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let’s say you would not expect to find any in a sample of size 10, does that work for you?

No, it doesn't. Again, for the sample size of the survey alone, 10 people is 0.00025%. Statistical numbers are hard, so lets try something to give you a perspective on that. The odds of being born with detectable hearing loss in one or more ears is 0.003%. That is over TEN TIMES more statistically significant than a population of ten amongst 40 thousand.

A sample size of ten, in this context, is meaningless. It is FAR too small a sample size to determine ANYTHING.

very different things, you expect people to be sick, they are every day without there being a pandemic.

You do not expect your poll to ever be misunderstood, and yet we found a case where it was this easily

If one person randomly exploded in the streets, would you not expect an investigation? This is much more what we found than your sick person comparison

See, this is where you keep stumbling. Yes, of course we expect the poll to be misunderstood by some people. That's blatantly obvious. Not because it is flawed, but because PEOPLE are flawed. I recently in training for my new position had a guy I was communicating with who didn't know his own boss's job title. I've seen people put in OTHER people's names when asked for a name. I, myself, have stood up from a chair, walked into a room, and forgotten why I did so. You wouldn't expect someone my age to forget something like that without a serious mental concern right? Except we know it happens ALL THE TIME. To everyone.

Someone, somewhere, for some reason is always going to misunderstand your question. Always.

that is why I said you cannot extrapolate to how widespread it is, but you absolute have found something worth investigating

By doing what? Creating a new survey, with untested methods, and asking that survey to rank people's perceptions of their own understanding? To hire hundreds of thousands of people to go and, in person, talk to people who have taken or seen these surveys? How many hundreds of thousands of dollars should WoTC throw at this because you think there might be a problem, because you found a bare handful of people who misunderstood something?

You remember when you mentioned Light Bulb testing? You said something about testing 10 bulbs. I can't find a modern example, but here's an older picture. This is the type of testing that they ACTUALLY did.


Which, you may note, is more than 10.

you know as well as I do that there is no document to show. I made a case based on what is available, you have not made a counterargument based on what is available. You just keep repeating ‘but WotC smart tho’

What evidence is available? The fact that you think they took it as a no? That isn't evidence. And I don't need to provide "counter-evidence" to a non-evidenciary claim. Right now you are doing the equivalent of declaring that Ford doesn't know how to design trucks, because you know you found a stupid flaw in their trucks, and your buddy agreed with you. Why would anyone take that sort of claim seriously? I shouldn't have to do more than point out how ridiculously successful they are to call into question that they are incompetents who don't know what they are doing.

and how many people fill out the text box? 5%? What do they do in those cases where it isn’t?

I don't know how many people fill out the text box. 5% would still get them two thousand written responses, which seems like more than the total number of users on this entire site. And, it also feels incredibly low.

What do they do in cases there isn't written responses? They follow their data processing process. And until you can explain to me, in detail, why that process is flawed, I see no reason to assume it must be flawed.

sounds more like you… I at least explained my reasoning

You never mentioned anything at all other than ‘WotC knows what they are doing’. If you cannot engage with my arguments and just keep on repeating one line, then I am moving on

You claim they are incompetent. Incapable of doing their jobs, after a decade of wild success. My claim is that, since they have seen wild success, and have been seeing that success for a decade.... they likely are not incompetent. That is still logic. I've explained my reasoning. I don't need internal documents, secret data files, or to interview a hundred thousand people to know that Wizards of the Coast is one of the most successful RPG companies of all time, and that 5e DnD is their most successful product line.

the 20s are in the past, it did not stop it then. That nothing in the playtest ranked that low is not the result of the playtest, it gets no credit for that. That should be obvious… the playtest can only kick in after the first proposal was published, not before

Right, so those things which were not playtested and were not surveyed and had a rating of 20% do not reflect upon the playtest and survey process. That process can only start AFTER the initial release. So stop bringing them up like they prove your point.


The data the developers are actually receiving is A% strongly disapprove, B% disapprove, C% neutral, D% approve, E% strongly approve of a given game element. They way they are describing the data is X% approve, Y% disapprove. Each data point (survey response) is being treated as having one of only two values, despite being collected on a five point scale.

Okay. In which official document did WoTC outline what percentage value they assign to Strongly Disapprove, Disapprove, Approve, and Strongly Approve? Where did they specify that they look at each as a line item instead of as a cohesive whole? Do you have information on how rating the class itself compares to the average rating of the class abilities and how that discreprancy is resolved? Are they averaged? Is any of this information weighted? Do they do a comparison of how something like Weapon Mastery is received across multiple classes, and consider it in that context, or do they look at it solely on an individual class basis? Do they consider any comparative analysis between classes?

