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[d20 Modern] RESIDENT EVIL: Damnation [PG -17]


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Clairemont Mansion

Michael, Isaac, Amisha, Anders

As each of you search the room, you find that its dank, dusty and looks like it hasn't hosted a concert in days or been cleaned since then either. The layer of dust is as weird as it was back in the entrance hall.

More unlit candles can be found in the niches, four in all, that are ready to be lit at any time.

Isaac Goldstein

Your eyes pass over organ, one finger poised over the key and thinking about pressing it to see if this thing actually works when a shout from one of the soliders stops you short. Though you couldn't understand what he said - he sounded slightly panicked.

Michael Smith

Your shout was involuntary but full of adrenaline as you just noticed that the thin line of material wrapping the organ - det cord. But you couldn't see the detonator or the charges, the cord seems to wind into the organ and disappear into its innards.


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1st Floor - Stair Closet
Clairemont Mansion

Isaac is startled by the incoherent shout but around himself suddenly, wary of a possible attack.

"What was that about?" he asks, not seeing any dogs or zombies present.

Sh:)t! Don't wanna die of a heart attack in here, of all the things in this house to fall victim to imagine me having a heart attack!


First Post
1st Floor – Organ Hall
Clairmont Mansion

Oh my God... "No one move an inch!" Michael is counting on that 'something' in his voice to let the others know that he's serious.

Even though his heart is racing, Michael's strains to give his voice a calm and slow quality. He knows enough to realise that even the slightest disturbance might be disastrous. He's all but whispering to imprint on everyone that this situation does not call for fast action.

"Mister Goldstein... Step away from the organ slowly. Do not touch anything." Thanking God for the cop's fast reflexes, Michael turns to Carlson. "Sergeant Sir, we've got a problem... The organ is rigged."

Let's hope that's vague enough to keep anyone from panicking, and clear enough to keep anyone on their toes. The otherwise so talkative private is eerily quiet, dropplets of sweat appearing on his face despite the temperature.


First Post
1st Floor – Organ Hall
Clairmont Mansion

Jac had been entering the room cautiously, on the look out for more aggressors when the young soldier called out a warning. She followed his gaze to the organ and her eyes narrowed. This is getting stranger and stranger, she decided.

"Sergeant Sir, we've got a problem... The organ is rigged."

"Well, can you disable it?" she asked. "The explosives could probably come in handy at some point, especially in this crazy place. If you need some help, I could give you a hand. I've got a bit of knowledge in the area of demolitions."

As soon as the words were out of her mouth, she regretted them. Too much disclosure, she thought. Could definitely bring up unpleasant questions. But she shrugged inwardly at her gaffe, brushing some of her jet tresses out of her face. Well, what's best for me at this moment is staying alive, which probably has a greater chance if half of these people don't blow themselves away with all our supplies.


I aim to misbehave
1st Floor - Stair Closet
Clairemont Mansion

“Alright, everyone stop what they are doing and look around. Don’t touch anything or move anywhere,” Anders ordered. Great, now we’ve got traps as well as zombies and giant vermin. Let’s see how this group handles mine field training, Anders thought.

loxmyth said:
"Well, can you disable it?" she asked. "The explosives could probably come in handy at some point, especially in this crazy place. If you need some help, I could give you a hand. I've got a bit of knowledge in the area of demolitions."

“Smith, take a look at it and take this flashlight and tool,” Anders said handing the flashlight and multi-purpose tool to Michael. Then, Anders looked to Jac, the woman who haunted his dreams, “Miss, if you can help with this, I’m sure we’d all appreciate it. You two make sure you agree before trying anything.”

Well, someone wired the organ, Anders thought as he looked around but didn’t move, What others areas would be obvious for trapping in this room?


First Post
1st Floor – Organ Hall
Clairmont Mansion

Jac gave Anders a wry smile. "Well, I'm hoping your man is good enough at his job so I don't have to be," she admitted. "But I'll do what I can. It could be all of us on the line, if this doesn't go as planned." Then she returned her gaze to Michael. "Well, let's get on with this, shall we?" With that, she moved toward the organ with liquid grace, trying to determine where the trigger to the device is.


First Post
1st Floor - Organ Hall
Clairemont Mansion

Thoughts are racing through Michael's head as he carefully walks over to Carlson. Sweat is seen glinstering on his face in the torch light, his voice cut off with tension. Bombs, why bombs...? Give me a computer, a burglar alarm, a wristwatch, a car - I can tear 'em part and put 'em together and you wouldn't know the difference. But bombs...?

