• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

A Season of Bones


First Post
Round 2:

Ja'Cart Roars in delight as all of the enemies on the top of the pyramid are blasted into the air, hitting the ground like so many chunks of wet meat. As they start to stir on the lower steps, he leaps off the 3rd level of the pyramid into the thick of them, shredding his claws deep through the raider on each side of him from neck to nuts. He then buries a clawed foot in the abdomen of the templar that was unfortunate enough to land near the walking butcher shop.

Wrenching his leg out of the victim as he sees the 2nd raider is laid open quite wide, Ja'Cart uses the energy to spin around, with a mighty uppercut inspired rake of his bloody claw. His inestines hit the ground as one half of him falls away from the pyramid to the lower level, while the other half fall backwards, hitting the ground in a pair of sickening splats.

Spraying the rest of the raiders, the templar and himself in a fine mist of blood and sending a fountain of red bits and various liquids into the air for all to see, Ja'Cart spins back around face the remaining four as he screeches at them again. "You should have begged for the executioner's axe. It would have been the merciful way out."

[sblock=Actions]Free: Speak, Flurry of Blows vs R2 for 8.
Minor: none
Move: steps up to L,5 then Jump=17 to (J,3).
Standard:[url=http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2672086/]Thri-Kreen Claws vs AC: R2=22, 1d8+8=16, R1=18, 1d8+8=10, T4=26, 1d8+8=15[/URL] [/sblock][sblock=Ja'Cart]Ja'Cart—Male Thri-Kreen Monk 3, Reach 2
Initiative: +5; Passive Perception: 12, Passive Insight: 12; low-light vision
HP: 34/34, Bloodied: 17, Surge: 8, Surges left: 8/8
AC: 19, Fort: 15, Reflex: 16, Will: 14
Speed: 6
Action Points: 0/1, Second Wind: Not Used, Milestones: 0

Stone Fist Flurry of Blows
Dragon's Tail
5 Storms
Telekinetic Grasp

Open the Gates of Battle
Thri-Kreen Claws
Eternal Mountain

Disrupting Advance
Masterful Spiral
Supreme Flurry

Ja'Cart[/sblock][sblock=OOC]at first I thought Daran's attack did the damage to all of them. That would be sick.

Damage Totals:
R2 16+8=24 (dead)
R1 10 (Bloodied)
T4 15 (Bloodied)[/sblock]

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ooc: Just a quick status update after Ja'Cart's turn. WD is up!

[sblock=Battle Info]
T Defenses: AC 16 Fort 15 Ref 14 Will 11
A Defenses: AC 15 Fort 14 Ref 13 Will 12
R Defenses: AC 16 Fort 13 Ref 14 Will 13

T1 HP: 36/36
T2 HP: 15/36 Condition: Bloodied
T3 HP: 0
T4 HP: 14/36 Condition: Bloodied

Thrast (C1) HP: 0
C2 HP: 0
C3 HP: Yield
C4 HP: Yield

R1 HP: 18/39 Condition: Bloodied
R2 HP: 0
R3 HP: 39/39
R4 HP: 39/39

A1 HP: 12/29
A2 HP: 29/29
A3 HP: 29/29
A4 HP: 29/29

Daran HP: 40+8/40
Muzdum HP: 33/43
Jalaan HP: 29/39
Ja'Cart HP: 34/34[/sblock]

[sblock=Current Initiative Order]
Please post in initiative order whenever possible. If it's your turn and you don't chime in for a day or two, I may skip you.


Walking Dad

First Post

Jalaan steps back from the adept and focuses his mind of the vilest nightmares he ever had, sending them to the other psion like a telepathic javelin. With a quiet sigh, the enemy psion falls down, dead, with blood spilling from his mouth, ears and eyes.


Move: Shift to N12
Standard: Mental Trauma (1d20+6=17, 3d8+5=11) vs A4
AP: Mind Thrust Augment 2 (1d20+6=12, 2d10+5=19) vs A4, +5 from vulnerability
Total damage: 35 -> dead

Immediate Interrupt: Use Intellect Fortress against first attack that hits, but would miss, if I use the power.