Do you know ANY of this? Or is it enough that they say "the ranger got above a 70% approval rate" and you can just assume that means they are flattening the data into "therefore 70% of people said yes and 30% said no"

While there are certainly reasons to look for supermajority approval, the specific numbers are arbitrary in that there's no intrinsic reason 60% is a better cutoff than 55% or 66% percent. What's more problematic, though, is that these cutoffs are being used to infer something the survey never asked about. Whether a design idea merits further experimentation is a fundamentally different question from whether playtesters are happy with its current implementation, and I see no reason to believe a fixed percentage cutoff can reliably translate one to the other.

Right, you just assume 70% was a randomly chosen number, because any percentage would have the same meaning. They could not have POSSIBLY used logic to determine why a 70% approval rating was a good cut-off.

Additionally, you, obviosuly a professional game designer with a decade of experience and long history of using surveys to poll the public and compare that data against your internal playtesting team, can see no reason to believe that the data of supermajority approval of a product can reliably translate into a well-designed product.

Or maybe, you are asking the wrong question. Maybe WoTC, in wanting to make a well-designed and popular game... is more concerned with appeal of their product than whether any possible idea they have warrants further experimentation. Because, fundamentally, EVERY idea warrants further experimentation. They've never released an idea that didn't warrant it, because any idea that bad never even got to us.


No, it doesn't. Again, for the sample size of the survey alone, 10 people is 0.00025%. Statistical numbers are hard, so lets try something to give you a perspective on that. The odds of being born with detectable hearing loss in one or more ears is 0.003%. That is over TEN TIMES more statistically significant than a population of ten amongst 40 thousand.

A sample size of ten, in this context, is meaningless. It is FAR too small a sample size to determine ANYTHING.
as I said, you cannot extrapolate, but since you detected this in that small a sample size, it is worth looking into. You are simply wrong to dismiss it, just because the sample is small.

It works the other way, if in a sample of 10 I find no issues, then the sample was too small to safely say that there is no problem. If in this little sample I find a problem already, then you better look into it.

Yes, of course we expect the poll to be misunderstood by some people. That's blatantly obvious. Not because it is flawed, but because PEOPLE are flawed.
What percentage do we expect to stumble? Should we maybe work on making it harder to misunderstand the survey?

Someone, somewhere, for some reason is always going to misunderstand your question. Always.
but how many do can certainly vary, and be influenced by the questions and available answers

Which, you may note, is more than 10.
Sure, because a sample size of 10 is too small to reliably detect a problem, it's just that we already managed despite the small size. If we had a thousand and found the problem, it still would be a problem, we just managed to do so in 10 already.

Do you think they would say 'oh, it is only 10 out of the 1000 bulbs, we can ignore that'?

What evidence is available? The fact that you think they took it as a no? That isn't evidence.
I gave a rationale, you are basically saying 'you have motive, you have opportunity, you have circumstantial evidence, but you have no DNA at the crime scene, so it could have been anyone'. I have no access to the proverbial crime scene... If you want to dispute the circumstantial evidence, be my guest.

I don't know how many people fill out the text box. 5% would still get them two thousand written responses, which seems like more than the total number of users on this entire site
sure, but it still pales in comparison to all responses, and the % is the aggregate of all of them, so the few written opinions have only a small influence on the result

You claim they are incompetent. Incapable of doing their jobs, after a decade of wild success. My claim is that, since they have seen wild success, and have been seeing that success for a decade.... they likely are not incompetent.
yeah, that is your claim, but 'unfortunately' correlation is not the same as causation, so you still will have to show that this is due to how great the playtest is working

That is still logic
No more or less than mine, or rather, if anything it is less so, because you are not making a case like I did, you just make a claim. And yet you are very comfortable with dismissing mine. Guess I feel the same way about yours.

I doubt we will get to an agreement here. How about we turn this around? Why are you so opposed to improving the process? After all that is all I am asking for here... Let's see if we can agree on something here...

1) What is WotC really interested in answering? To me it is A) do you like this idea better than what we have today (nevermind the balancing)? B) Do you like the execution enough for us to add it as is, or does it need improvement?

Do you agree / disagree? If you disagree, what are they looking for?

2) Are the current options we can choose from the best way to answer the questions that WotC wants answers for? To me that is a resounding 'no', let's see what you have to say
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It sure seemed like "optimizer" has serious overlap with what you're calling "munchkin" right?

I posted that graphic, not you. And I said "I think they said thy increased the threshold but it's a vague memory and I am not sure" to make it utterly clear I am not sure. And now, without quoting that part, you re-posted the graphic and claimed somehow the graphic I posted doesn't support the comment I made, which I never claimed it did, and claimed I am making a "what if scenario" out of it, which I never did. Why did you just do that?

