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[d20 Modern] RESIDENT EVIL: Damnation [PG -17]


I aim to misbehave
Anders pockets the tool and the flashlight, then said, "This guys name was Dwayne Michaels and he's in an Umbrella jumpsuit. That mean anything to anyone? Yuri, I'm more than happy to give you the flashlight, but I figure we'll save it since we have all these torches." and I'd rather just burn this place to the ground so I better not carry one Anders finished in his head.

Anders made his way to the bathroom, turned the water to cold and drank deeply from the water (after a taste test).

"You need a hand with my lunch?" Anders asked Maria, seeing her troubles with the rat.

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First Post
1st Floor – Reception Room
Clairemont Mansion

What does that mean? Is it some kind of riddle - four colors, four animals? The base looks interesting, too. Was there a larger base it was in, or is it some kind of key maybe? -- Oh right, hear me, acting like this is some kind of pulp adventure. just find a wall that has a six-sided indentation, and has four animals painted in different colors. Damnit, you're taking this to far, Michael. But how knows, in this house... If I ever see a hexagon-shaped opening somewhere - Well' I'll just have to kind it in mind. Black, red, blue, white. Turtle, bird, dragon, tiger...

While walking to the bathroom to take a drink, Michael pockets the statue. He stand in line before the sink, waiting for the Sergeant to finish.

"Sir? The generator may be a problem. It's probably out back somewhere. The dogs are gone now, but they must still be out there. Lights would be good, but I'm not sure if it's worth the risk."
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First Post
1st Floor – Reception Room
Clairemont Mansion

Yuri stares after the Sargeant, then blinks. Uh... okay. He looks at the blazing torch in his hand, then sighs to himself.

"Well, might as well continue searching around. Not every room can have some terrible monster in it, right?" He smirks to himself, and makes his way over to the unopened door in the corner. Unceremoniously, he rattles the doorknob to see if it's locked.

"I'll take door number two after all Monty," he mutters to himself, "gotta find that big-money prize."


1st Floor – Reception Room
Clairemont Mansion

For a long time, Amisha merely lays where she is. Things go on around her but she doesn't hear them. A good couple of minutes pass before the world stops spinning, her stomach settles down out of her throat, and her limbs stop tingling. Her shoulder is still fire and knives, but nothing like it was before.

Slowly, she sits up and gets her bearings, bracing one hand behind her and the other on her head.

"Did we win yet?"


First Post
1st Floor – Reception Room
Clairemont Mansion

originally posted by Velenne
"Did we win yet?"

"Not yet ma'am," Isaac replies as he applies the plant mix to the Jacqueline's injuries, "but you got a good medic there. Our odds can't be too bad surely."

That's right Isaac, do that cop thing and tell them it isn't as bad as it appears, gotta keep up people's hopes here. At least the medic's good at what he does.
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First Post
Clairemont Mansion

1st Floor – Reception Room

Anders Carlson

The water tastes cool and very much like tapwater. You move aside afterwards and watch as Michael takes his own sip before heading over to Maria.

Michael Smith

The water certainly felt very soft though, probably a first rate water system in this place. Which means there's a sewage plant somewhere - small, but adequate for a mansion of this enormous size located in the middle of nowhere.

Yuri Borzakovsky

The knob turns easily and it certainly doesn't seemed locked at all to all your rattling. And afterwards, no strange noises greeted you that you could hear.

Isaac Goldstein

The stuff smells like - well - mashed plant to you and it definitely feels extra squishy as you start slapping some on Jacqueline's wounds. She's starting to look much better though after your minstrations.

Amelia Brogart

That's it. The final straw...dead things biting you, cold place, your sister missing, people yelling at you...suddenly it all came out as you started to scream at the top of your lungs, startling Maria and Anders as they try to get the rat out of your hair.


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First Post
1st Floor – Reception Room
Clairemont Mansion

Yuri throws open the door and thrusts the torch before him into the entrance, half expecting to reveal a hoarde of shambling monsters. Just then, a scream from behind him makes him jump.

"Holy sh*t!" he excalims as he leaps backwards then spins around. He see the debacle taking place around Amelia and lets out a breath.

"Oh man, forget the rat, already! Just don't let it bite her, it might be infected. Uhm. I mean, rats carry the plague, you know." He laughs a little, but only a little, and glances around at everyone. "Hey, let's keep moving, yeah? I'm gonna poke my head in here," he nods back towards the door he just opened, "If you hear me screaming, come running."

With one last look around, his eyes lingering on Amisha for a moment, (oh good, at least she's up...) he turns back to the newly opened door, and torch held out before him, steps int othe door way and peers into the space beyond.


First Post
1st Floor – Reception Room
Clairemont Mansion

Michael hears the scream, and nearly chokes on the water he's drinking. Dear God, something's wrong in there!

He takes a few swift and jumpy paces back to the other room and recognizes the look on Amelia's face, the look of someone who cannot cope on her own any more. Damnit, so she's not just trying for attention. The poor woman, looking so strong, all just an act...

Trying not to hinder the others, Michael approaches the blonde woman, and lays a gentle but strong arm around her shoulder, trying to prevent herself from making any sudden movement which might hurt her or any of the others.

"Miss Amelia, please listen to me. Listen. You're gonna be okay, just take a seat," after we've removed that rat "and I'll get you some water. I'll take care of you, we're going to make sure everything's okay..." Dear God, I hope that's going to be true...


First Post
1st Floor – Reception Room
Clairemont Mansion

"Get a grip, girl." Maria looks annoyed, almost angry, at Amelia. "It's just a rat, not some kind of humongous one, just a plain, simple, small rat. No shut up and sit still while we get it out of your hair."

Maria swings her head around to Anders, rolling her eyes with the intention of saying: Why the Hell do we always have to run in girls like this... She doesnt say it out loud though, knowing any negative remark about Amelia might make her lose it totally, and that's about the last thing they can use.

"Smith, you hold her still while me and Anders try to get it out of her hair without taking the hair with it. Anders, lets rescue this lady in distress." Maria says with a sarcastic undertone in her last sentance. She winks at Amelia, but inside, she'd rather let the rat sit where it was right now. It's not like she has been very helpful around here... maybe she's some kind of spy, who knows. Better keep my eye on her.


First Post
1st Floor – Reception Room
Clairemont Mansion

Isaac is wiping off whatever of the herb mix remains on his hands and is about to place it on his own injury when Amelia screams. He jumps, flinging the tiny glob off out of sight.

"Miss Amelia, need some help?" he asks, "I don't know about you people but I think a scream like that might bring back the dogs, any ideas?"

Poor girl, wish she didn't have to scream like that.
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