[sblock=Mini stat block]
Perception: 16 Insight: 11 Low-light Vision
AC 17 Fortitude 13 Reflex 15 Will 16
Initiative: +1
Hit Points: 29 / 39 Bloodied: 19
Temporary Hit Points: 0
Resist: Fire 6
Saving Throw: -
Action Points: 0 Second Wind: 1
Healing Surge:9 Surges per day: 8 / 8
At-Will Powers: Thought Projection, Dishearten, Mind Thrust, Betrayal
Encounter Powers: Infernal Wrath, Psychic Surge, Distract, Send Thoughts, 2/4 Power Points, Intellect Fortress
Daily Powers: Mental Trauma



While Ja'Cart crouches among the raiders, they all stab viciously at him, but his incredible reflexes allow him to take only minimal damage from the attacks. However, the raiders manage to shove the thri-kreen into the pair of templars at the base of the pyramid.

The templars attack Ja'Cart as well, but a daring dodge forces the templars to overextend themselves and miss him. One of the templars sees an opportunity to challenge Daran at the peak, but the damage he accrues on his way up from the raiders' wary blades makes the templar effectively worthless. When the templar reaches his destination and sees Daran prepared to strike him dead, the templar drops his sword and plunges to his knees. "Yield," he cries.

[sblock=Actions this turn]
R1 attacks Ja'Cart - misses.
R3 attacks Ja'Cart - misses.
R4 attacks Ja'Cart - hits for 6.
R4 slides Ja'Cart to I2.
R1 slides Ja'Cart to H1.
R4 moves to K5.

T1 attacks Ja'Cart - misses.
T2 attacks Ja'Cart - misses.
T4 moves to H7, takes two opportunity attacks.[/sblock]

[sblock=Battle Info]
T Defenses: AC 16 Fort 15 Ref 14 Will 11
A Defenses: AC 15 Fort 14 Ref 13 Will 12
R Defenses: AC 16 Fort 13 Ref 14 Will 13

T1 HP: 36/36
T2 HP: 15/36 Condition: Bloodied
T3 HP: 0
T4 HP: 2/36 Condition: Bloodied, Yield

Thrast (C1) HP: 0
C2 HP: 0
C3 HP: Yield
C4 HP: Yield

R1 HP: 18/39 Condition: Bloodied
R2 HP: 0
R3 HP: 39/39
R4 HP: 39/39

A1 HP: 12/29
A2 HP: 29/29
A3 HP: 29/29
A4 HP: 0

Daran HP: 40+8/40
Muzdum HP: 33/43
Jalaan HP: 29/39
Ja'Cart HP: 28/34[/sblock]

[sblock=Current Initiative Order]
Please post in initiative order whenever possible. If it's your turn and you don't chime in for a day or two, I may skip you.



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Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Daran raises an eyebrow. Yield!? Not while you're crowding my space, fool! Lucky for you, I've go other things to do. With that, he once again flung his axe against the pyramid. It throws the wounded adept off his feet, almost killing him, and once again throws the rest off the ground! As the templar lands amongst the raiders again, he calls You really shouldn't have sold those chums out to those druids![sblock=Actions]Concussive Spike Augment 2 again vs A1: Hit for 7 force damage, knock A1 prone, and push all but M: A3->G13, A2->H13, T4->H3. Minor: Gloat and maybe sow some dissent: Bluff 22[/sblock][sblock=MiniDaran]Daran—Male Half-Elf Ardent|Battlemind 3
Initiative: +3; Passive Perception: 10, Passive Insight: 12; low-light vision
HP: 40+8/40, Bloodied: 20, Surge: 10, Surges left: 11/11
AC: 17, Fort: 32, Reflex: 35, Will: 30
Speed: 5
Action Points: 0/1, Second Wind: Not Used, Milestones: 0
Power Points: 2/4

Concussive Spike
Demoralizing Strike
Unnerving Shove
Battlemind's Demand
Mind Spike

Wild Surge
Brash Strike

Implanted Suggestion
Psionic Vigor
Ardent Surge
Wild Focus

Voda Vosa

First Post
"Seems ye can keep yerself up 'ere, I'll go hack 'ome o' di raiders!" Like a child in a toy shop, Muzdum darts forward, enjoying every moment of the fight, axe up, gauntlet closed in a fist, towards the cluster of raiders. The raider just manages to move out of the train-of-a-dwarf, but Muzdum charge impact hits him anyways.
Muzdum stops and grabs the other raider from the neck with his free hand, and crushes his neck under his huge hand. "Ye not goin' anywhere!"

