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[LPF] Lost Imperium


Pirvinia von Lichenstein, Human Female


Pirvinia led her black roan outside and mounted up with the others. She moved her horse into the center of the group, not wanting to be up front. However her tiny bird Mazi would make an excellent scout during their travels.

Before they got too far down the road, she cast a protective spell to shield her from physical harm should they be ambushed in the forest.

“So, these forests are dangerous then. We should be careful and prudent as we travel.”

“I think Brother Goswald should maybe ride between me and Samad, while I follow behind Garadh and Quillian as they ride just behind Tsaaruck.”

[sblock=Mini-stats]Privinia von Lichenstein
+8, Perception: +5 (7 with Mazi)
AC: 13 (17 w/ Mage Armor) (Touch 13, Flat-footed 11)
26 Current: 26
12, Fort: +3, Ref: +3, Will: +5 (Add +1 to Saves with Resistance)
Conditions in Effect:
Eschew Materials, PBS, Precise Shot, Ring of Sustenance, Mage Armor

Weapon in Hand:
Spells Remaining:
1st Level: 7(5)/7, 2nd Level: 4/4

+2 Senses: low-light vision; Perception: +12
18 (Touch 16, flat-footed 16)
13 Current: 13
Fort: +0, Ref: +4, Will: +6
Conditions in effect:
Improved Evasion, Empathic Link
Weapon in Hand:
Bite [Att: +8, dmg: 1d2-5(1 non-lethal)][/sblock][sblock=Crunch]Using 2 Mage Armor spells with 4 hour duration to cover time traveling.
Mazi will frequently scout around and ahead every few minutes.[/sblock]

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The flash of alarm in Pirvinia's mind as Mazi scouted the trail ahead was the first inkling of something beyond the tedium of travel since the group left Port Duvende four days ago. Traveling through the hills and forests northeast of the port had been calm if not outright dull. Brother Goswald showed a tendency to ramble on about either stoneworking or the Transcendental Imperium and it was beginning to wear. And the weather, while not unpleasant, wasn't that of a sunny late summer. After that first day clouds had rolled in from the mountains and the temperature had steadily dropped. Now the days were almost uncomfortably chill and the nights were cold.

The alarm was something new at least as it flashed through Pirvinia's mind even though the sorceress could not yet see any of the creatures that alarmed her familiar. Mazi sped through a narrow place in the trail deftly dodging trees and Pirvinia's mounted companions until the small bird reached the safety of Pirvinia's shoulder. Tsaaruk, leading the group, spotted a trio of goblinoid creatures down the trail trying to use trees for cover a moment after Mazi zipped past his head. Quillian is the only other to see one of the creatures hiding behind a tree but he only sees one.

The hobgoblins are armed with longbows and seem ready to use them.

GM: Combat: Surprise Round
Pirvinia, Tsaaruk, & Quillian can act.
Please read the combat information below carefully.

Combat Map
[sblock=Combat Information]Surprise:
Garadh & Samad are surprised and cannot act.
Pirvinia is not surprised by virtue of a familiar screaming in her mind. She is not aware of the location of any of the enemies but Mazi spotted Hobgoblin 2 & 4.
Tsaaruck is aware of Hobgoblin 2, 3, & 4.
Quillian is aware of Hobgoblin 2.
Pirvinia, Tsaaruck, & Quilian can take either a standard or move action.

-Elevation: When more than one elevation line passes through a square the PC will have to pass a DC 5 Climb to move through. Two lines is a 10 ft. climb, three is a 20 ft. climb. Climb (1/4 speed; must use both hands; no Dex to AC)
-Forest: Outlined masses are trees or shrubs that provide concealment (20% miss chance; 1-20) but won't affect movement.


Party Stats
Garadh: 35/35 hp remaining
Pirvinia: 26/26 hp remaining [Mage Armor]
Quillion: 20/20 hp remaining
Tsaaruk: 41/41 hp remaining
Samad: 30/30 hp remaining

Enemy Stats
Hobgoblin 1: (AC 16, 14 FF, 12 T) 17/17 hp remaining
Hobgoblin 2: (AC 16, 14 FF, 12 T) 17/17 hp remaining
Hobgoblin 3: (AC 16, 14 FF, 12 T) 17/17 hp remaining
Hobgoblin 4: (AC 16, 14 FF, 12 T) 17/17 hp remaining
Ogre: (AC 17, 17 FF, 8 T) 30/30 hp remaining[/sblock]


. . . . Brother Goswald . . . .



