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D&D 5E [IC] Creamsteak's Storm King's Thunder: Waterdeep


The giantess laughs as if to mock. "The orbs were a gift. Something for someone else. Ostoria once ruled this continent, till the Dragons attacked. If you seek the countess Sansuri's company, you'll find her castle over the Evermoors."

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Steve Gorak

The giantess laughs as if to mock. "The orbs were a gift. Something for someone else. Ostoria once ruled this continent, till the Dragons attacked. If you seek the countess Sansuri's company, you'll find her castle over the Evermoors."

"You are making me loose my patience! Stop speaking in riddles! Who is this countess Sansuri and why does she want Ostorian treasures?"


"The countess sits upon the court of the storm king, ranked among the most powerful of Cloud giants. She seeks remnants of the old empire, to return this world to greatness! You small folk should fall in line while you still can."


Gul glanced over at the others, trying to read their expressions, before suggesting to the giantess, "Do you think Sansuri would be willing to work with the civilised nations if they had a common enemy, like drow, dragons, fiends and so on?"


"Dragons in particular have long been an enemy of our kind for eons. The countess can surely see the benefit in removing old enemies and making new allies."

Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
Bellalalalinda, holding on to the scruff of Whistler's fur, is impatient. "What do we do?" she asks her companions. "How is this a gift? What did she expect would happen? We've helped people, right?"

She is uncertain, and stumbling as she speaks.


First Post
Uric remains silent, simply crossing his arms and glaring at the giantess. He was no fan of the marauding creatures acting as if they had some noble calling when they associated with the likes of goblinkind.


Presumably if nobody moves to try to kill her the giant stomps off out of sight.

After that, the party is not too far from Yartar, a couple days at most including passing through the previously attacked Triboar where they tell stories of a cloud giant tower with a wizard hat having flown over them recently. There are also stories travelers mention of members of the Twelve defending the town against an attack instigated by strange cultists who were defeated. They possessed a strange rune-inscribed artifact, possibly something related to the Vonindod they thought. The artifact, however, went missing the every next day. Further, the Harpers suspect that whatever artifact was stolen is now in the hands of the Hand of Yartar whom is auctioning it off. Darathra, who some of the group have met previously, provides this information.

"Let it be known that anyone interested in bidding on a strange magical orb should inquire at the Wink and Kiss and ask for Nareen."

The Wink and Kiss is a tavern of low repute near the city's central market square.

Situated in the fork where the Rivers Surbrin and Dessarin join near the Evermoor Way, Yartar is a fortified town that, were it not for its own petty, internal squabbles, might wield more influence among its fellows in the North. Currently, it is most remarkable for its barge-building operation (and that industry's importance to the commerce of other settlements) and its annual fairs.

Each summer, except in years when Shieldmeet occurs, a vast Hiring Fair is held in Yartar, during which all sorts of undesirable folk gather north of the town looking for work as guards, miners, farmhands, guides, or other unskilled laborers. For the most part, those who attend this fair are brutes, bandits, freeholders whose lands can no longer sustain them, or Uthgardt who wish to be among "civilized" folk for a short time- but occasionally, a strong hand or a s killed warrior can be culled from the bunch. While this event is going on, Yartar is overrun with visitors it would rather not welcome, who steal goods, sell wares in the street (sometimes those they have just stolen), meet unscrupulous contacts to hand off coin, information, or purloined items, and engage in the occasional spell duel. It's quite common for a new adventuring company to come into being at one of these fairs, when those who stand out from the crowd because they have legitimate s kills to sell gravitate toward one another and decide to form a group.

With its location near two great rivers and its proximity to a third (the Laughingflow, forming a trio the locals creatively call the Three Rivers), Yartar is a fishing town, and its tables have fish as fare at every meal. Fresh crabs, eels, and other river life are available both to eat and to purchase, and serve as a primary means of income for the fisherfolk of the town

OOC: Just moving this forward. You've got two leads here at least, one about this "orb" artifact, and another about a crossbow craftsman kobold. The summer festival is only a few days away as well.


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"Well, having seen the effects of one magic orb up close, I definitely want to find out more about this other orb, and make sure it doesn't get into the wrong hands!"


[sblock=status]Gul hp 15/35 Temp.hp 8

Str +0 Dex +2, Con +1, Int +4, Wis +0(+3 Saves), Cha +2(+5 Saves)

Arcana +7, Religion +7, Investigation +7, Stealth +5 (disadvantage), Survival +3, Concentration +1

AC 18

Inspiration: no
Concentrating: Suggestion

Spells/day: 4/4 1/3

Pact Magic(1st): 2/2

HD: 4d6+2d8/4d6+2d8



First Post
Uric nods, "A sound plan of action. I however have little understand or patients for magic. I will follow those of you more suited for such work..."

Voidrunner's Codex

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