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Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Wand DC: 14. Wendol Will Save = +2. Roll (16)+2 = 18. Saved.

Quixt moves directly forward 10 feet (to %20), in order to get line-of-sight on Wendol #2. He points the wand at him, sending a crystalline-looking swirl of energy toward him. The magic encircles him, and he struggles briefly with it, before finally shrugging off the effects, much to Quixt's surprise.

Nimbar observes, "Stubborn little cretins, aren't they?"

Nimbar moves forward 30 feet (to Z19) in order to gain line-of-effect on the remaining Wendol. He flicks his thumb and index finger toward the tribesman, sending a ray of scorching flame to envelop him.

Ranged Touch: vs. AC 11; Roll = (19)+4 = 23. Hits.
Spell Damage: 15 pts. Wendol is gravely injured.

The Wendol screams as the flames cook his skin; he suffers horrendous burns, but somehow, it is not enough to drop him. His pain turns to rage as he eyes Nimbar with (pardon the pun) burning hatred.

Nimbar notes, "Looks like this one isn't going quietly."

The Wendol charges Nimbar (to Z18) with his spiked club.

Normal AC: 14; While charging, AC 12.
Wolf attack of opportunity: (4)+3 = 7 (Miss.)
Nimbar's AC without his protective spells: 14
Wendol Attack: (17)+7 = 24 (Hit.) (Would have hit anyway, because Nimbar's AC WITH magic is 22.)
Damage: 1d6+4 = (5)+4 = 9 pts.

Nimbar curses as he sees the warrior coming towards him; in the excitement to execute an ambush, he had neglected to cast Mage Armor and Improved Shield upon himself; but it would not have mattered. The warrior is skilled, and his blow is precise. Even so, Nimbar is able to roll with the blow, and the spikes on the tribesman's club do not contact flesh, snagging only his thick clothing instead. (Moderate injury, 9 of 34 [27%])

Bugbear Attack: 1d20+5 = (17)+5 = 22 (Hits.)
Damage: 1d8+2 = (3) + 2 = 5 pts.

The remaining Bugbear attacks Hawke with his morning star, and manages, by some miracle, to slip under his defenses. Instead of blocking the weapon with the shaft of his hammer, as he normally would, Hawke instead is forced to block the morning star's shaft with his forearm, in order to save himself from a brutal blow to the face. Hawke winces in pain for a brief moment, before replacing the grimace with a grin. (Minor injury, 5 out of 59, [9%])

Hawke sneers at his opponent, "Is that all you've got?"


The Wolf takes a (free) 5-foot adjustment, to move in behind the Wendol attacking Nimbar, in anticipation of its master's next order.

SPHYNX: It's your turn! What do you do?
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Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Thinking that the battle is progressing in the party's favor, Sphynx decides to end the Orcs he initially incapacitated with sleep. Though moving as quickly as possible, he tries to remain silent and unobtrusive. Using his dagger, he holds it in both hands and stabs it down into the nearest Orc's eye (O1), hoping to instantly kill it.
I do not know if this is too much for one action in D&D.
Hide: d20 + 10 = 16
Move: d20 + 10 = 25
coup d'gras: d20 + ? = 16

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Coup De Grace is a full round action, normally, but to speed things along, I won't count your movement.
Automatic hit, automatic crit.
2d4 damage.
4,3 = 7 pts.
Orc is bleeding out, just from damage.
(5-7 = -2)
10+7 = DC 17 Fort Save
Orc save = Fort +3; Roll (12) +3 = 15 (Fail.)

Sphynx quickly sprints over to Orc #1's position, reaching him in only three strides, which are more like extended leaps. He dispatches the sleeping Orc with ease. His wolf simultaneously continues its assault on the remaining Wendol, but it misjudges its step, and misses.

Wolf: Attack roll (5) = miss.

Sphynx / Wolf (Init: 26)
Orcs (Init: 20) [Sleeping: Orc #3]
Hawke (Init: 7a)
Quixt (Init: 7b)
Nimbar (Init: 7c)
Wendol (Init: 7d)

Orc #2: Dead.
Orc #1: Dead. [Coup De Grace]
Wendol #1: Dying. [-7]
Bugbear #1: Dead. [See below]
Bugbear #3: Dead.
Bugbear #2: Dead.
Beetle [ALLY]: Dead.
Wolf [ALLY]: Seriously Injured (9 pts.)

Orc #3 continues to sleep. (Round tally: 3)

Hawke, still riding the Rage Wave, sets about clobbering his remaining opponent.

Attack Rolls: 26, 17, 29; Last (crit) is confirmed with 24; 2 hits, 1 crit.
Damage: 15, 7, 24 (Total = 46 pts.)

Hawke's first blow lands against the Bugbear's shield; the shield SHATTERS, and the blow breaks the Bugbear's forearm; but perhaps more seriously, one of the splinters from the shattered shield pierces the creature's eye, finding the brain, and killing him instantly!

Before the bugbear can even slump to the ground, Hawke's secondary attack shatters his left knee, and his final blow squashes the dead Bugbear's head like a ripe tomato!

Bugbear: 3 hit pts. remaining.
First blow: 15. (-12): DEAD.
Second blow: 7. (-19) DEAD.
Final blow: 24. (-43) DEAD.


QUIXT: It's your turn. What do you do?
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Aust Thale

Simultaneously amazed that the skirmish has gone so swimmingly well yet frustrated that his wand attempts have fallen so flat, he murmurs to himself, “Maybe 3rd time will work.“ He aims the wand at the remaining Wendol, “We need somebody to interrogate,” and discharges the wand at the Wendol between the Wolf and Nimbar.

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Wendol Save: 2 + (20) = 22 SAVED.
This is the luckiest tribesman I've ever seen!

