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Search results

  1. A2Z

    WotC How to I find my claimed content on dndbeyond?

    It seems wotc has continued their track record of horribly designed websites. Is there no way to view any of the content you've claimed? Every time they've offered something for free I've claimed it, but apparently I can't ever view it again? Doesn't exactly inspire me to ever buy anything...
  2. A2Z

    D&D (2024) What are the chances they will fix the index in the new books?

    Because the PHB index is about the worst thing I've ever had to use
  3. A2Z

    D&D General What happened to Sasquatch Game Studios?

    Does anyone know what happened to Sasquatch Game Studios? Their website hasn't been updated since 2018 . Their last Kickstarter for Alternity seems to have fizzled out without delivering everything that was promised. There's lots of complaints in the comments and no one from the company has...
  4. A2Z

    Looking for old Gord the Rogue fanpage

    There used to be a website out there dedicated to all the main players in the Gord the Rogue novels. It was a pretty simple html affair listing all the demon princes, devils and other gods and outsiders and their plans and such. Thought I had it bookmarked but I can't find anything, and...
  5. A2Z

    Is the monster builder dead in the water?

    With all the hullabaloo about the character builder fiasco I haven't seen anything about the Monster Builder. Are they doing an online app for that as well? We're going on 4 months behind on updates now and I doubt I'll ever see the DS Creature Catalog added to it. If I want them in there I...
  6. A2Z

    Where are the changes to monsters from MM3 found?

    Cause they are unfortunately not in the MM3. Are the new rules for creating monster listed anywhere? I know DMG2 changed the way you made solos and elites but it sounds like MM3 added some more changes. So are they listed anywhere?
  7. A2Z

    Feats for two weapon shield and spear style?

    I'm trying to design a fighter who uses a shield and a spear to fight. I'm wondering what feats are out there to make this work. So far I've got Monkey Grip, (essential to use a spear one handed) Two-Weapon Fighting Improved Shield Bash Agile Shield Fighter [PHBII] Any ideas?
  8. A2Z

    How to handle land holding PCs?

    Has anyone ran a game where the PCs are land holders? I'm trying to figure out how I should handle this. It seems to me there are three very important considerations. 1) How much land does a holding actually comprise? 2) How much income does it generate? 3) How much man power is available...
  9. A2Z

    How to make an effective Effigy Master?

    Can it be done? I really really like the idea of a Wizard who crafts constructs and at first glance Effigy Master seems perfect. And it might be too if it wasn't for the fact that constructs are gimped so much they can't possibly work for a PC. With the prices given there is no way you could...
  10. A2Z

    How to make an effective Effigy Master?

    Can it be done? I really really like the idea of a Wizard who crafts constructs and at first glance Effigy Master seems perfect. And it might be too if it wasn't for the fact that constructs are gimped so much they can't possibly work for a PC. With the prices given there is no way you could...
  11. A2Z

    My custom title needs resetting

    I changed my custom title when I had a community supporter account but I haven't had the account for a while now yet my custom title remains. Anyway, I may as well have it reset to the default since I had originally changed it as a joke and then lost the ability to change it back. So, I'm not...
  12. A2Z

    The Exultants from Urth of the New Sun

    I've been playing around with the idea of setting a game in an Urth of the New Sun (by Gene Wolfe) type far-future game and I'm trying to come up with an Exultant type race. For those not familiar with the books the Exultants are the ruling class of the Commonwealth. They are human but they...
  13. A2Z

    [D20 Future/Apocalypse]Conversion of the Engel RPG

    With D20 Apocalypse almost here. Or already here, I started thinking about the Engel RPG again. I'm seriously thinking of running a game with D20 Modern set in the Engel world. Instead of having the characters as the Engel though I want to set them in the Junklords domains. This would give them...
  14. A2Z

    The secrets behind the Engel RPG

    There may be spoilers about the metaplot behind the game here if anyone's actually playing this game. I picked up the Engel corebook when it was released, and despite the terrible adaptation of the D20 rules I loved the setting. The corebook really served to bring the world to life...
  15. A2Z

    Starship Deck Plans

    Anyone know a good source of starship plans? I'm trying to set up an aliens type one-off game with the players as space marines stranded on a ship with a dangerous alien race hunting them. I'd really like to find a pre-made map of a large multi-deck ship. Something the players can get lost in...
  16. A2Z

    Need ideas for gladiators

    I will shortly be running my players through a gladiator game in the Dark Sun setting and I need to come up with a number of gladiators for them to face. I started with generic write ups for the novice and intermediate level gladiators but I need some more substantial NPCs for when the PCs get...
  17. A2Z

    What Dragon Magazine articles do you use in your game?

    What Dragon Magazine articles do you use in your game? At the moment the only articles I'm using on a regular basis are the Dark Sun player's guide from #319 (I'm running a Dark Sun game) and the Leveled Treasure article from #289. As a player I've also used some of the Class Acts articles for...
  18. A2Z

    Where did Bahamut come from?

    Where did Bahamut come from? As Tiamat's counterpart I wonder why they didn't choose the name Marduk to be the god of good dragons. Tiamat of course is from Babylonian and Sumerian mythology, and Marduk is the god who eventually defeats her. I don't think Marduk was ever portrayed as being a...
  19. A2Z

    New Ranger Combat Styles

    So, I finally got the Black Company Campaign Setting. I haven't gotten very far in to it yet but one thing that caught my eye were the new ranger combat style. For those not familiar with it, in addition to Archery and Two-Weapon Fighting they've added Two-Handed, Mounted and Light. I may be...
  20. A2Z

    Is there a D20 Dark Ages book available?

    Preferably one that's well done. I'm interested in starting a fantasy earth campaign set in the 8th-9th century. So far I've got the old 2E green books (Charlemagne's Paladin's and Vikings Central Europe and Scandinavia respectively) and two Dragon articles (Red Sails for Eastern Europe and the...