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[d20 Modern] RESIDENT EVIL: Damnation [PG -17]


I aim to misbehave
1st Floor – Reception Room
Clairemont Mansion

Venus said:
"Smith, you hold her still while me and Anders try to get it out of her hair without taking the hair with it. Anders, lets rescue this lady in distress." Maria says . . .

"Course if that doesn't work, Moreno, you still have the shears," Anders offered, though jokingly. This would be some much easier without her wiggling so much, Anders thought. Oh, to be able to one-punch people, like Samson used to do on occasion. Now, that was impressive - wonder how he's doing these days.

Anders glanced around the room looking for where everyone was and what they were doing. Regardless of whether she was held or not, Anders looked for his opening, ready to deal with the dangerous threat of the mouse.

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First Post
Clairemont Mansion

1st Floor – Ladies Room

Issac, Jacqueline

As if prophetic, both you can hear some sniffing outside the window and then a suddenly thud from the direction of the reception room.

1st Floor – Reception Room

Michael Smith

She's quite limber and nearly slips out of your grip, but you manage a steady hand on Amelia, holding her while Anders and Maria try to get the rat out o her hair.

Anders Carlson

You struggle with the damned rat, but the blond woman wasn't helpful at all, fending off your attempts. Good thing Michael was there to assist. You help him out, holding Amelia's hair out of the way for Maria. You notice Yuri walking into the other room, that Isaac and Jacqueline are in the bathroom. Amisha is laying on the sofa by the windows. Maria and Mike are assisting you with Amelia.

Maria Moreno

Finally! That damned rat was in your grasp. It felt squishy and squirmed in your fingers.

Maria, Anders, Michael, Amisha, Amelia

A sudden thud against the window catches everyone's attention as a dark shadow flung itself against the window pane. You can all hear snarling outside, and another thud against a window as the full horror reaches your mind. The dogs are trying to break in.

1st Floor – Stair Closet

Yuri Borzakovsky

You glance around, throwing the light in your hand from place to place. It's a small wood-paneled room completely overtaken by staircase. There's a closed door on the opposite wall. The stairs appear to lead up into the darkness of the second floor. From behind you, you hear thudding...


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First Post
1st Floor – Ladies Room
Clairemont Mansion

Snapping out of her little reverie at the sound of the dogs trying to break in, Jacqueline lets out a surprised yell that sounds like 'eep!'

"Thanks for this," she tells Isaac with a grateful smile, indicating her now mulch-covered wounds. "I'm feeling better already."

Ok, that's it, I need to move, she decides, and bolstered by the fact that Isaac is still in the room with her, she turns the door knob before her and pushes it open slowly, cautiously peering down the hallway and hoping nothing evil is lurking in the shadows. She's hoping that the light from the torches carries well enough for her to see any attackers before she moves on into the room.


First Post
1st Floor – Reception Room
Clairemont Mansion

"Finally, you stupid rodent!" Maria picks the rat up, looks at it with a very angry look, and smacks the rat against a closet. And again, and again, and again, untill it stops moving. "It works on fish, it'll work on rats." She says with a sadistic glee on her face.

Then the thud against the window. And again. Dark shapes bashing against the windows, and the window not liking it, not at all. It starts to crack, louder and louder, bits of glass looking like they can jump out any second now. In a hurry, Maria grabs the shotgun and makes sure the thing is loaded. "Anders! We got to hurry, out of here and I suggest upstairs. It's much better to defend, and the thing there is out already. And hopefully these dogs won't be able to climb the stairs. Your call, but make it fast!" Yeah Maria, dream on, safe upstairs. This mansion is totally cursed or something.


First Post
1st Floor – Reception Room
Clairemont Mansion

Michael spins his head to face the window at the first sound coming form that direction, immediately expecting the eery howls to recommence.

Not now, not again... His gaze then falls down a foot, onto the figure of Amisha still laying on the couch. Damnit, she's not safe there. Why did we put here so close to the window?

Hoping that Amelia won't do anything harmfull when left alone, Michael darts towards the sofa and reaches it in three big leaps, bending down to see how the young woman is doing.

"Hey Amisha, I trust you had enough rest. Are you feeling well enough to walk? Here, let me give you a hand."

Michael wriggles his free hand beneath the private's upper torse, helping her sit up, and helping her walk to wherever the Sergeant orders them. While helping Amisha up, Michael takes a nervous glance at the window.