Did they? Show me proof of that. That graphic isn't showing weighting, it was my vague comment about it remember?

No they don't. You have not in any way established they even exist, much less are bad or need to be weighted. That's the entire thing we've been discussing and now you're just asserting it's all as you say and must be adjusted for?

There isn't any indication of weighting yet either, right?

Yes and that view is as valid as any other view. You are arguing there is some reasons to "weight" or adjust for that view - with no justification behind your argument. It's absolutely a valid perspective, and should be equally represented in any decisions as any other view. Why is YOUR view more valid than the view you're describing? You have yet to show why this is somehow an inherently bad view for anything, You're just asserting it and then declaring it to be so.


Crusty Old Meatwad (he/him)

You making a joke doesn't equate with a response. Yes, what you're calling munchkins is in fact a shared group with optimizers. Here is how you described them, "the group who will react negatively to any slight to their absolute power builds" How does that description not also describe someone who is optimizing? What does "absolute power builds" mean if it's not a synonym for optimized builds?


Morkus from Orkus
You remember when you mentioned Light Bulb testing? You said something about testing 10 bulbs. I can't find a modern example, but here's an older picture. This is the type of testing that they ACTUALLY did.

View attachment 292912

Which, you may note, is more than 10.
You do realize that your research there is entirely irrelevant, right? You can replace lightbulb with just about anything else, because the key part wasn't lightbulb, it was 1 failure out of 10.


We do not have a larger sample at all however. All we have is a small sample that given its size really should not contain any issues, and yet it does.
You and I don't have the larger sample. WoTC does. What you have is conjecture based around your opinion.
no, I am saying your vote was understood as ‘no’ by WotC.
You and I can't speak for WotC. That's conjecture based around your opinion.
let’s say you would not expect to find any in a sample of size 10, does that work for you?
That's what makes it an outlier or one-off. If it wasn't an outlier or one-off WotC would see that in the overall metric. Capturing a one-off is just lucky coincidence. The math behind statistics doesn't support the the conjecture you've based around your opinion.
there are only 4 options, no neutral, not that this really changes anything about your argument
I explained either earlier here or in another thread (I forget which) how a neutral response can be approximated. Answering a survey but not answering a question indicates no strong opinion on that feature one way or the other. Wotc can see that information.

The reality is that we do not have access to the survey results or how those results are being used. You don't know that anything is flawed because you don't have the information to make that assessment. Conjecture and speculation are not facts. A person (such as you) cannot claim those flaws exist because you don't have evidence to back those claims up. Repeating yourself won't change that. This is a facts over feelings discussion at this point.

This seems like it's gotten extremely off topic so I'm moving away from it.


Pact magic is back. I prefer that so I can appreciate that response.

Spell lists are back. I preferred spell lists until bards were given a choice of list and I was warming up to the arcane/divine/primal spell lists at that point.


You making a joke doesn't equate with a response. Yes, what you're calling munchkins is in fact a shared group with optimizers. Here is how you described them, "the group who will react negatively to any slight to their absolute power builds" How does that description not also describe someone who is optimizing? What does "absolute power builds" mean if it's not a synonym for optimized builds?
No it is not. We are talking about a group selfishly weapon using the survey and playtest process . Shaping the playtest is an element incapable of being part of optimizing a character build.tgst is certainly not something the survey weighting should be providing an over 200% amplification to.
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You and I don't have the larger sample. WoTC does
they have more filled out surveys, they have no way of telling who filled it out wrong, so no, they have no sample at all

You and I can't speak for WotC. That's conjecture based around your opinion.
I never said I spoke for them, but my ‘conjecture’ is on more solid ground than your claim that they somehow understand what you meant regardless of which option you chose

That's what makes it an outlier or one-off.
how do you know that unless you have a larger sample that shows this?

If it wasn't an outlier or one-off WotC would see that in the overall metric
how would they detect that?

It simply shows up as a different percentage than what it otherwise would have been

Answering a survey but not answering a question indicates no strong opinion on that feature one way or the other.
sure, but that is neither here nor there, if you do not answer a question, you do not influence that result

Do you think they rate that as 50% (or really any arbitrary percentage)? That would be influencing the result, clearly they should not do this since you do not care either way

The reality is that we do not have access to the survey results or how those results are being used. You don't know that anything is flawed because you don't have the information to make that assessment. Conjecture and speculation are not facts.
agreed, not facts, but I’d say it is much stronger reasoning than anything I heard from you. Until you have anything at all, that will not change

This seems like it's gotten extremely off topic so I'm moving away from it.
alright then, feel free to stay away
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