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The Great Sidekick Showdown! Nominate Here


57: VIR COTTO- Babylon 5
Vir was initally assigned to Babylon 5 as an assistant to Ambassador Londo Mollari - another Centauri of noble descent. The Ambassador's position was at first considered a joke to the Centauri government. As a result, the assistant's position was not considered a particulary important or prestigious position. At the time, Vir was an embarrassment to his family, and his family arranged for him to be assigned to this position as a means of getting him as far away from them as possible.


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58: Lt. DAVID CORWIN- Babylon 5

Lieutenant (J.G. - junior grade) David Corwin is a technician in Command and Control, or the Observation Dome, on Babylon 5. Early in 2260, he received a promotion to full lieutenant (roughly equivalent to captain in the army) - previously, he had been a junior grade/2nd lieutenant.


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We're nearly halfway there, today's max is 5 nominations.

Tomorrow the nominations will be unlimitted. I hope to have 128 by the time I arrive in Indy.

59. Wesley (Buffyverse) - Wesley began Angel as a mild-mannered geek and turned into knowledgable sidekick to angel by season's end.


Wesley became a character unrecognisable when compared to the first time he burst onto the scene in Buffy the Vampire Slayer. The rigid watcher, brought in to aid Buffy, was, a first, a clueless and insecure wimp. Having left Sunnydale to pursue a career in rogue demon hunting, he soon came across Angel and Cordelia in LA, a place where he was to stay and call home.

Wesley is a favourite among fans and it’s easy to see why. His character went through a massive transformation throughout the five seasons. In the most disturbing plot twist, Wesley kidnapped Angel’s son, Connor and upon discovery, he was alienated from the group in which time, he grew darker and darker. Circumstances brought the group back together and Wesley soon earned Angel’s trust once again, and he became the vampire’s right-hand man. Not only good with research, Wesley was savvy with strategy, too, but his most powerful attribute was the ability to understand, trust and respect Angel. The feeling was mutual the pair fought side-by-side for the greater good.

60. Virgil - WWE - The Million Dollar Man's butler for much of his wrestling career, he helped in when many belts.

Virgil was the stereotypical black butler to the million dollar man. He rarely wrestled (and when he did he jobbed).

61. Teal'c - Stargate - Member of SG1, has used his knowledge of other worlds and his raw power to be an assett to the team.

Much of SG-1's knowledge of the Goa'uld comes from the Jaffa Teal'c, a strong and dependable warrior who defected to the Tau'ri after realizing they could be the key to freeing his species from slavery to the Goa'uld. His name means "strength." Teal'c is a Jaffa -- a human used by the Goa'uld as an incubator for infant Goa'uld parasites. Teal'c was not joined with his Goa'uld, but carried one in larval form within his belly. He is more than 100 years old (101 in Season Four's "The Light"), and his long service to the Goa'uld has made him knowledgable of language, enemies, races, technology and more.

Often silent, Teal'c's presence is often stronger without words. A single raise of an eyebrow can make many crumble to their knees. Though it may not always be apparent, Teal'c is frequently amused, and is a passionate man.

62. Leo - (Charmed) Magical Angel like being to the charmed ones, he is the one whom they often call on for guidance and healing when things are dire.



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Sent to me via email by my gf (whom can not figure out how to register on enworld (disgruntled gibbering... but anyway) .

Her Quote
"IF you're going to spend time during our gencon vacation on that stupid forum I at least want to nominate some people."

63. Drusilla (Buffyverse) - Sire to Spike and Spawn of Angel, she was devious and plotting as she played second fiddle to spike, angel and darla.

Drusilla was mortal and living in London when Angel first came across her in 1860, as she was confessing her sins (she'd been having premonitions) at Church. Angel slowly drove her mad by killing her family and friends and convincing her that she was the spawn of Satan. She was almost killed in Prague by an angry mob which left her sickly and weak, and Spike, her lover of over a century, brought her to Sunnydale to restore her health. Angel's blood, as her sire, was needed to complete the ritual, but Buffy and the gang arrived in time to stop it before he was killed. Nonetheless, it had been enough time for Drusilla to be restored to health, although the Church they were in collapsed on her and Spike, reversing their roles as he was left in a wheelchair while she was fit and strong. Once she was restored, she had the demon known as The Judge assembled so he might destroy the world, but Buffy stopped them before they could accomplish the plan. When Angel lost his soul and joined forces with Spike, Drusilla and he enjoyed a particularly cruel flirtation in front of the devoted Spike and finally pushed him to join forces with Buffy to stop Angelus so that he might get Dru back. Dru killed Kendra by hypnotizing her and subsequently slitting her throat, and she also used her hypnotic talents on Giles, convincing him that she was Jenny Calendar to get him to reveal the key to wakening the demon Acathla and destroying the world. Spike overpowered Dru during the final battle between Buffy and Angel and she was last seen unconscious in Spike's car driving out of Sunnydale. However, she has left Spike twice since then, once for a Chaos Demon and once for a Fungus Demon, saying that Spike wasn't evil enough for her. She eventually turned up again in LA at the behest of Wolfram and Hart, Angel's rivals, to turn her resurrected grandsire, Darla, back into a vampire. Spurred by nostalgia, she returned to Sunnydale to attempt to patch things up with Spike, only to have Spike reject her in favor of his unrequited love for Buffy.

64. Ethel Mertz (I Love Lucy)- The first televised female sidekick- she often followed naively into Lucy's plans.

Vivan Vance played a significant part in the history of television as Ethel Mertz, best friend to Lucy of I Love Lucy. She defined the role of second banana, paving the way for future female sidekicks.
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Mad Hatter said:
Wait, Wes was in the hero showdown. I don't think he should be allowed here.
Wes was nominated in the hero forum but was put out in the first vote. I think he's spent most of his career as a sidekick to Angel (and before faith) as opposed to someone whom isthe "hero" of the show.

Don, I think putting Scully as sidekick to Mulder is pretty controversial. She was his partner and equal.

Also, was Elle Driver and other assasins from Kill Bill sidekicks or should I put them as leading ladies?


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Melkor said:
Don, I think putting Scully as sidekick to Mulder is pretty controversial. She was his partner and equal.

Also, was Elle Driver and other assasins from Kill Bill sidekicks or should I put them as leading ladies?
Ok, I'll exclude skully

I would say elle is a sidekick but not the others. She is seen in many seens with bill so I"d allow it.


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65. Hyatt - Excel Saga


The sidekick of Excel, she might have taken over the position were it not for her constant habit of dying. Luckly she seems to get back up again after effort of others to save her life. She also seems to have more blood than any other anime character. She is soft spoke and shows more insight into most matters than Excel.

In the anime, she hails from Mars as a princess brought by the puchuus, a race of extraordinarily ugly creatures who can apprear to be ultra-cute. Their purpose seems as unclear as her goals in the series.


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