Please hold, for just a few more seconds at least...


First Post
1st Floor – Stair Closet
Clairemont Mansion

Yuri looks around the small room and peers up into the darkness. At the sound of the thumping, he looks back int othe reception room.

"Anders! We got to hurry, out of here and I suggest upstairs. It's much better to defend, and the thing there is out already. And hopefully these dogs won't be able to climb the stairs. Your call, but make it fast!"

"Hey! I found some more stairs here!" he calls out. I should just slam the door and run for it. This is crazy. We're all gonna die. Wait... what the Hell am I thinking? This is my squad here... "Come on, hurry!"

He takes a couple steps back into the closet, hoping to somehow entice the others by moving farther away. Holding the torch high overhead, he returns to examining the room.


First Post
1st Floor – Ladies Room
Clairemont Mansion

originally posted by loxmyth
"Thanks for this," she tells Isaac with a grateful smile, indicating her now mulch-covered wounds. "I'm feeling better already."

"You're welcome ma'am, just doing my job," Isaac replies.

Isaac then shudders with each thud against the windows. He sees Jacqueline checking through a door but also hears the medic call out.

"The medic's found a way upstairs, I think we should go that way," he advises to Jacqueline.


First Post
1st Floor – Ladies Room
Clairemont Mansion

Jacqueline bites her lip as she considers whether or not to follow the old man. She's chafing at the time it's taking to move from place to place, but she's terrified at facing off against a zombie alone. In the end, it isn't much of a decision; she remembers too vividly the jaws of that first creature crushing her arm and feeding on the blood within. She'll follow Isaac to Yuri. But not before seeing what she can through the door she's opened. The information might come in handy later.

"Get the !#@$%^#@"

Wildly waving her hands in front of her she gets rid of the guy who's on top of her and she gets up her hair hanging wildy in front of her face. Looking like furious vixen she gazes to everyone around her while she straightens her labcoat and the rest of her clothes.

"Undead dogs, undead humans and so undoubtedly an undead rat. I suggest you watch it, a simple rodent wouldn't get me that exited but in case you hadn't all noticed, this situation is NOT NORMAL. And so I do have a problem with UNDEAD rats, if any of you don't, especiallu when they are in your hair, please raise your hands. Not that I give a damned sh*t."

Another thump against the window gets Amelia's attention and now her eyes survey the room around her and what happened since she got overtaken by her memmories and emotions.


And she quickly heads into the closet where Yuri is at beckoning to Isaac and Jaqueline to follow them in before the dogs burst in. Once in she turns around and looks at Yuri and then into the room she came from, a sudden sense of haste had taken control of her but she doesn't even seem to notice.

"I've had it with this craphole, that living dead rat or whatever really was the final straw. This sh*t is going down and I'm gonna take care of what I came for and not even dying is gonna stop me from that."

Tightening the labcoat around her she walks across the stairs and taking a quick glance behind her where some of the rest are staying. She tries the door across the staircase if it's locked or not.

Little sis, I'm coming. If you're ready or not.
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First Post
Clairemont Mansion

1st Floor – Stair Closet

Amelia Brogart

The metal door felt cold in your hands and the knob turns. It didn't appear to be locked at all. No sounds that you can hear echo from the other side.

Yuri Borzakovsky

Nothing interesting in the stair closet, and nothing you can really see other than darkness above without going up the stairs. You notice the blonde woman try and open the door on the opposite wall.

1st Floor – Ladies Room

Jacqueline Nguyen

The room beyond looked dark to you, the lights reflecting off shelves of endless books, some end tables and comfortable chairs. But you only a second before rushing after Isaac into the other room to join the others.

1st Floor – Reception Room

Michael Smith

Amisha is firm in your arms, though obvious not responding. You hold her steadily as you both make your way more slowly than you would like toward the Yuri and the stairs. Behind you the dogs continue to throw themselves at the windows.

Maria, Anders, Michael, Amisha, Isaac, Jacqueline

A sharp crack echoed into the room as a window began to give way. The snarling could be heard now as cold air seeped into the room and invigorated you. A bloody mouth looked caught in the window pane and with a horrific tearing sound, a piece of flesh is ripped off and lies on the floor, the dog sounding angry as it prepares to throw itself again into the now tattered window. All of you realize that it would not hold a moment longer.


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