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Aust Thale

Sell bloodstone, polished Amber, and opal to local jeweller and the diamonds and rubies to LeGrande.
The resultant payment from LeGrande is 14,196 gp. / 1420 pp. which will weigh 28.4 lbs.
Jeweller pays better on Opal as well as will take amber and bloodstone for total 1070 gp. / 107 pp. which will weigh 2.14 lbs.

~ The diamonds and rubies clearly should be sold to LeGrande, and the polished amber, bloodstone, and opal to the town jeweler. ~

Respen to Dewydd: "Thank you for negotiating with Mr. LeGrande. I think we have secured the proper disposition of the gems into currency, which will allow an easier split of the spoils."

Respen to Mr. LeGrande: "Sir, you have a deal for the diamonds and rubies. I presume you have strong bags for transport? I'd also like to have one of your cards of introduction, if you have one to spare. We'd like to establish a longer-term relationship with you, if that suits you. I realize that may sound rather presumptuous insomuch as we have just met. However, our party means to adventure, and perhaps occasionally misbehave. (Respen winks elfishly) We hope to make an arrangement over time that you would find...edifying?"

After completing the transaction, Respen invites Mr. LeGrande to share a spot of additional breakfast as a sign of goodwill and manners, and perhaps ask him to share a story or two of Wintershiven, being so far afoot that he wouldn't feel awkward at the questions. Respen doesn't tarry long, excusing himself at the proper time to visit the jeweler, the butcher, the alchemist, and the weapon-smith (see OOC comments fore and aft for disposition).

In addition, Respen takes the opportunity to correct his ledger on his parchment, as well as documents the high points of their trip from Dyvers to and in Caltaran. People, places, notes of consequence. Questions. And so on. Respen recalls fondly his mentor at home and his sayings...the witticisms passing as wisdom, and the actual advices that produced lasting benefit. "The memory of a wizard is keen indeed. Helps to write it down."

[sblock="Disposition of Acquired Items Before And For Trip Back to Dyvers"]
Party & Transportation:

Maxwell - light riding horse - travelling west back home
Karth - light riding horse - staying in Caltaran
Vega - light riding horse - travelling back with party
Dewydd - warhorse, 2 extra saddlebags
Kasnik - warhorse
Lathir - light riding horse & 2nd light riding horse (Sugarfoot), 2 extra saddle bags
Sylvar - light riding horse, 1 extra saddlebag
Vale - light riding horse, 1 extra saddlebag
Respen - light riding horse, 1 extra saddlebag w/ 3 weeks iron rations
Crestwall = 1 prisoner in manacles - secured in paddy wagon pulled by transport horses (Need DM input)
Gus the St. Cuthbert -
Large Polite Angus the Bear -

( Horse Carrying Capacity: Light load <=150 lbs;
Medium load, 151–300 pounds;
Heavy load, 301–450 pounds. Drag load 2,250 pounds.

Items Carried, Status, & Location:

All current coinage (blended total):
847 gp. (16.94 lbs.) = 607 gp. original group stash + 240 gp. (sell deer horns & falchions)
322 sp. (6.44 lbs.)
1527 pp. (30.54 lbs.)

Group Stash:

- 48 manticore spikes - 24 lbs. - Lathir wants share or all
- Composite Longbow - 03 lbs. - Sylvar wants
- Quiver/ 20 arrows - 03 lbs. - Sylvar wants
- Venison - 300 lbs. (paid butcher 60 lbs.)
- 2 Chainmail Shirts (on whomever can carry it) - 50 lbs.
- 50 ft. silk rope - 05 lbs.
- Greatsword - 08 lbs.
- 2 waterskins - 08 lbs.
- 1 Short sword - 02 lbs.
- 1 Dagger - 01 lb.

Magical Items (in small bag/large pouch):
- Rumpled Hat, was a comb? (magic) - .25 lb. - Respen wants
- Cloak (magic) - 03 lbs. - Sylvar wants
- Ornate Belt (magic) - .05 lb.
- 1 vial of clear liquid with a blue tint (magic) -.10 lb.
- Ornate Ring (magic) - 00 lb.

