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Search results

  1. seankreynolds

    D&D 3E/3.5 What's your favorite Ptolus memory?

    Rereading the 3E Ptolus book (2006) has brought up a lot of old memories from when I was a player Monte's home game of Ptolus (this is back when we were still working on 3E design, 1999–2000). This is probably my favorite memory from that campaign. Our group (the Runewardens, see page 577) had...
  2. seankreynolds

    Trouble reading articles

    Hi. Say there's an article on the home page I want to read, like "D&D Lair Assault: Spiderkiller." I can see the initial preview text just fine. I can see that there's more to read in the article because the preview text ends with "against an ultimate, skill-testing challenge to defeat...
  3. seankreynolds

    Hire Linae Foster!

    If you recall, Ms. Linae Foster was laid off by Wizards of the Coast late last year, along with many other talented people. Now, Wizards of the Coast is planning to hire an Associate Brand Manager for D&D, and Linae would do an excellent job. She's smart. She's talented. She's articulate. She...
  4. seankreynolds

    i didn't write FR: Anauroch

    Due to somekind of error, my name appears on the cover of the new FR book Anauroch: Empire of Shade. The name that should be there instead of mine (and is listed correctly in the credits) is Skip Williams. I had nothing to do with the book. If you like the book, great, but I didn't have...
  5. seankreynolds

    The New Argonauts, for free!

    I announced on September 29 that I'd make the The New Argonauts PDF available for free on November 1st. It's now November 1st, the PDF is now free, so go get it!
  6. seankreynolds

    The New Argonauts for free!

    Well I submitted this as a news item on Tuesday, but as there haven't been any updates since then I'll say it here. Short form: Sales of The New Argonauts have slowed to a trickle (the book is almost two years old). Accounting for these little amounts (especially as I pay a royalty to my editor...
  7. seankreynolds

    Curse of the Moon

    Right before the database crash I released Curse of the Moon. I thought I'd re-mention that because the original mention is lost in the crash, and ask if anyone had any comments or questions about it.
  8. seankreynolds

    Election-themed feats at SeanKReynolds.com

    I know political discussion here is taboo, but as a joke I posted some bipartisan feats relating to today's presidential election. Check them out here. If you want to talk about them (they're completely unserious) come to my boards.
  9. seankreynolds

    Mac OS X and main page problems

    I use the Stealth theme. For the past month or so, the News Archive section of the left colum of the ENworld main page has been messed up ... I'm seeing the raw code of some of the news items. Because the code is strung together without any spaces, it means the left-hand column is forged to be...
  10. seankreynolds

    New charity project from SeanKReynolds.com!

    Sean Reynolds has made an announcement about the new PDF charity project He is coordinating, Hungry Little Monsters. This multiauthor book of monsters will be available Augest 15th, with proceeds going to FoodForAll.org, a program to fight hunger in the USA and the rest of the world. All...
  11. seankreynolds

    Swords Into Plowshares

    No by now you've heard about Swords Into Plowshares being available for free. In its for-sale lifetime it sold around 400 copies. Sunday night I put it online for free. I just got the download stats for the site, and on Monday it was downloaded 2,400 times. Imagine if more of those people had...
  12. seankreynolds

    Silven Crossroads/Harry Potter RPG speculation

    Be sure you check out Bradford Ferguson's speculations about a Harry Potter RPG: http://www.silven.com/adnd.asp?case=show&id=211 Now that you're back from reading that.... Brad - Excellent reasoning. I'll point out that WotC _did_ have rights to the HP property (they made a trading card set...
  13. seankreynolds

    Path of the Magi chat going on right now

    Here's the info for the Path of the Magi chat on Jan 6th at 8pm ET (5pm PT), which as of right now has just started): Those with IRC clients can reach the room directly by heading to irc://chat.psionics.net/forgottenrealms . mIRC (for Windows PCs) and IRCle (for Mac OS systems) are common...
  14. seankreynolds

    Path of the Magi chat _now_

    It's going on right now: Tonight is the chat about Path of the Magi at 8pm ET (5pm PT). Those with IRC software can reach the room directly by heading to irc://chat.psionics.net/forgottenrealms ... mIRC (for Windows PCs) and IRCle (for Mac OS systems) are comment IRC programs. For those that...
  15. seankreynolds

    Morrus - why people are having board probs

    Morrus - I sent you this in email a couple of weeks ago but haven't seen it addressed, so I'm posting it here on the off chance there's something hookie between your email and mine. The reason why some people are having problems posting is because they're still going to the old boards (I know...
  16. seankreynolds

    Ghostwalk countries map (sketch) posted!

    At this time of year (right before Gen Con, as well as the extra work due to the upcoming D&D 3.5 release) the WotC web team tends to get swamped, so they have graciously given me permission to post a sketch of the <i>Ghostwalk</i> Countries Map (the map missing from the printed book), which...
  17. seankreynolds

    A signing event in San Diego, July 19th

    I've arranged for Chris Pramas of Green Ronin, Stan! of The Game Mechanics, freelance artist rk post, and myself to have a signing event at Game Towne in Old Town San Diego on July 19th. If you'll be in the area, please stop by! More details here: http://www.seankreynolds.com/gametowne.html
  18. seankreynolds

    Your opinions on a monster book idea

    Say I'm creating a new d20 book of monsters. Say I have a color illustration for every monster. Say the book runs 32 pages (1 cover, 1 TOC, 30 pages of monsters). Say I include a page of color monster illos that you can print out to be counters a la Fiery Dragon Productions' counters. Would you...
  19. seankreynolds

    3.0 MM art

    I remember at some point finding an art gallery of the 3E MM art online. Not the 3.5 MM, not the MM2, the 3.0 MM. Was I imagining things?
  20. seankreynolds

    Two last comments on Sean's rant

    Hi, just two responses to things people said in the last thread (I'm ignoring the personal attacks because the opinions of those people have no value to me). Actually, I said "Game-term sizes are always printed with a capital letter...." I didn't say "all game terms, I was specifically...