, however, and neither is able to land a blow.

Belisha gets in on this action as well. She aims her crossbow, saying to herself, “I hope my crossbow skills are still good.” Alas, the shot is off! The bolt hits the low wall instead of the gnoll, and falls broken to the ground. She continues to direct her celestial beetle to attack. It unleashes another cloud of acidic gas, again encompassing both of the gnolls fighting in the northern end of the room. But, showing incredible fortitude, neither is harmed by the acidic gas this time. The dying orc beside Belisha continues to bleed.

Hardin moves into a position that will allow Slyfen to make a flanking attack. However, his own attack is off. He finally has the chance to swing his boulder-sized warhammer, and he misses! “For Moradin’s sake!”

Slyfen takes advantage of Hardin’s new position by stepping up to flank a gnoll. Drat! His attack is off also!

The gnolls in this melee, relieved to have been spared, split up so the golden beetle will be unable to target them simultaneously again. They swing at Hardin and Slyfen with their battleaxes, but their luck is no better than the party’s.

End of Round 3

OOC Notes:

Bastard sword misses (AC with cover 19, Atk roll 5 + 6 = 11)

5’ step NW
Warhammer misses (Gnoll 3 AC 15, Atk roll 4 + 8 = 12)
You now have
magic weapon for 19 more rounds
shield of faith for 18 more rounds
bull’s strength for 17 more rounds
enlarge person for 4 more rounds
divine favor for 3 more rounds, and
protective ward for almost 1 hr

5’ step N
Rapier flanking sneak attack misses (AC 15, Atk roll 3 + 6 + 2 = 11)
Oil of
magic weapon in effect for 1 more round

Orc 1
Does not become stable (10% chance, die result 49%)
Loses 1 hp (+1 from last round too)
orc 1 reduced to -5 hp and is still dying

GB beetle
Round 2 of 3
Acid spray encompasses gnolls 2 and 3
Gnoll 2
Makes Fort save (DC 15, die result 20 + 4 = 24)
Gnoll 3
Makes Fort save (DC 15, die result 18 + 4 = 22)

Crossbow into melee misses (AC with cover 19, Atk roll 2 + 4 – 4 = 2)
Bolt damaged (50% chance, die result 46%)

Readies an attack against anyone threatening Belisha

Gnoll 1
Battleaxe misses (Eolan AC with cover 19, Atk roll 7 + 3 = 10)

Gnoll 2
5’ step SE
Battleaxe misses (Slyfen AC 16, Atk roll 10 + 3 = 13)

Gnoll 3
5’ step NW
Battleaxe misses (Hardin AC 17, Atk roll 6 + 3 = 9)

PC actions for Round 4 please!


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Belisha sighs. "Obviously my crossbow skills are still a tad.. awful." Realising she's trying too hard she drops her crossbow on the floor, takes out a scroll of magic missile and cast it if she can this round. She will have two missiles strike gnoll 1 and one missile strike gnoll 2.

Vigwyn the Unruly

First Post
Round 4

Eolan continues to struggle with the gnoll on the left side of the room. He attempts to push it back from the wall so he can get a better angle of attack at it. The gnoll, while unable to take advantage of Eolan’s risky move, steels himself and fights off the attempted bull rush.

Hardin continues to have terrible luck in the battle. He swings again at the gnoll brave enough to maintain its engagement with him. But again the swing goes astray. He begins to wonder if all this spell power was spent for naught.

Slyfen has only a few seconds left of the effects of his oil of magic weapon. Seeking to take advantage of it, he again strikes at the gnoll engaged with him. This time, the rapier finds its mark! As he is hit in the chest, the gnoll abruptly stops and makes a strange choking noise. When Slyfen removes the blade, the gnoll slowly looks down at the new wound, and deep red, thick blood begins to ooze out.

The celestial giant bombardier beetle beside them turns his attention to the gnoll fighting Hardin, he charges and strikes with his powerful mandibles. The gnoll screams in shock and pain as the golden hooks sink deeply into his flesh. The party is a bit surprised at the display of violence from the glorious creature. Belisha has indeed summoned forth a formidable example of the celestial beetle.

However, reacting to her recent unsuccessful ranged attack, the wizard sighs. "Obviously my crossbow skills are still a tad.. awful." Heartened, though, by the success of the beetle, she decides to go back to magic. Dropping her crossbow, she ruffles through her scrolls and retrieves a copy of magic missile. She quickly reads the writing on the parchment and sticks her hand out. A green missile of magical energy rushes forth and strikes the gnoll in melee with Eolan, knocking the wind out of him.

Gathering his strength, however, the gnoll brings his battleaxe down on Eolan’s leg. The axe head doesn’t stop until it hits bone, and Eolan is filled with burning agony.

The gnoll engaged with Slyfen, gestures to the large pile of rocks in the back of the room and cries out a few syllables in a language none in the party understand. He then takes one last pathetic swing at Slyfen. The elf easily sidesteps the attack, and the weight of the falling battleaxe brings the dying gnoll down to the floor after it.

The gnoll engaged with Hardin and the beetle sees this, and his eyes grow wide with fear. Apparently responding to the dying gnoll’s cry, he turns and makes a break for the rock pile. However, before he makes it even 5 feet, Hardin’s enormous warhammer crushes him against the cave wall. His dead, broken body leaves a red trail of blood as it slides down the wall to slump on the cave floor. “Praise be to Moradin!” cries the dwarven cleric. “Let the stone drink his vile blood!”

