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[Grim Tales] Slavelords Of Cydonia [full]

Old One

First Post
PC Data revised/updated on the first page...I think I got everything except for my little black book...er, medical journal...yeah, that's it ;)!

As far as skill mix goes, while it is important to have a good mix of skills, I think it is more important to play something you will get into (IMO). Brigitta can at least find stuff (Search +8) and Pick Locks (Disable Device +11)...but she isn't much good at sneakin' around ;)!

~ OO

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T. Rawley Sutton

Alright. Almost done. I just lack one feat. Any suggestions? I was leaning toward Mounted Shot, but I think I want one that's more in line with is 'new life.'

NOTES: I bumped DEX with the picture bonus. I noted the Empathy bonus with skills but didn't add it in since it's conditional (more to remind myself than anything). Added the untrained with synergy skills so I could remember them too. I added a .22 pepperbox pistol, but not sure what the stats on that would be. One of those shoot and run kinda guns when things get tight.

Do we used action points to activate any Talent? Or did I misunderstand?
T. Rawley Sutton

Dedicated 3
Reputation +1
Action Points:
Speed 30 feet
Initiative +2

STR 8 -1
DEX 14 +2
CON 12 +1
INT 14 +2
WIS 15 +2
CHA 10 +0

Hit Points: 17
MDT: 12
BAB +2
Defense +2

Saving Throws
Fort +3
Ref +3
Will +4

Core Skills (ranks)

Bluff 5 (5) (+3 with Empathy)
Craft (Writing) 8 (6)
Gather Information 7 (5)
Handle Animal 5 (5) (+3 with Empathy)
Knowledge (Streetwise) 7 (5)
Profession (Newspaperman) 4 (2)
Ride 8 (4)
Search 7 (5)
Sense Motive 10 (5) (+3 with Empathy)

Untrained w/ Synergy:
Diplomacy +4 (+3 with Empathy)
Sleight of Hand +4
Appraise +2 (+4 for writing)

Languages: English, Spanish, Portuguese

Armor Proficiency (Light, Medium)
Shield Proficiency
Simple Weapons Proficiency

1st Level
Personal Firearms Proficiency
Skill Focus (Sense Motive)

2nd Level
Mounted Combat (Dedicated)

3rd Level

Intuition (3/day)

Colt .45 Peacemaker (Colt SA Army Handgun)
D 2d6, Range 30.
.22 Pepperbox
?? -
Hunting knife
1d4, 19-20 x2
Messenger bag (writing materials, extra ammo, comb, pomade, jerky, tobacco, rolling papers, matches, coins)
Saddlebags (extra ammo, canteen, extra food, extra clothes, other survival junk)
Bedroll (2 blankets)
Outfit (town) (Black suit with white shirt and black string tie, hair pomade, hand-tooled Mexican boots with silver trim and Sun device, gray short-brimmed Stetson)
(trail) (Dungarees, heavy shirt, undershirt, suspenders, gray short-brimmed Stetson, work boots - coat and longjohns as per the season)


First Post
Final: Joshua Hambrick

Name: Joshua Hambrick

Joshua Hambrick grew up in Appalachia, the son of a well-to-do family of horse breeders. Restless, he went off to war as a mounted scout. Disillusioned after the war, he went to a seminary, rejected his birthright, and is now a humble, circuit-riding preacher.

Strength 9 (-1)
Dexterity 14 (+2)
Constitution 10 (+0)
Intelligence 13 (+1)
Wisdom 15 (+2)
Charisma 12 (+1)

Class Progression:
Fast 2
Dedicated 1

Skills (All Core), synergies & equipment bonuses not included:
Animal Handling +5 ranks +1 Cha +1 Empathy Feat = +7
Craft (leatherworking) + 5 ranks + 1 Int = +6
Knowledge (religion) +4 ranks +1 Int = +5
Diplomacy +1 rank +1 Cha +1 Empathy Feat = +3
Profession (husbandry) +5 ranks +2 Wis = +7
Riding (ground) +5 ranks +2 Dex = +7
Spot +5 ranks +2 Wis = +7
Sense Motive +1 rank +2 Wis +1 Empathy Feat = +4
Survival +5 ranks +2 Wis = +7

Armor Proficiency (light)
Mounted Combat
Personal Firearms Proficiency
Point Blank Shot
Simple Weapon Proficiency


Other Stats:
BAB +1
Base Fort +1
Base Ref +2 +2 Dex = +4
Base Will +1 +2 Wis = +3
Defense +5
Reputation +1
HP 17

Suit Pockets: Pocket knife (1d2?), Pocket watch, & Matches
Horse with saddle, tack, large saddlebags
Bedroll w/spare suit
Coil of Rope
Hunting knife w/sheath, 1d4 19-20
Matched pair of revolvers w/gun belt, 2d6, 50 rounds
Writing kit: steel pen, ink bottle, paper
Leather repair tools
Machete w/sheath, 1d6 19-20


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Wulf Ratbane

Solomon Cane's short bio should be the template you all follow. It is short, yet descriptive, without tying my hands.

I would like for everyone to have their characters finalized today, and please post the final version to the latter parts of this thread with FINAL: (YOUR CHARACTER NAME) in the subject-- just to make sure I grab exactly the right one.

I'm looking forward to getting started.

Wulf Ratbane

ragboy said:
.22 Pepperbox

Six cylinder.

Range 20, d6.

Hunting knife
1d4, 19-20 x2

I've allowed others to have a larger (d6) Bowie knife, which you can also have, if you want. This blade seems a little shorter and might be easier to conceal.

I should also mention you'll all have machetes before we start...


First Post
Wulf Ratbane said:
Solomon, one minute your pics are there, the next minute they're gone.

Are you still looking for a good pic?

Just editing on the fly.

If you use just one on character sheet, use the first one (jpg title "...-1").

Wulf Ratbane

Fenris said:
Edit: Found a good mini, still looking for a decent image, but the minin captures him well.

Fenris, in a pinch, I can deal with the mini-- but I would prefer a picture.

How's this guy grab you?


(And yes, you'll probably be a Colour Sergeant... fits the Tough/Charismatic profile, I think!)

I am sure if you do some google image searching you can find more vets of Rourke's Drift, in particular, that will be well suited to what you want.

This guy's a bit ponce for my tastes.


Fine choice if you like Fat Bastard.

Henry T. Reed, known to his fellows as "Stinky."

Heck, that whole website is dedicated to 19th century photography. Everybody could probably find something there.
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