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Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Angus is obviously agitated about something, but Lathir's reaction is much slower. The bear is perfectly capable and trusted to act on his own and moves in the direction of what is bothering him.

Lathir, for his part, takes notice and will act accordingly when reacting.

Angus moves toward Beringer, and stops when he is almost under-foot; he turns toward Lathir, as if to signal him, and stands on his hind legs. He lets out a mighty roar, seemingly as a warning to anyone else who would try to harm the fallen man. He is essentially standing guard over Beringer. He used his move action to get into place, and is holding his attack action, until an enemy approaches close enough for him to strike. He is essentially occupying Beringer's square, standing directly over his body. This will not prevent anyone from rendering aid to Beringer.

Updated positions:


KASNIK: It's your turn...
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Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth

Since Kasnik is currently occupied with real-life concerns which take priority, I am posting the action for his character on his behalf, using his skills and powers in an appropriate fashion in the best interests of the party.

Updated Positions:


Kasnik moves forward to a position where he can both heal and protect the prisoner (see above.) Kasnik bends down briefly, touching Beringer with the tips of his fingers, while uttering a softly-spoken prayer. Beringer coughs, and his eyes flicker open, as the wound begins to close and heal.

Lay on Hands (20 pts.)
Beringer (Formerly at -6) is now at 14 hits points, out of 21 max.

After touching Beringer, Kasnik stands upright, drawing his sword, in a guard stance, sensing that something is still amiss in the current situation...

Following Kasnik's lead, Vega draws her weapons, but delays her action, a look of uncertainty upon her countenance.

Respen then takes the actions that he posted out of turn on Jan. 9th.

Responding to Respen's call for help, Vega moves forward 20 feet, and delays her attack action, guarding against any enemies who might appear and attempt to attack either Dewydd or Beringer.

Vega's new initiative: 17 (after Respen, before Xavier)

Father Xavier moves into the square occupied by the fallen guard; he simply stands next to him, and ignoring his presence, casts a spell. As he begins to mutter a prayer to St. Cuthbert, he kneels, and places a platinum ring produced from his belt pouch onto Beringer's finger. He then raises his hand and smiles, showing Beringer that he already wears a similar ring. "May Cuthbert protect you," Father Xavier says.

Spell: Shield Other
Beringer: +1 AC, +1 Saves, 1/2 damage taken is taken by Father Xavier instead.

At this point, Lieutenant Benquist, wearing only the top half of his chainmail (Chain Shirt) and weaponless, carrying a copper mug, steps out of the side door of the office, and seems quite surprised to discover what is going on in the courtyard!

"What is the meaning of this?!?" he cries.

The good lieutenant was Mystery Guest #1

At this point, Father Clarence moves to a position adjacent to Respen, apparently preparing some sort of spell, but holding back its completion.

"Your guardsman attacked us, lieutenant!" Clarence shouts.

Before Lieutenant Benquist can give a reply, three figures appear against the wall behind him! Turning his head, the Lieutenant mutters, "Captain...?"

The three figures have appeared with the aid of magic; they all wear the uniform of the Dyvers Militia. The one in the center is obviously the "captain," as he is dressed in Full Plate Armor, while the two flanking him are wearing Banded Mail.

The three figures were Mystery Guest #2

Captain (To Benquist, In Common): "Sorry it's come to this, lad. There was no time to recruit you. May you find peace in death..."
(To The Others, In Common): "Kill the prisoner at all costs, lest our lives be forfeit!"

Thug #2 Charges Father Clarence, shouting, "Out of my way, fool!" swinging his two-handed sword in a wide arc.... and missing!

As he does so, Father Clarence's held spell goes off.

Spell: Shield
Father Clarence's new AC: 17+4 = AC: 21 [Base: 10, Bracers: 4, Ring: 1, Dex: 2, Shield Spell: 4]

The Captain and Thug #1 move to eliminate Lieutenant Benquist, whom they obviously perceive as the biggest threat.

Thug #1 misses Lieutenant Benquist with a wild swing.

The Captain takes a single step toward Benquist, swinging an enormous flail at him!
Benquist partial AC: 17

Attack 1: AC 21 (Hit) 28 pts. Damage
Attack 2: AC 31 (Hit) 19 pts. Damage
Attack 3: AC 15 (Miss)

Benquist: Has taken 47 pts. Damage

Thug #1 brings his greatsword to bear on Lieutenant Benquist, who is able to parry the weapon with his copper mug, at the expense of spilling his hot apple cider.

The Captain, however, wastes no time in dealing two serious blows to the lieutenant, using a flail whose shaft GLOWS with an eerie black light. Benquist screams in pain as the captain lashes him, leaving horrible and bleeding lacerations on the lieutenant's face and neck!

Updated Positions:


Lathir: It's your turn! What do you do?
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Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Happenings In Battle

The Assassination of Beringer Crestwall: ROUND TWO!

Lathir casts Barkskin (+3 bonus, overrides the +1 bonus from his amulet.)
Temporary AC: 16

Lathir moves to within melee range of Thug #2, brandishing his shortspear.

Gus moves to a position just behind Respen and Dewydd, and looks back toward Vale, and barks, loudly and urgently!

Beringer, seeing that a fight has started, stands up, and moves to safety around the corner!