[sblock=ooc]Quillian is on a riding dog, not a horse. For now, he's staying mounted, so his square is also Sam's.[/sblock]

Quillian is amiable as he listens to Brother Goswald; most of the words go in one ear and out the other as the halfling observes his surroundings with curiosity, never having been in mountains before. That curiosity also distracts his mind from the chill during the day, though at night he finds that curling up next to Sam is necessary to be fully comfortable while sleeping. Other than that, he is his usual midly talkative, always bouncing around self, climbing up boulders and trees when they stop to get a better view, and offering his own stories and songs from time to time.
He nudges Sam towards the hill with his knees as he starts to cast when he spots the hobgoblin up ahead. As Sam successfully finds a way up the hill, a ball of flame appears in Quillian's hand.

[sblock=actions]Ride to nudge Sam with knees (DC 5), no separate action (1d20+2=22)
Sam moves 40' (no climb needed as I found a place that medium creatures could get up the hill without climbing)
Concentration to cast Produce Flame while moving (DC 11) (1d20+9=23)[/sblock]

Updated Map

[sblock=Quillian ministats]
AC: 19 (Touch 13, Flatfooted 17)
HP: 20/20 Initiative: +2
Perception : +7 Sense Motive: +2
CMB: +2 CMD: 14
Fort: +4 Reflex: +4 Will: +6
*+2 vs fear, charm, compulsion
Current Weapon in Hand: Produce Flame
Current Conditions in Place:

Lightning Arc 5/5

CL 3; +9 Concentration (+13 Casting Defensively); SR +3
1st level Sapphire of Power - unused

Cantrips - Create Water, Guidance, Light, Stabilize
1st - Obscuring Mist; Cure Light Wounds, Expeditious Excavation, Produce Flame (cast)
2nd - Wind Wall; Gust of Wind, Summon Nature's Ally II[/sblock]
Last edited:


[sblock=OOC]Sorry, I forgot about Sam, SS. And thanks for the icon addition, PM.

The ogre is slightly misplaced. He should be one square to the right and within the bushes. He, surprisingly, had the best stealth check and no one had a good enough perception check to see him even from 20 feet away. I probably should have left the ogre and hobgoblin 1 off the map since no one detected them. Too late now, I guess.

Pirvinia's perception check was good but middle of the party's (Samad & Garadh were worse, Quillian and Tsaaruk better). If she moved up equal with Garadh she could catch a glimpse of hobgoblin 2. She would have to be 15 feet in front of Tsaaruk to catch sight of hobgoblin 4.[/sblock]


First Post

Tsaaruck not comfortable fighting from horseback will dismount hoping his horse does not run off too far, and move forward his full move toward the hobgoblins. yelling "Hobgoblins ahead! Arghhhhh"

[sblock]Tsaaruck will dismount and move forward toward Hobgoblin 3. Sorry ditzie is not letting me make changes. I believe it is a move action to dismount and then he will make another move toward #3 readying his warhammer.[/sblock]

[sblock=mini stats]
Initiative +1
AC: 20 (with shield/ Flat:19, Touch: 12)
HP: 41 current: 41
CMB: +7 / CMD: 19 Fort: +6 / Ref: +2 / Will: +2
Resistence: 0
Current Weapon in Hand: Shield & Warhammer
Rage: 10/10



Pirvinia von Lichenstein, Human Female


Pirvinia did not see them, but she moved her horse forward to be just in front of Garadh and pointed out the one she saw (Hob 2).

“Over there! I see that one!”

She remained protective of herself, not in range to use any of her offensive spells to teh most effect yet.

Updated Map for Pirvinia & Tsaaruk
[sblock=Crunch]Ride Horse - Updated Map
Total Defense -> AC21[/sblock][sblock=Mini-stats]Privinia von Lichenstein
+8, Perception: +5 (7 with Mazi)
AC: 13 (17 w/ Mage Armor) (Touch 13, Flat-footed 11) -> 21 from Total Defense
26 Current: 26
12, Fort: +3, Ref: +3, Will: +5 (Add +1 to Saves with Resistance)
Conditions in Effect:
Eschew Materials, PBS, Precise Shot, Ring of Sustenance, Mage Armor

Weapon in Hand:
Spells Remaining:
1st Level: 7(5)/7, 2nd Level: 4/4

+2 Senses: low-light vision; Perception: +12
18 (Touch 16, flat-footed 16)
13 Current: 13
Fort: +0, Ref: +4, Will: +6
Conditions in effect:
Improved Evasion, Empathic Link
Weapon in Hand:
Bite [Att: +8, dmg: 1d2-5(1 non-lethal)]