Move to J5: Use pass forward if somehow he provokes to avoid provoking.
Harrier's ploy: 14 vs R4 AC for 33 dmg Miss for 16 dmg, and if the target moves, Muzdum can shift 2 as a reaction.
AP: Bash and Pinion: 19 vs R3 AC, hits for 15 and grabs R3, slides it to K4 and -2 to his attacks while grabbed.

Seeing Muzdum leave Daran unprotected, two of the psionic adepts manage to race up the face of the pyramid, their hands crackling with purple flame, and together, they shove Daran back with an overwhelming mind blast. Their wounded ally stands roughly, cradling his bloodied stomach, and claims the peak!

[sblock=Actions this turn]A2 and A3 move up the pyramid.
A2 attacks Daran with "Whelm" - misses.
A3 attacks Daran with "Whelm" - hits.
Daran takes 11 damage, is pushed to F6, and is knocked prone.

A1 stands up and takes the peak. A1 is king of the pyramid for now.[/sblock]

[sblock=Battle Info]
T Defenses: AC 16 Fort 15 Ref 14 Will 11
A Defenses: AC 15 Fort 14 Ref 13 Will 12
R Defenses: AC 16 Fort 13 Ref 14 Will 13

T1 HP: 36/36
T2 HP: 15/36 Condition: Bloodied
T3 HP: 0
T4 HP: Yield

Thrast (C1) HP: 0
C2 HP: 0
C3 HP: Yield
C4 HP: Yield

R1 HP: 18/39 Condition: Bloodied
R2 HP: 0
R3 HP: 24/39 Condition: Grabbed, -2 attacks
R4 HP: 23/39 Condition: Harrier's Ploy

A1 HP: 5/29 Condition: Bloodied
A2 HP: 29/29
A3 HP: 29/29
A4 HP: 0

Daran HP: 37/40 Condition: Prone
Muzdum HP: 33/43
Jalaan HP: 29/39
Ja'Cart HP: 28/34[/sblock]

[sblock=Current Initiative Order]

[sblock=King of the Hill]A1[/sblock]


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First Post
Round 3:

Ja'Cart's acrobatics landed him farther from the top of the pyramid than would have liked. The undamaged templar in front of him look at the kreen's wound smuggly, his bloodied ally bolstered by his teammate's presence. "You like smiling at death do you?" The monk sinks one of his claws into the preening templar's shoulders by the neck, and with his other he cleanly tears his arm off at the socket.

Dropping the severed arm in the sand, he jabs his claw back into large opening in the side of the armor. The wet crunch of ribs snapping can be heard all the way to the first ravening row of spectators as he releases the disbelieving opponent. He shifts back up to the edge of pyramid, between the spurts from the templars torso, closing once again with the wounded raider from the previous round. "Now. Where were we?"

[sblock=Actions]Free: Speak, Flurry of Blows vs T1 for 8.
Minor: none
Move: shift to (I,2).
Standard:http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2672086/Open the Gate of Battle vs T1=26, 3d10+5=22 [/sblock][sblock=Ja'Cart]Ja'Cart—Male Thri-Kreen Monk 3, Reach 2
Initiative: +5; Passive Perception: 12, Passive Insight: 12; low-light vision
HP: 28/34, Bloodied: 17, Surge: 8, Surges left: 8/8
AC: 19, Fort: 15, Reflex: 16, Will: 14
Speed: 6
Action Points: 0/1, Second Wind: Not Used, Milestones: 0