Nimbar Attack: (22) = Hit; Damage = 2 pts.

Wendol decides to flee down the stairs.

Wolf AOO = (12) = Missed.

Nimbar AOO = (26) Confirm (14) = Confirmed Crit!
Damage = 14 pts.

The Wendol has taken 16 pts. damage. he is still up.

Distance to the stairs: 15 ft.
Distance to bottom of stairs: 50 ft.
Stairs count as difficult terrain. You cannot run or charge over difficult terrain.
(I would allow someone with the Tumbling skill to attempt to run down stairs, but that's a moot point here.)

On difficult terrain, movement is counted as double cost.
So the Wendol can only get 7.5 ft. down the stairs.

Wolf attack: (12) = Missed.

The Wendol tribesman shakes off the effect of the wand, and realizes that he is trouble. While he is making up his mind, Nimbar lunges toward him with his rapier, but only manages a scratch. The Wendol decides that discretion is the better part of valor, and flees.

The Wolf snaps at him, but his crude hide armor saves him from the bite. However, it offers no protection against Nimbar, who is able to actually run the man through, piercing the Wendol's lower back, and ripping through his intestines, erupting through his belly button in the front.

Despite the severity of the wound, the tribesman keeps going! Nimbar surmises that he must be running on pure fear, not having realized the full implications of his current situation.

The Wendol moves onto the staircase, but only gets a little ways down, having to slow down so as not to go headfirst down them, and also because the momentary shock has now worn off, and the wound is now slowing him considerably.

The Wolf follows him, nipping at him, but still failing to bite through the thick hide.

SPHYNX: Your Wolf has already attacked. It is now your turn. You can still see the top of the man's head (just barely) from where you are, which means you could target him with a spell if your wanted to. What do you do?


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Quickly surmising the cumlminartion of events, Sphynx whorls his left hand and points at the retreating Wendol, again making an odd noise with his mouth. Shards of energy dart from his extended hand at the remaining Wendol. As the light leaves the tips of his fingers he moves to dispatch the other sleeping Orc.
OOC: Magic Missile

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Wendol has 3 hit pts. left.
Magic Missile Damage: 4d4+4 = 10 pts.
Wendol is bleeding out. [-7]
Wendol falls 10 feet down the stairs, face-first.
Falling damage = 6 pts.
Wendol DIES [-13]

Sphynx's spell clips the tribesman's skull, fracturing it as the shards of light make impact; the Wendol collapses into unconsciousness, where he would have gradually died to begin with... but being knocked out, while standing on a steep staircase is a deadly combination. Because of the walls, and the gradual curvature of the stairs, the Wendol falls only 10 feet. But 10 feet proves to be plenty, as his forehead is dashed against the stone steps. When his fall comes to its conclusion, the Wendol tribesman is dead.


With all foes being down, it is an easy task to finish off the ones that are asleep, and/or clinging to life. All party members take part, and the work is swift, merciful, and humane. These foes might carry the taint of evil, but they are warriors nonetheless, and still deserving of a swift and painless departure from this world.

I am awarding experience at this point, with the delayed downtime as before.


Avoidance of the traps and ambushes set in the ravine: 1,500
Discovery of the hilltop entrance: 1,500
Defeating the guard force without raising the alarm: 1,500
Combat XP, fallen foes: 2,950
Each character receives 1,862 XP.
Nimbar and Hawke both made 7th level; their sheets have now been updated on MythWeavers.
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Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Sphynx dismisses the wolf and searches the fallen bodies for anything of interest or value. He mentions to Hawke that he would like to carry the Wendol away and leave them for the animals to find, some reasonable distance from the kill site. He speaks in Elven, since he is more limited in the common trade tongue. "We cannot clean this act completely, but I hope to add some confusion to its later discovery."
OOC: d20 = 12

Aust Thale

Sphynx dismisses the wolf and searches the fallen bodies for anything of interest or value. He mentions to Hawke that he would like to carry the Wendol away and leave them for the animals to find, some reasonable distance from the kill site. He speaks in Elven, since he is more limited in the common trade tongue. "We cannot clean this act completely, but I hope to add some confusion to its later discovery."
OOC: d20 = 12

Quixt nods at Sphynx' suggestion. For all his enigmatic air, Quixt finds him supremely practical, and he appreciates it. Quixt proceeds to search the tents, inner most to outermost, carefully approaching each one such that nothing inside could rush at him directly, perhaps a spare guard roused from its sleep.
OOC: 3 tents: 1d20+12 = 13; 20, 17

Upon completion of the the searches, he checks the ravine below to anticipate whether or not tossing a body or three over it might do the trick that Sphynx is suggesting. He's careful to remain low to avoid prying eyes from below. If it seems reasonable, he does so. If it does not, he gathers the bodies near or inside the outermost tent, in anticipation of coming back to discard a few bodies elsewhere.

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Although this area of the ravine summit is clear and flat, there are copses of trees within 50 yards in either direction. With Hawke doing the heavy lifting, the bodies can be carried, rather than dragged, making it harder to discover where the fallen foes disappeared to. In addition, Nimbar will use Tracking to cover up any traces (drops of blood, footprints, etc.) of the fallen foes. The tents are empty except for ratty, holey clothes, putrid foodstuffs (non-edible) and the little bit of pocket money listed below.

10+6 = 16

2 x Hide Armor
24 x Javelins
2 x Club
3 x Studded Leather Armor
3 x Falchion
3 x Leather Armor
3 x Light Wooden Shield
3 x Morningstar
88 silver pieces
13 gold pieces
10 small gemstones (semi-precious)

EVERYONE: What do you do?

Voidrunner's Codex

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