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[d20 Modern] RESIDENT EVIL: Damnation [PG -17]


First Post
1st Floor – Reception Room
Clairemont Mansion

After having taken a moment to get his bearing in this new room, Michael moves away fromt he door to help investigate. As he walks through the room, his torch sheds light on the raven-haired woman.

God, my arm hurts. How must she feel, wounded like that? --We have to get some water fast. We can't waste any more time. Better spread ourselves out in the room to search it as soon as possible.

Michael walks over to the door that the older man had indicated as moist, in a hurries pace. He's too cautious to open the door yet, but he takes some time to examine it and the surrounding space.

Moist. That indicates water somewhere... This might be what we need.

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First Post
1st Floor – Reception Room
Clairemont Mansion

"Damn, it's locked." Yuri resists the urge to pound his fist against the armoire in frustration. Instead, he lays his hand on teh door, and leans his head slightly closer. "What the Hell? I think I hear something in there..."

"That door, there's a moist smell coming from it," he says, then walks over to the statue on the table, "This statue was moved recently."

Yuri turns and looks around. "Allright let's not waste time. Check out that door, Smith, but be careful, lotta things can cause a thing to be 'moist'."

"Maybe we could get a little more light in here?"

"Yeah, good idea. Does anyone have some of those matches, or is this candle and the torch it?" he moves over to the woman and examines the candleabra to see if it has candles on it already. He can't help but notice the woman scratch at her wound. "Hey, how does that feel? It probably burns... I'm not gonna be your mom and tell you not to pick at it... but, don't pick at it." His smile is only slightly noticeable.


First Post
Clairemont Mansion

2nd Floor – Stair Hall

Maria Moreno

Again you peer at the body, but it looks well...eaten...the words just pop into your mind. Blood is everywhere that you can see...its a pretty bloody corpse. Though you do notice something odd. The man's shoes are exceptionally clean, no dirt whatsoever, no scuff marks aside from the odd speckle of blood. Wherever he came from, he hadn't been outside since he wore the shoes.

There's alot of pieces of tough white blue cotton fabric around with odd metallic lines that criss-cross...but you don't know what it means other than the corpse must have been wearing something made out of that.

2nd Floor – Gallery Hall West

Anders Carlson

You do notice the clip by the wall, but you move into the darkness of the hallway with only the faint light from Amisha's torch a distance behind you. The hallway is pitch dark and you can't see a thing as you inch slowly left. The railing is to your left, to you right is a door. A few paintings hang on the wall, more of landscapes.

A noise catches your ear but you can't tell where its coming from, only that you thought you heard something there in the hallway.

1st Floor – Reception Room

Jacqueline, Yuri, Michael, Amelia, Isaac

The howling is sounding closer now....

Jaqueline Nguyen

Your wound continues to burn painfully, and your chewed up shoulder isn't exactly mellow either. The heavy silver candelabra feels quite solid in your hands with enough room for three candles on each of its prongs but it doesn't have candles.

Yuri Borzakovsky

You don't see any candles in the candelabra but you do notice now that you're closer to her, that the raven-haired woman's shoulder where the creature had bit her doesn't look very healthy at all. In fact, its starting to have an strange smell to it.

Isaac Goldstein

The statue looks pretty expensive and authentic...well at least from what you can tell, but since you know squat about art, you could be wrong. It feels heavy in your hands. The base is shaped like a six-sided polygon with some type of hieroglyphs look written along the inside of it.

Michael Smith

You kneel by the door to try and peer underneath. Its dark in there and you can't see anything. Nothing looks wet to you so far, but you catch a whiff of something nasty smelling along with the strong scent of chlorinated water.


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First Post
1st Floor – Reception Room
Clairemont Mansion

Jacqueline tries to smile back, but the throbbing in her arm spoils the grin and warps it into more of a grimace. "No picking, yeah, I know," she replies. "It just feels like someone poured hydrochloric acid into my veins. I'm thinking my root canal was more enjoyable than this." She looks back to the door they just came through. "Even with the zombies." Absently she reaches to scratch her wound, catches herself, and stops. Placing both hands on the solid object in her hands, she took a deep breath.

Looking dejectedly at the empty candlebra in her hands, she sighs. "Well, all we need now are some candles. And it sounds like we may have some trouble coming up behind us soon. Anyway to lock that door?" As she says this, she moves to ensure that the way they came is blocked off, at the very least. "If it doesn't have a lock, we may have to push something heavy in the way... like that armoire."


