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The "I Didn't Comment in Another Thread" Thread

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I am among the 27.5% of full-vaxxed people in my city. Been wearing masks much of the time at gatherings, but I have to admit it's tough to do that when few others are doing so.
I haven't left my house in the last couple of weeks and wear masks when taking deliveries, but I've still managed to catch a severe cold. Test says it's not COVID at least.

Why do my non-masking, non-staying-home friends act so shocked and surprised when they test positive for Covid-19? In my social media feed right now:

Last week: "Hey everyone, we're going to Disneyland this weekend! Wooo!"
Today: "Oh no the whole family is sick now, grandpa is in the hospital, and the doc says it's Covid! How could this have happened? What a shocking, unforeseeable tragedy!"


Friday: "Woot! Scored tickets to see Peter Hook & The Light at the Crystal Ballroom! Sold out show!"
Yesterday: "Doc says I have Covid now? What a surprising and completely unavoidable turn of events!"


Last week: "Family ski trip! Looking forward to getting out of the house after being cooped up all week from the ice storm!"
Yesterday: "Doc says we have Covid now? This is so baffling and confusing. Why didn't anyone tell me that Covid-19 is still a thing?"

This might vary a lot by region, but where I am everyone is just going about life like normal now and people may wear masks if they have symptoms, stay home if they test positive, but for the most part people are going to gatherings, going out, and viewing covid as one existing risk among many. Most people I know got the first round of vaccines and are no longer actively getting them unless they are older or have certain conditions. Also people have to do things like go to work

That said, I don't know a single person who went to a gathering, got covid and was surprised about it. I had to go to a memorial and wake and and I came down with it after (but my reaction was 'must have been that memorial service').

People still get it bad though, I saw a neighbor taken away in an ambulance from it recently (she came back from the hospital a few days later and was fine). I think most people understand it is still out there but it isn't the shut downs anymore

I read the thread announcing Cthulhu by Gaslight ....

and my immediate thought was that at some point, I need to create a "single serving" horror RPG that takes place in the Victorian era, where the players are trying to gaslight each other.

....clearly, I need a new hobby.
Friend computer says hello and that any false memories are the work of commies.

Thomas Shey

Last week: "Family ski trip! Looking forward to getting out of the house after being cooped up all week from the ice storm!"
Yesterday: "Doc says we have Covid now? This is so baffling and confusing. Why didn't anyone tell me that Covid-19 is still a thing?"

At least in this one, people who ignore anything but top-level news could possibly have had it left their ken. Since the lethality has dropped, it doesn't tend to hit quite the attention, even though we're in the second biggest surge recorded.


Moderator Emeritus
Morrus needs to introduce a script to the forums that auto-deletes any thread that becomes an argument about the boundaries/definition of specific genres and/or any thread that devolves into a comparison of D&D and Monopoly.

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