Combat Trained Light Horse
Initiative: +2 Senses: low-light vision, Scent; Perception: +6
13 (Touch 9, flat-footed 13)
15 Current: 15
Fort: +6, Ref: +5, Will: +1
Conditions in effect:
Weapon in Hand:
2 Hooves [Att: +3, dmg: 1d4+3][/sblock][sblock=BigB]For surprise rounds you can only take one action (Move or Standard), but you can still get almost to Hob3 with the Move Action each from the Horse and Tsaaruk. Your character would also need to 5ft step away from the horse or suffer squeezing so I took that into account on the map too for you as well. If you don't want the horse that far forward, then it would leave both back where Pirvinia is and I would need to readjust her placement.[/sblock]


First Post
[sblock=perrinmiller]Thanks pm. I did not think about it only being a single move in the surprise round. Where you moved Tsaaruck and his horse works.[/sblock]


Tsaaruk drives his horse forward. He feels it stumble and then immediately hears a crashing through the trees above him. A heavy log tumbles down from the hill above and smashes into the shoulder of Tsaaruk's horse barely missing the barbarian. The horse is knocked to the ground and doesn't rise. Tsaaruk is flung from the saddle.

As Tsaaruk goes down two hobgoblins reveal themselves by firing arrows at him. The arrow fired from above Tsaaruk thuds into the loam of the forest floor. The hobgoblin directly in front of Tsaaruk takes a bead on the half-orc and releases. The arrow buzzes through the still air with uncanny accuracy...

GM: Combat: end of Surprise round
Tsaaruk: DC 15 Ride & possibly surprise action. Again, essential combat information below.

Combat Map
[sblock=Combat Information]Deadfall ends horse's move (doing 21 dmg to Tsaaruk's horse) and interrupts Tsaaruk's action.

Tsaaruk: DC 15 Ride check to avoid 6 damage and prone.
If he fails he can still use his surprise round action to stand up from prone. If he succeeds he lands on his feet, avoids prone and the damage, and can take a new surprise action since he no longer needs to dismount (move OR standard).

Before Round One begins Hobgoblin 1 & 3 take free initiative actions (they lost initiative but beat everyone in the party).
Hobgoblin 1 fires at Tsaaruk & misses.
Hobgoblin 3 fires at Tsaaruk & crits for 19 damage (presuming Tsaaruk doesn't manage to kill it in the surprise round).

Hobgoblin 1 & 3 have revealed their positions to all by attacking.
Tsaaruk sees all the hobgoblins.
Garadh & Samad see 1 & 3.
Pirvinia sees 1, 2, & 3 and suspects 4.
Quillian 1, 2, & 3.

-Elevation: When more than one elevation line passes through a square the PC will have to pass a DC 5 Climb to move through. Two lines is a 10 ft. climb, three is a 20 ft. climb. Climb (1/4 speed; must use both hands; no Dex to AC)
-Forest: Outlined masses are trees or shrubs that provide concealment (20% miss chance; 1-20) but won't affect movement.
-Dead Tree & Unconscious horse are difficult terrain.


Party Stats
Garadh: 35/35 hp remaining
Pirvinia: 26/26 hp remaining [Mage Armor]
Quillion: 20/20 hp remaining
Tsaaruk: 41/41 hp remaining [Possible Dmg: 19/7 & 6]
-Horse: -2/19 hp remaining
Samad: 30/30 hp remaining

Enemy Stats
Hobgoblin 1: (AC 16, 14 FF, 12 T) 17/17 hp remaining
Hobgoblin 2: (AC 16, 14 FF, 12 T) 17/17 hp remaining
Hobgoblin 3: (AC 16, 14 FF, 12 T) 17/17 hp remaining
Hobgoblin 4: (AC 16, 14 FF, 12 T) 17/17 hp remaining
Ogre: (AC 17, 17 FF, 8 T) 30/30 hp remaining[/sblock]


. . . . Brother Goswald . . . .


First Post
As Tsaarucks drives his horse forward to engage with the hobgoblin he feels the horse stumble and hears a crashing sound just before the horse is hit by a heavy log throwing Tsaaruck to the ground. Though his god favors him as he surprisingly lands on his feet. With a growl he moves forward and attacks receiving an arrow for his efforts.

DC 15 ride check to land on feet 1D20-1 = [18]-1 = 17
take a 5 ft step forward and attack Hobgoblin3 1D20+8 = [11]+8 = 19 damage 1D8+4 = [4]+4 = 8

I am not sure why but I am not able to update ditzie - I did so with no problem during the encounter with the drakes - I tried updating my browser and adjusting settings - any ideas?

[sblock=mini stats]
Initiative +1
AC: 20 (with shield/ Flat:19, Touch: 12)
HP: 41 current: 22
CMB: +7 / CMD: 19 Fort: +6 / Ref: +2 / Will: +2
Resistence: 0
Current Weapon in Hand: Shield & Warhammer
Rage: 10/10


Voidrunner's Codex

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