- 1 set of Ruined studded leather armor (formerly magic/masterwork) - 17 lbs. (400 gp. to fix+wizard re-enchant) - Dewydd wants
- 3 vials of dark liquid - Carrion Crawler brain juice; hunters use to paralyze prey -.3 lbs. (140 gp. ea. vial.x3=420gp.) - Respen wants


Respen asks assorted party members their wish to have or use/split part of their proceeds. It appears that Vale can assist in carrying the coinage without encumbrance. His backpack seems extraordinarily sturdy and light on his back. Respen places the separate carrying bags based on coin type into the main part of Vale's backpack. It magically (wink wink) appears to fit perfectly.

The top of the paddy wagon appears to hold (as discussed with DM and at his discretion) a built-in chest/metal storage box with a hefty clasp. In addition to anything that Sheriff Denby wishes to send back to Dyvers along with Crestwall (including Crestwall's personal effects, as well as Sheriff's letters to Lieutenant Benfield), the party's acquired but yet unidentified magic items fits into the box as well. The remainder of the gear fits into canvas sacks that tie down in front and back and along the sides of the box, held in place by the acquired rope against railings along the top of the wagon.

Respen decides to divvy the remaining venison among the party, forcing an additional 33.33 lbs. of encumbrance for everyone. He and Vale decide to split 20 lbs. between them, give Gus 6 lbs. or so of venison that he promptly makes a meal of, and give the remaining 40 lbs. to the innkeeper as a gratuity and goodwill for future stays. Caltaran seems a pleasant place. Vale might like to settle here one day, perhaps sooner than later if he keeps having issues with his feet. Respen wants to be able to lay his head down without worrying about brigands, even if he isn't sure when that might be.
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Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
The Paddy Wagon

Sorry for the long pause between responses... took the kiddos on a two day road trip to Santa's Wonderland, lol.


The paddy wagon is like a stage coach. It is pulled by two horses (heavy draft horses.)
It looks like the picture below, except that instead of chain link wire in the window, it has iron bars.
On the top of the paddy wagon, there is a non-removable strong box for valuables, which can hold 150 lbs.
There are also luggage rails on top, where various cargo can be placed and tied down.
Lastly, instead of the words, POLICE PATROL, there is simply a shield insignia, bearing the coat of arms of the Domain of Dyvers.

Paddy 001a.jpg


Aust Thale

Vale & Gus Prepare To Leave Caltaran

~ Tis a wonderful place, it is. Good for a layover, and not bad for a longer stay. ~

"Gus, let's get our things ready to leave." Gus whimpers. "It's alright boy; these folks are good people, and hopefully we can make our way back here sooner rather than later. However, we have responsibilities on down the road. We stopped here as it was close enough to send messages along such that folks would know we were slowed to arrive."

Vale gives some of the venison Respen had given to him to the innkeeper and his assistant as gratuity, as well as pays him the remainder of the monies due for his lodging, food, stables, and the like with a bloodstone worth about 50 gp. The innkeeper had showed graciousness in keeping Vale well-attended-to while his foot was healing. Vale had done work for them, creating several weapons and improving others, as well as some light alchemical work, as a way to help pay for his lodging and meal. Adding the additional gem to the mix was his way to make sure the innkeeper and his staff knew that they were valued. This was a good inn in a good town with great people. He intended to make sure they understood that he understood it. He made his way to his room, cleaned it, and prepared his gear, armor, and weapons. He walked to the stables and prepared his horse as well. He wandered to the sheriff's office and quietly helped prepare the paddy wagon, as well as helped Respen and the others with setting the proper weight on the wagon and among the horses. He noted Kasnik and Dewydd rode large warhorses, sturdy animals with a preternatural calmness he appreciated. Gus sensed the anticipation, and he became increasingly antsy as the time drew closer to leave. Vale volunteered to steer the wagon. Once on the road, Gus will run point, running ahead of the wagon no more than a hundred yards, never leaving the trail more than a few yards, slowing down to allow the wagon to catch up within 30 yards or so and then repeating the exercise. He will stop to drink at streams and carry on a good clip otherwise.


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Lathir, riding Sugarfoot, with Angus in tow, falls in line with the carriage as he recognizes his new found friends departing with it. He introduces Angus to 'Gus' and tells the bear to behave, that he and the dog don't need to be getting into too much mischief.

