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The "I Didn't Comment in Another Thread" Thread

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That’s because everyone knows you don’t eat them.

You grind them up and do lines of the powder. It gives you super taki powers.

I tried snorting Pixie Stix once... I sneezed so hard I was airborne for half a second, but I don't really think that counts as having the ability to fly.
I did however, gain the uncontrollable ability to shoot massive amounts of blood out of my nose for the next hour or so.

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Wow that's quite the list!

And Hero System!? That sounds like a lot of work!
I would create something simple from the ground up to really capture the quick and fun spirit, especially since you're so passionate about it.

In my head, I'm imagining the GM and the players frantically moving ships on a grid, pausing only momentarily to throw down a shot template. Maybe there's a clock that ticks up in one round increments that helps you keep track of weapon cool downs, enemy spawns, and when enemies fire. That would be intense.

Round 1: Start
Round 2: Orbs spawn A8,D8 (However you label the grid)
Round 6: Orbs activate [50% fire, 50% move]
Round 10: Great Beast (GB) spawns C4; Orbs activate [""]
Round 12: GB activates [80% Laser Breath, 20% shields]; Orbs despawn

Something like that. And the entire time the players are free to navigate, fire, or use powers.

Anyways, I would create your own thread about it. You wont get very many replies, but would be a neat place to share your ideas and progress.


It feels like it would be interesting to do a qualitative study of folks views on some gaming issues and religious/political views in regards to numerous threads. (Theoretically, a thread doing so feels like it would set a record on imploding).

There's a whole thread there, I'm sure, but I doubt its one for this forum. There was also the Gulf War.
If I knew where it ended up (which is more than likely in the trash) i could post my old HS Government term paper which had the topic of terrorism (I asked if i could do this topic instead of getting it assigned because I have an interest in the topic) but in general, terrorism wasn't a shock to the system like 9/11 was, what was a shock was Columbine mainly in that it supposedly changed the stance of "waiting" to "go in right now"


Frumious Flumph (Your Grace/Your Eminence)
It feels like it would be interesting to do a qualitative study of folks views on some gaming issues and religious/political views in regards to numerous threads. (Theoretically, a thread doing so feels like it would set a record on imploding).
I believe that some beings are just inherently Evil, and there's no moral quandary with killing them and taking their stuff. Females and children, as well.

But as far as gaming goes, I like there to be no clear-cut Evil or Good in the game world -- everything is shades of gray.


It feels like it would be interesting to do a qualitative study of folks views on some gaming issues and religious/political views in regards to numerous threads. (Theoretically, a thread doing so feels like it would set a record on imploding).

For sure it would be, but I found over the last few months that some people I surprisingly align with, way more than I thought I would, while on other issues its still like 'how can you be my polar opposite....'


The absolutely willful ignorance, the refusal to see what is plainly obvious, the inability to go from A, to B with all in agreement, and then just fail to step to C, to deny that C even exists.

I'll never get use to seeing it.


Limit Break Dancing (He/They)

EDIT: Actually? I think I will post that in that other thread.

Whizbang Dustyboots

Gnometown Hero
I just discovered that Hello from the Magic Tavern debuted three days before Critical Role, eight years ago this week. It amuses me to imagine that Hello from the Magic Tavern is secretly the reason 5E exploded. (The Adventure Zone predates both by six months, of course, and I don't think one can say that 5E's success is solely about actual play content, in any case.)

(And no, Hello from the Magic Tavern isn't an actual play show. That would give it actual structure and narrative drive.)

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