Stone Fist Flurry of Blows
Dragon's Tail
5 Storms
Telekinetic Grasp

Open the Gates of Battle
Thri-Kreen Claws
Eternal Mountain

Disrupting Advance
Masterful Spiral
Supreme Flurry

Ja'Cart[/sblock][sblock=OOC]without magic items, the prospect of dealing a crit really loses its luster. I so wish I could have just killed that guy outright, only needed 6 more to rip his heart out through his arm hole. :devil:

Damage Totals:

T1 22+8=30 (Bloodied)[/sblock]

Walking Dad

First Post

Seeing the other enemy psions rushing the top and pushing away the half-elf, Jalaan moves also forward, concentrating his immense hate and contempt on them. One of them could erect a psychic shield fast enough, but the other was hit and the bloodied enemy falls down, nearly dead. Not a real king of the hill...


Move: Move to M10
Standard: Dishearten (A1, A2, A3) (1d20+6=11, 1d20+7=15, 1d20+6=8, 1d6+5=8)
Messed up bonuses. Jallaan gets +1 racial vs A1, not A2. Both are hit, but not A3. 8 psy damage (A1 out) and A2 also gets a -2 on attacks untol Jalaan's next turn.

Immediate Interrupt: Use Intellect Fortress against first attack that hits, but would miss, if I use the power.

[sblock=Mini stat block]
Perception: 16 Insight: 11 Low-light Vision
AC 17 Fortitude 13 Reflex 15 Will 16
Initiative: +1
Hit Points: 29 / 39 Bloodied: 19
Temporary Hit Points: 0
Resist: Fire 6
Saving Throw: -
Action Points: 0 Second Wind: 1
Healing Surge:9 Surges per day: 8 / 8
At-Will Powers: Thought Projection, Dishearten, Mind Thrust, Betrayal
Encounter Powers: Infernal Wrath, Psychic Surge, Distract, Send Thoughts, 2/4 Power Points, Intellect Fortress
Daily Powers: Mental Trauma



[sblock=ooc: Regarding crits]When you roll a crit, you get an extra d6 damage per plus of enhancement bonus. So for future reference, when you roll a crit, you get +1d6 damage (for now). Sorry if I didn't mention this earlier.[/sblock]

Upon seeing their comrade annihilated by Jalaan's psychic blast, the remaining templars drop their weapons and retreat to the edge of the arena, crying "Yield!" as they run.

The raider next to Ja'Cart deals him a hefty blow, bloodying the thri-kreen and sending him reeling backward. The raider then climbs the pyramid to get behind Muzdum as its allies prepare a counterattack against the dwarf...

Both the other raiders' attacks miss widely as Muzdum raises his weapon to deflect the slow incoming strikes. Muzdum tightens his grip on the wriggling enemy, forcing the raider to hold his position.

[sblock=Actions this turn]T1 and T2 yield and retreat.

R1 attacks Ja'Cart - hits - 14 damage.
R1 pushes Ja'Cart to I1.
R3 and R4 attack Muzdum - both miss.
R3 attempts to escape Muzdum's grab - fails.

[sblock=Battle Info]
T Defenses: AC 16 Fort 15 Ref 14 Will 11
A Defenses: AC 15 Fort 14 Ref 13 Will 12
R Defenses: AC 16 Fort 13 Ref 14 Will 13

T1 HP: Yield
T2 HP: Yield
T3 HP: 0
T4 HP: Yield

Thrast (C1) HP: 0
C2 HP: 0
C3 HP: Yield
C4 HP: Yield

R1 HP: 18/39 Condition: Bloodied
R2 HP: 0
R3 HP: 24/39 Condition: Grabbed, -2 attacks (vv)
R4 HP: 23/39 Condition: Harrier's Ploy

A1 HP: 0
A2 HP: 21/29 Condition: -2 attack (wd)
A3 HP: 29/29
A4 HP: 0

Daran HP: 37/40 Condition: Prone
Muzdum HP: 33/43
Jalaan HP: 29/39
Ja'Cart HP: 14/34 Condition: Bloodied[/sblock]

[sblock=Current Initiative Order]

[sblock=King of the Hill]None.[/sblock]


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