Eldonius follows Beringer, also seeking refuge from the skirmish!

Vale said:
(Vale) makes way, and covers the casters with his axe, preparing Divine Favor to area cast the party if this contest becomes a wider feud.

Divine Favor is a personal spell. I think you probably meant Prayer.

Prayer Effects:

Allies: +1 luck bonus to attack, damage, saving throws, skill checks.

Enemies: -1 penalty to attack, damage, saving throws, skill checks.

Vale advances 20 ft., stopping just behind Lathir; he speaks a single, low-toned, powerful word, causing a burst of white energy to explode outwards from him! Everyone in the party feels invigorated! You see the Captain and his men wince in pain, however!

At initiative 2, Kasnik's horse breaks free from its tether! Eldonius had placed Kasnik's horse with the others upon arrival, which was fine. However, Kasnik had told Eldonius not to tether his horse, and Eldonius did so anyway, absent-mindedly. Luckily, the horse's strength is immense, and the tether was not tied, only casually looped.

Kasnik's horse moves 45 ft. forward, brushing Vega and Dewydd aside!

Vega Dex Check, DC 10: (10) = Success! Vega avoids being knocked over by Kasnik's horse!

(Dewydd: Make a Dex check DC 10, or be knocked prone.)

Kasnik's horse stops in the square next to its master, then rears on its hind legs, attempting to hoof the Captain!

Attack roll: 23 (miss); the Captain nimbly steps out of the way, cursing at the close call!

Dewydd, it's your turn. If you made your Dex check, you can pretty much do anything. If not, you need to spend your movement to stand up.

Updated positions:

(The yellow H is Kasnik's horse)



Seeing my way blocked by a mount, I decide to instead reposition myself beside Eldonius. This way I can keep Beringer within my sight and protect either of them if needs be.

OOC: I will double move to be to the left of Eldonius.

Sylvar B.

Sylvar, noticing that Beringer is well protected, moves to a flanking position back and to the right of thug 2.

GM: As per our further discussion via Facebook, I will post your move accordingly.
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Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
DM Record-keeping post


Initiative for Normal Round:

Dewydd: 25
Sylvar: 21
Angus: 21
Guard: 19 (Held, Prone, 4 Damage)
Kasnik: 18
Vega: 18
Respen: 17
Xavier: 17
Lt. Benquist: 16 (47 Damage)
Clarence: 15
Captain & Thugs: 13 (Thug#2... 8 Damage, see below)
Lathir: 11
Gus: 8
Beringer: 6 (7 Damage)
Eldonius: 5
Vale: 3

Sylvar skirts the edge of the fray, moving 50 ft. to get into position. As he moves past Thug #2, the cretin takes a swing at him, missing; Sylvar, being well-practiced at avoiding such blows, skirts by the menacing foe, staying just out of his reach.

GM: Mobility saved your behind. He missed you by 2 points! :D

Seeing that his ward has fled, Angus decides to help his master; he moves 40 ft. around the edge of the fray, following Sylvar's lead. Angus stops just behind Sylvar, taking a swipe at Thug #2, and connecting! The thug's helm saves him from a horrible injury from the bear's massive claws.

GM: Hits AC 25 (hit) Damage: 1d4+5 = 8 pts.

Updated positions:


Kasnik: It's your turn. What do you do?
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First Post
Kasnik will mount his horse.

OOC: Kasnik's Rolz check was a 33. With armor check penalty (applies on mounting) check is 25. The DC for a quick mount is 20.

Kasnik grabs his lance and prepares mentally for battle.

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Vega Draws First Blood!

Kasnik takes a 5 ft. adjustment toward his mount, and quickly heaves himself up into the saddle!

5 ft. step = No attack of opportunity.
DC 20 to mount: (25) = success!

With the practiced ease of a long-time cavalry veteran, Kasnik mounts his horse, grabbing his lance, and moving his mount backward, obviously making room to introduce the captain to a cavalry charge!

The mount's movement provokes an attack of opportunity from the Captain!
Kasnik takes 10 on his ride check to negate the attack. Total result: 26
Horse's temp AC vs. attack of opp.= AC: 26
Captain's roll = AC 38 (hit); Crit confirmation: AC 19 (no crit)
Damage: 24 pts.

As Kasnik spurs his mount backward, the Captain sneers at him, saying, "Where are you going, false Orc? Do you no longer possess the fighting spirit of your kind? Your scent is different, are you one of those flower-eating cowards that loves Marek?" and then, the Captain lashes out with the menacing, black-lit flail, scourging his mount, leaving terrible lacerations on its neck!! He laughs evilly as the flail makes contact, pulsing with unholy energy!!

Seeing Kasnik's plan, Vega moves boldly forward, stepping to the Captain's side, into a flanking position with Angus, allowing her to attack the Captain, while also leaving room for Kasnik's charge. The Captain, still distracted, underestimates this slip of a girl, and lowers his guard for a brief moment, which Vega is happy to exploit! Vega stabs the Captain in the elbow joint while he is riposting, ripping through the chainmail, and drawing first blood! It is a minor victory, but one which draws a curse from the brutal juggernaut!

Vega's attack = AC 27 (hit); Crit confirmation = 23 (no crit)
Damage: 3 pts.

Current positions:


RESPEN: It's your turn! What do you do?

Voidrunner's Codex

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