As he takes the tools from Carlson, he leans in close to have some private words with him, whispering "Sergeant, Sir. I think I should tell you that I don't have that much experience with explosives. We have to know what's there though, and I'll do it since no one else seems better qualified. Still, I don't want to jeopardize more people than necessary." He takes a breath, giving his whispering voice a more formal tone. "Sir, I request that you pull out everyone but the woman and me, possibly upstairs. We'll be careful and I don't expect trouble, but you can't do anything here, I'm afraid - and I can't give a good estimate of the risk involved..."

Leaving it to the Sergeant to decide, Michael walks over to the raven-haired woman who had volunteered to aid him. What do we know about her? - Pretty much nothing... She might even be better at this than me. Plan: You talk, get a feeling for how much she knows, and than see together with her what the situation is. Depending on that, we decide whether to take action and leave it like that. I hope I can count on her. Probably, she's just as much in this as we are.

He steps in fairly close to the woman and offers her the flashlight. Trying to focus on the job and forget about the other people in the room, he speaks to her. "Miss... thanks you for offering to help with this situation. I must confess that I don't have too much actual experience with these kinds of devices, but I've got enough theoretical knowledge. I'd suggest we first take a close look without touching anything, find where the triggers and explosives are, and if there are any security measures - motion detectors and so on. Do you agree?"


First Post
1st Floor - Organ Hall
Clairemont Mansion

Yuri stands there, holding up his torch, staring at the organ, seemingly lost in thought. Occasionally, he laughs some. a Couple times. Then about the third of fourth time, he just lets it go, and begins to laugh loudly.

Eventually, he backs up slowly a ways, as his laughter dies off.

"You know, back in highschool, I was in a band. We rocked. I played keyboards. I had this sweet Casio deluxe set up. Man, what a killer 3 months."

He shakes his head, then moves back towards the door they all came in through.

"You make the call Sarge. In this funhouse, I'd almost rather be blown up than face flesh eating monsters from Hell."


I aim to misbehave
1st Floor - Organ Hall
Clairemont Mansion

"Alright, let's back it up into the stairway. Moreno, Borzakovsky you're in charge in the hall. Do not go snooping around, return to this room if there's trouble. I'll stay in here and provide additional light and cover them if there's trouble," Anders ordered.

Anders shook his head, unhappy with the conditions and situation, but he wasn't about to let something happen to Smith . . . or to the raven-haired spy.

Once the people usher out, Anders speaks up to Smith and Nguyen, "Alright, tell me what you see. . . I'll handle the disarming part of the happy fun organ. I've had more than my fair share of demolitions work, this shouldn't be too much trouble," Anders said.

Setting them, disarming them - not a problem. Finding them, much, much more difficult, Anders thought.
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First Post
Clairemont Mansion

1st Floor – Organ Hall

Yuri Borzakovsky

You watch apprehensively while the small team goes at the organ, wondering if your visit here at this place would be more short-lived than you had ever imagined...

Jacqueline, Michael

Both of you breath a sigh of relief when Anders moves to take over the entire disarming operation. It had been a long moment of staring and realizing out of the two of you only one knew where to begin.

Anders Carlson

Your hands remain steady as you began to feel around the organs panel where the detcord entered. It seems an odd way to wire the bomb as if whoever it was wanted to blow the organ itself, anybody else getting hurt seems to be just a side effect. Why someone would be so interested in blowing up the organ and yet failing to do so puzzled you intensely.

Finally you pry open the panel and with Jacqueline's help holding it back, you reach in with the multipurpose tool to get started.

Inside your head you play over what the denator looks like when you finally spotted a huge lump of tape at the end of the detcord. With practiced hands you snip the end of it and carefully removed the detonator...but you'd have to be extra careful because enough detcord was still in the taped mess to take out your hand it if went off. It seemed a simple enough for you to use if you needed to.

Jacqueline Nguyen

Standing there so close, with so much fear in the room, you could smell Anders scent. Rather like what you remembered from the last time you both had met - masculine, sweaty, and utterly sexy. Of course, only the both of you know what had happened that night...

Taking yourself out of your reverie, you carefully unwound the detcord from around the organ - gathering about roughly 50 feet of material.

Michael Smith

Staring into the organ, your mind begins to realize that something wasn't quite right about its innards. Taking the multipurpose tool from Anders, you begin to fiddle with it until you managed to ascertain that if the organ was played a certain way - some of those locking mechanisms would be activated. What it would do though, you had no idea.


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