Sylvar B.

Sylvar mounts up with his lute across his back and the butt of his Naginata resting in the right stirrup. He waits for the rest of the party to be ready and will leave when they do.

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Transferring The Prisoner To Dyvers

Figuring the party's movement based on slowest member of the entourage (the paddy wagon.)

Normal cart or wagon (pulled by two light horses) = 2 miles per hour / 16 miles per 8-hr travel day.

The paddy wagon is smaller and lighter than a normal, cargo wagon. (Increase to 2.5 miles per hour / 20 miles per 8-hr travel day.)

The paddy wagon is being pulled by heavy draft horses. (Increase to 3 miles per hour / 24 miles per 8-hr travel day.)

There is a well-maintained, cobblestone road between Caltaran and Dyvers. (Increase to 4 miles per hour / 32 miles per 8-hr travel day.)

Thus, you can make it back to Dyvers in about 7.5 hours (30-mile distance)

It is 11:00 AM when the party begins their journey, thus, the party will reach Dyvers at 6:30 PM.

The sun doesn't set until 7:02 PM this day, therefore, the city gates will still be open. The prisoner can be transferred to the jail immediately.

NPCs present:

Beringer Crestwall (The Prisoner)
Eldonius (Commoner / Hired Wagon Driver -- paid for by Sir Denby.)
Father Xavier (Patriarch of Cuthbert)
Father Clarence (Priest of Cuthbert; under effects of Curse.)
Vega (Party Member)

PCs present:

Vale (& Gus)
Lathir (& Angus)

Sir Denby gives a letter to Dewydd (the one he mentioned earlier) to deliver directly into the hands of Lieutenant Benquist.

The trip to Dyvers along the road is uneventful. Not even any deer to be seen, although the squirrels and small songbirds are still plentiful.

The party has an easy time of the road trip. The well-patrolled route is relatively safe and free of excitement. You reach the gates of Dyvers about 30 minutes before sunset, and seeing the Caltaran-marked paddy wagon, the guards let you break to the front of the line, and wave you through the gates without making you stop. Apparently, Eldonius has made this trip before, because the guard waves at him, and says, "Welcome back, old friend!"

It takes about another 20 minutes to reach the center of the city, where Lieutenant Benquist's garrison is located. The skies are filled within the dimness of twilight, as the sun is already half-hidden on the horizon. The party guides their horses over to the individual mount posts, and dismounts. The paddy wagon stops directly in front of the garrison office; Eldonius dismounts, and opens the rear door, lowering the wooden steps for Beringer (who is in manacles, both hands and feet) to carefully step out. Here is the layout of where things are, as Beringer disembarks. A lone guard is just stepping out of the barracks as this is happening.


The brown boxes represent placement of buildings.
The brown boxes with black bars represent the placement of the entrance and exit gates for the garrison.
The blue object is the Paddy Wagon.
The grey blocks represent a stone wall, which is 15 feet tall, and 6 feet thick.

I need everyone to go to GTGE-CHAP3 and roll a spot check, DC 20. Then roll a Sense Motive check, DC 18. Post your results in the Facebook OOC chat thread. We ARE NOT in combat yet. This is just to show who is where, as things begin to unfold...


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
OOC: Lathir and Angus intend to move directly up on your map 2 squares to reduce the congestion of the bodies in one place and to give a better line of sight toward the streets up and right.


I grip Sir Denby's arm in a warrior's clasp and then place the letter in my hidden moneybelt.

When we arrive at the garrison, I inquire, "Is Lieutenant Benquist still here?"

OOC: Spot: 17; Sense Motive: 18.
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Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Apologies for my long absence.

Sorry for the long absence; my family and I were playing host to my in-laws from Canada; during the two weeks they were with us, I spent most of my time either driving to different places, catching up on postponed household projects, or doing yard work outdoors. During that time, I didn't hardly get a chance to look at a screen. Which isn't necessarily a bad thing, ha ha. At any rate, now that things are back to normal, I will once again have time to post, on my breaks / lunch periods during the week, and during slow periods on the weekends. Cheers! And Happy New Year to everyone!

I will post updated info for this campaign sometime this week. Stay tuned!

Voidrunner's Codex

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