• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Search results

  1. S

    Appraise - Realism at What Cost?

    Does everyone use Appraise as written? I'm a pretty by the book DM, but for my newest campaign, I decided to strike the skill from the game because the marginal increase in realism isn't worth the bookkeeping. My basic beef with the skill is that it is an interruption in the flow of...
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    It's a Wand! It's a Crossbow Bolt! It's a Floor Wax!

    Before I begin, a quick explanation of a house rule. Rather than keep track of charges, we randomly determine whether a wand's charges have expired (using a "charge die"). A fully charged wand uses a d20, and on a roll of a 1, it degrades to a d12, a d10, and finally a d8. (As a side...
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    CA - San Diego area Age of Worms Game

    Looking for gamer in San Diego area (Carmel Valley/Encinitas) for Age of Worms Campaign. Older group, playing weekly on Tuesdays, 5:30 - 9:00 (after work). Game to start at end of October. Minimal house rules, which are written and given to players. All dice rolled in front of the screen...
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    D&D in d20 Modern

    I'm getting burned out on D&D, but my gaming group doesn't want to learn a new rules set. Thus, I'm looking at buying and running a d20 modern game. But first, I could use some information. So, if anyone has a moment: 1. What are the main differences between d20 modern and the core rules...
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    Natural Attacks and Two Weapon Fighting

    I'm putting together a minotaur from savage species, and have some questions. 1. What feat do I use to reduce the penalty a horn attack? Multi-attack requires that the creature have 3 or more natural attacks; two-weapon fighting requires that you use a weapon. 2. Can the minotaur use a...
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    White Wolf - Ending of World of Darkness

    I haven't played any whitewolf games in about ten years, but I keep running across info about various lines of theirs ending. Could anyone who follows their line give me a capsule summary of what's happening in-game and why the company is dismantling them in the first place? Is this some sort...
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    Effects of Aging

    Hey all, haven't got my books on me and was wondering if someone could post the effects of aging for me. Checked the SRD already, and doesn't look like it's there. I had a brainstorm over lunch to start using the effects of aging in lieu of level loss for raise dead and such. Basically...
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    Dungeon vs Polyhedron

    Alright, Eric's post about what was in the upcoming issue of Dungeon prompted a mini-rant from me. Here's what I said: And DarwinofMind responded with the other side of the coin. So, what do you think? Should they be their own mags, are you happy to have them together, or do you just think...
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    Leadership Feat: Are Followers NPC Classes or Regular Classes?

    I somehow got it stuck in my head that the lowly followers (as opposed to the special higher level follower) of a character with leadership have to be NPC classes. Did I make this up, I don't see it in the rules anywhere.
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    Reincarnated as a Centaur - Doing it by the Book?

    This one came in from our junior league (one player is a teacher and he has a group of 7th and 8th graders that he is bringing into the game.) One of their characters (an elven sorcerer) died and the druid cast reincarnation on him. They got a good roll and scored a centaur. So, now the...
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    [Chainmail] Secrets of Chainmail Revealed (attn Pramas or Nikchik)

    Now that chainmail has been canceled, any chance we could hear the story of where you intended it to go? There were rumors about a yuan-ti faction, were they true? What were some cool figures that were in the pipe, but never saw light of day?
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    Vampire Level Draining - No Save, Right?

    Just want someone to confirm for me that there is no save for a vampire's level draining ability. I've read the vampire description and section on level draining in the DMG, and didn't see anything in either section indicating that there is one. However, I don't want tomorrow's game to bog...
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    Why is Dragonlance Your Least Favorite Setting?

    Dragonlance got a significant number of votes for the least favorite setting in the thread of that name, and a comment was made that people don't like DL because of the silly races (Gully Dwarves, Kender, and Gnomes) but because they feel straightjacked by the books. Is that the case?
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    ignore, trying to figure out polls
  15. S

    How Big are River Boats?

    I'm getting the itch to start a new campaign, and was mulling over the following premise: The characters are given the task of taking a boat to the source of a river in a remote part of the campaign world. The setting will be a cold inhospitable Yukon/Alaskan style environment. My question...
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    Does Mind Blank Apply to Every Bluff Check?

    I don't have my PsiHB in front of me, so this is going to be from memory. The power Mind Blank in the psionics handbook is a 1st level power that lasts hours/level. It gives a +20 to Bluff checks, and the text reads that it applies 'when someone attempts to use Sense Motive to discern your...
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    Looking for a Monster or Class That Can Control Reptiles

    Anyone know of a creature or class that has an ability to control reptiles and/or snakes. I am brewing a plot involving the use of yuan-ti potions (those which are used to create broodguard and tainted ones) to infect and control nobles, but am looking for a non-yuan-ti villian to be doing the...
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    Stoned Familiars - Are They Dead or Alive?

    If a familiar gets turned to stone, does the master lose xp? If he does lose it, and the familiar is later restored, does he gain the xp back?
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    Locking Garrotes and the Reduce spell

    What happens when a victim of a Locking Garrote (S&S) gets hit with a Reduce spell? Do they and the garrote both shrink, or does just the victim shrink, allowing them to escape. To me, this depends on whether or not the garrote counts as equipment.
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    [Dungeon] Raiders of Galath: Monty Haul's Fortress?

    Can't remember the full title, but I was reading it last night, and it was great and all...but... What's with all that treasure? Every single first level character is carrying a couple potions and a piece of masterwork equipment. On top of that, they keep hundreds of gold pieces in their...