First Post
1st Floor – Reception Room
Clairemont Mansion

"Sir, I think I smell some chlorinated water coming from beyond this door, but I'm afraid it isn't a swimming pool. Something nasty-smelling up there." Michael's voice is neither sarcastic nor cheerful, just flat.

Damnit, this entire house just smells wrong, attacks coming from everywhere. How did we get cought up in this?

Hearing the conversation behind him, Michael adds his own thoughts. "I'm not sure if that's a good idea. They might also come in through these windows here. In that case, the door might be our only way out. We don't know where the other ones lead yet, they might all be dead ends."

The other door... Let's see.

Michael takes a few paces to the other door leading out of the room, and examines that one too, as best as he can.


2nd Floor – Stair Hall
Clairemont Mansion

Amisha trails a few steps behind Sargeant Carlson as ordered, keeping an eye out for threats and a possible trap.


I aim to misbehave
2nd Floor – Gallery Hall West
Clairemont Mansion

Anders moved to the first door on the left in the west hall. He waited at the door until Moreno and Patel were in position. While he waited he listened at the door and kept alert, glancing in down the hall and on the ceiling.

When they were positioned, Anders turned to make eye contact with them. He motioned *Three, two, one* on his fingers, while directing who had what sector within the room. He turned the handle as quietly as he could and pushed the door open, peering inside.


First Post
2nd Floor – Gallery Hall West
Clairemont Mansion

Doing as Anders ordered, Maria follows him, torch lift up high, looking around her, but never losing eyecontact with the sarge. When arriving at the door, she takes up her tableleg and swings it around once.

When Anders starts his countdown, Maria gets a shiver, running from the top of her neck all the way down, through her spine, making her shake softly. Oh, I hate these situations... Normally, I wouldn't care... but noone seems to be theirselves since we got here... and nothing seems to be normal. This starts to look more and more like some kind of sick horrormovie than anything else. Seeing how Anders has reached 0, Maria tries to take a glimps of whatever is in the room.


First Post
Clairemont Mansion

1st Floor – Reception Room

Jacqueline, Yuri, Michael, Amelia, Isaac

The howling sounds as if its whispering in your ear.

Isaac, Ameila

Your eyes spot something outside the window, low shapes moving around behind the curtains, but you can't tell exactly what it is...its just too dark.

Jaqueline Nguyen

Your hands touch the knob, but there's no lock that you can see and it turns easily in your hand. Anyone can get in from the Entrance Hall as long as they could work the door.

Michael Smith

Crawling down onto his knees, you peer underneath but its dark. No water smells, some musty wood smells, but nothing more than that.

2nd Floor – Gallery Hall West

Maria Moreno

The torch in your hands illuminate the hallway as you move inwards to stand near Anders. Intent on the room, you didn't notice anything until you hear Amisha gasp. From what you can make out from the doorway, it looked like a bedroom...a very blue bedroom.

Anders Carlson

Your hand touches the doorknob, concentration intent on turning it, but the sound of Amisha's gasp takes your attention just as you push the door open into the dark room and see nothing but blue...blue carpet, blue walls, blue ceiling and the hints of a blue bed...but much of the room is in shadow.

Amisha Patel

You move along side your sergeant, the darkness to one side. Your eyes dart into the darkness of the corridor beyond. Noise...some kind of scratching noise...echoing down there. Your heart pounds as you continue to stare and a sound escapes your lips as Maria's torch brings something horrible into view.

Horrible...just horrible...about as wide as the hallway with a huge bulbous furry body and long thick legs with hairs as wide as your fingers. The many black eyes stare at you, mesmerizing you in your shock. But that shock wears off when you feel a sharp pain digging into your shoulder, its breath wet and horrid on your face. You nearly faint from pain and the terrible feeling of something alien being injected into your body.


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First Post
1st Floor – Reception Room
Clairemont Mansion

"Allright Smith, pick a door and let's keep moving. Your choice, but make it quick." Yuri casts another gaze around the room. "Everybody get ready to move. I don't like it here. Grab whatever you think is useful."

Door number one... or door number two? Of course, there's always what's in the box...

"Wait, is anyone good with locks? This thing is locked," he nods to the armoire, "but there might be something useful in there. Or, there might be something unspeakably bad in there... I thought I heard something, but I'm hearing a lot of things lately."

Voidrunner's Codex

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