End of Round 4

OOC Notes:

Attempts bull rush, provoking AoO
Battleaxe misses (AC 15, Atk roll 6 + 3 = 9)
Eolan Str check result 8 + 2 = 10 vs. Gnoll Str check result 20 + 2 = 22
Bull rush fails

Warhammer misses (AC 15, Atk roll 3 + 8 = 11)
You now have
magic weapon for 18 more rounds
shield of faith for 17 more rounds
bull’s strength for 16 more rounds
enlarge person for 3 more rounds
divine favor for 2 more rounds, and
protective ward for almost 1 hr

Rapier hits (AC 15, Atk roll 18 + 6 = 24) critical threat
Critical hit! (verifier roll 10 + 6 = 16)
7 damage (critical Dmg roll [2d6+2] 4 + 1 + 2 = 7)
Gnoll 2 reduced to 0 hp and is disabled
Oil of
magic weapon in effect until just before your turn next round

Orc 1
Fails to become stable (10% chance, die result 80%)
Loses 1 hp
orc 1 reduced to -6 hp and is still dying

GB Beetle
Round 3 of 3
Charges gnoll 3, provoking AoO from gnoll 2
Gnoll 2 declines to make AoO, as he is disabled
Charging bite hits (AC 15, Atk roll 14 + 4 + 2 = 20)
5 damage (Dmg roll [1d4+3] 2 + 3 = 5)
gnoll 3 reduced to 3 hp

Drops crossbow as free action
Retrieves scroll of
magic missile as move action
Activates scroll as standard action
This is a 1st level scroll, so you only get 1 missile
Missile strikes gnoll 1
5 damage (Dmg roll [1d4+1] 4 + 1 = 5)
gnoll 1 reduced to 3 hp

Readies an attack against anyone threatening Belisha

Gnoll 1
Battleaxe hits (AC with cover 19, Atk roll 18 + 3 = 21)
7 damage (Dmg roll [1d8+2] 5 + 2 = 7)
Eolan reduced to 4 hp

Gnoll 2
Battleaxe misses (AC 16, Atk roll 9 + 3 = 12)
Loses 1 hp
gnoll 2 reduced to -1 hp and is dying

Gnoll 3
Attempts to move E, provoking AoO from Hardin and GB beetle
Hardin warhammer hits (AC 15, Atk roll 19 + 8 = 27)
18 damage (Dmg roll [2d6+9] 4 + 5 + 9 = 18)
gnoll 3 is dead

PC actions for Round 5 please!


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First Post
Slyfen sees that the one remaining gnoll has struck Eolan and goes to help out.

(Move to flank Gnoll 1 with Eolan and attack with Rapier)


Belisha shouts "Stop! He could tell us more information!" She starts going through the languages she knows, starting from Common/Orc/Draconic, basically saying "Give up! We will spare you! Surely your bugbear leader is not worth dying for!" She will make the beetle approach the Gnoll and snap it's menacing jaws threateningly but not attack it.

Vigwyn the Unruly

First Post
Round 5

Eolan continues to swing at the gnoll who is keeping him in the front of the chamber. He lands another blow with his bastard sword. The gnoll staggers on his feet, and is very close to dropping. He can barely move.

Belisha shouts, "Stop! He could tell us more information!" In Common, Orc, and Draconic, she implores the gnoll to give up. "We will spare you! Surely your bugbear leader is not worth dying for!"

However, the gnoll does not respond, giving no sign that he even understands her pleading.

Slyfen creeps up behind the gnoll, studying his back and waiting to see what he will do. As the gnoll raises its battleaxe for one final attack, Slyfen strikes! He sends his rapier traveling between the gnoll’s ribs, dropping the beast to the ground at Eolan’s feet. Eolan looks up at the elf and smiles. “Thanks…”

Meanwhile, Hardin has clamored back over the wall to the dying orc by the chamber entrance. “Don’t worry, Belisha, I can keep this one from dying. We can then tie him up and bring him back to consciousness. I believe you and Slyfen know his filthy speech. The two of you ought to be able to get something out of him. He’ll be grateful to be alive, given the speed with which Eolan unceremoniously dispatched him.”

End of Round 5

With the battle over, Hardin holds his hands over the dying orc by the chamber entrance, and says a small prayer to his deity. The orc, while still unconscious, stops bleeding and becomes stable. A few seconds later, Hardin shrinks back down to his normal size. However, he still gives off an impression of supernatural strength.

Eolan volunteers to go back out to the pack mule and retrieve his rope and curing potions.

OOC Notes:

Bastard sword 1h hits (AC with cover 19, Atk roll 16 + 6 = 22)
3 damage (Dmg roll [1d10+2] 1 + 2 = 3)
Gnoll 1 reduced to 0 hp and is disabled

Moves 35’
You now have
magic weapon for 17 more rounds
shield of faith for 16 more rounds
bull’s strength for 15 more rounds
enlarge person for 2 more rounds
divine favor for 1 more rounds, and
protective ward for almost 1 hr

Moves 30’ SW
Rapier flanking sneak attack hits (AC 15, Atk roll 10 + 6 = 16)
6 damage (Dmg roll [1d6+2d6] 1 + 4 + 1 = 6)
Gnoll 1 reduced to -6 hp and is dying

Orc 1
Fails to become stable (10% chance, die result 85%)
Loses 1 hp
orc 1 reduced to -7 hp and is still dying

GB Beetle


Gnoll 1
Fails to become stable (10% chance, die result 57%)
Loses 1 hp
gnoll 1 reduced to -7 hp and is still dying

Gnoll 2
Fails to become stable (10% chance, die result 44%)
Loses 1 hp
gnoll 2 reduced to -2 hp and is still dying

cure minor woundsorc 1 raised to -6 hp and is dying, but stable
The talking and casting took a couple of rounds, so
You now have
magic weapon for 15 more rounds
shield of faith for 14 more rounds
bull’s strength for 13 more rounds
protective ward for almost 1 hr, but
enlarge person has ended and
divine favor has ended

The gnolls continue to die.


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