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D&D (2024) What Should D&D 2024 Have Been +


revisit and rebalance certain feat, revisit and rebalance certain spells (including BF concentration tags), and update the beast master to Tasha’s pet class mechanics.

The rest was fine as is
Do you think they did not do these things? I don't know about the Tasha's pet thing, but they seem to be working on rebranding spells and feats.

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I think 5.5e is looking pretty awesome so far, but one thing I really wish they had addressed in the playtests was the overwhelming power disparity between Multiclassed characters and Single class characters. With the exception of high level spells, all of the powerful class abilities come in the first few levels, and all of the high level abilities are hot garbage compared to what you get from taking level dips elsewhere. This is completely backwards of how level progression should work, and the main reason for the Caster vs Martial disparity.

I really wish they would buff level 10+ class abilities so that they were occasionally worth it, instead of having multiclassing always being the correct answer.


I have liked the mentions of unified subclass progresion, one of the few places that I thinkk trying to systemetize things actually might have had a good reason.

I will take a different tack than some of the others here and say they should have leaned into short rests a bit more. Make them somewhere around 10-15 minutes, with a few more resources (in each class) recovering from them.

I would have loved to see saves move to something that actually has progression.

If they are dead set on making a new book, they could have at least included artificer...

Li Shenron

Anyway, let's talk about we would have liked to see in a real evolution of 5E. For the purposes of this discussion, let's avoid just saying we wish they would have turned it into 4E or A5E or Shadowdark or whatever. Those games exist.


What do you wish D&D 2024 would have done that evidence says it isn't?
Three things:

- stark improvement in the layout/organization of the core books (mainly the DMG), explanation/presentation of the rules, and emphasis on how the game can be played to different playstyles by treating most things as optional

- steps towards fulfilling the original promise of a very modular game, by adding some new rules modules

- full backwards compatibility and balance with existing characters i.e. no changes to character materials, only additional options (e.g. new feats and subclasses)


1. I was hoping to see battlemaster be default fighter.
And make Bear totem barbarian the "simple" class. Hit stuff or "click" Rage and hit stuff better and harder.

2. Making short and long rest equally important to all classes or if that is not possible removing short rest completely.
I have played in campaign that you get maybe 1 short rest every other day and in others with 3-4 short rests per day.
It throws balance out of what completely.

Or better yet, make short rest 1 minute, with:
1 short rests at 1st level
2 short rests at 5th level
3 short rests at 11th level
4 short rests at 17th level

3. Decoupling feats and ASI's completely or if that is not possible make every feat half feat with floating +1 ASI.

4. More feat "slots", getting 1st level feat finally is a good step, but it need to be more. Maybe every 2 levels instead of every 4 levels.

5. Cap ability scores at 18 and no ASI's from leveling, higher point buy/standard array to compensate a little,
I.E: 18,16,14,14,12,10 if someone really want's to roll it could be: (4d3D1)×2 for 3 scores and (5d3D2)×2 for 3 scores.
Less nightmare to balance later.

6. Having all "new" class features come online at 11th level or sooner, later just more and/or stronger variant of the same.

7. Giving option for "armored" classes to trade their armor proficiencies at 1st level for more skills/tools/languages/cantrips.


Yeah to me, 5.5e is just looking like a big sidegrade. I see absolutely no reason to switch over from 5e. Pretty much every single thing I liked and enjoyed from the playtests got canned.

  • I was really hoping for a shared maneuver system between all martials. That way new books can add new maneuvers just like they add endless spells for casters.
  • I really wanted subclass spells for sorcerer, but they're doubling down on not having them.
  • Class groups was great, but they're gone too.
  • I've been fed up with the limitations of 5e classes/subclasses since before Xanathar's. But even my most pessimistic thoughts didn't predict getting the original 12 classes again before we got new classes for 5e.
  • They're doubling down on things like 'attack with casting stat'. Stats are feeling less like they mean anything, and more like they're just 'primary attack stat 1, 2, or 3'.
  • I hate the entire 'gameification' of the world. PC's using completely different rules to NPC's, and things like bastions being something which upgrades on level, rather than through the PC's work and currency.

Yes, maneuvers for martials should have been the selling point for this edition! There's so much gamespace and depth there

Distracted DM

Distracted DM
That would be so easy to implement while changing almost nothing. It is a line or two of text in the right place. Makes me wonder if they will do that?

Edit: It could even go in the DMG as part of the adventuring day / encounter guidelines. However, I do feel that should be PC facing.
I agree with it being player-facing, because making short rests limited makes them useful- we see threads about players complaining that their groups never take short rests; but if you limit the number that can be taken, saying "you can only take 2 short rests per day, so make them count!" then that makes them valuable.


Give the complete new books as a playtest package on beyond on people already owning the old books. Hear suggestions, ironing out blatant errors and typos. Big problems and bad combo would arise in small time. Only then, finalize the books (I will not buy 2024 until some reprints, having a 10th printing on 2014 PHB and still dealing with errata). Offer the new books for a upgrade price and not full one on beyond, or go for upgrade+physical book for a combo deal.

Honestly? 6E. I don't have a comprehensive list of what I'd like to see, but a few things to throw out there as possibilities:
Thing is, at this point I'd love a 6e.

But I'm 100% sure that they would make every single part of the game, without fail, something I hate. They've already stated they want less classes, while I want more.

So for now at least, I'm going to keep clinging onto 5e as long as possible.

Voidrunner's Codex

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