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Search results

  1. Evenglare

    Media We like promoting small developers via podcasting if anyone is interested...

    So my friends and I run this podcast known as the Crystal Keep Podcast. Its just a general nerd kind of thing talking about gaming and movie news along with other stuff. Anyway, I've made a lot of connection on twitter specifically with smaller developers. I figured I'd make a post here about it...
  2. Evenglare

    Searched the boards didn't see this. Question about the Proficiency dice variant and bards...

    Hey guys quick question, bards jack of all trades say you get to half your proficency on ability check rolls you aren't proficient with and round down. So the question is if I'm using the proficency dice variant would you roll the prof dice and divide by 2 round down. OR would you just roll a...
  3. Evenglare

    Our custom character sheet for Crystal Keep Chronicles D&D liveplay. Uses some 5e variants. See more inside.

    I have just uploaded Our custom character sheet for Crystal Keep Chronicles D&D liveplay. Uses some 5e variants. See more inside. to the downloads area. Here's a custom sheet I've been working on. This is for my own campaign, but I figure if someone else wants it for theirs or to use as a...
  4. Evenglare

    D&D 5E I guess this could be general rpg ,but Im playing 5e so... let's do something constructive. Let's build a world. Post a location.

    Yeah, pretty much what it sounds like. Just post a location. You can be as detailed as you want. Could be a town, dungeon, wilderness area.. whatever you want as long as its a place. Only one rule, it has to connect with the previous location in some way. Could be adjacent or several days walk...
  5. Evenglare

    If you're a small developer (or big!) & want to get the word out about your product...

    Hey guys, so I have this promo running on twitter, but I'm sure it'd be worthwhile to post it here. Anyway, I'd like to do whatever I can to simply spread the word about our RPG/boardgame hobbies, I started a youtube channel a bit more than a year or so ago dedicated to Roleplaying Games of...
  6. Evenglare

    D&D 5E Thoughts on this article about Black Culture & the D&D team dropping the ball?

  7. Evenglare

    Crystal Keep Chronicles D&D 5e Live

    Hey guys, I don't know if this topic belongs here or somewhere else, but I'm putting here in general. If I've violated any rules or whatever please feel free to move the topic or delete it... anyway... So I started creating youtube videos in the middle of last year. The channel's premise is to...
  8. Evenglare

    Youtube Channel

    Hey everyone, I just wanted to post this here. If it doesn't belong feel free to delete it. I just wanted to let you guys know I have a youtube channel (who doesn't these days) anyway. Clearly since I'm posting here you can guess Im a huge RPG fan/gamer both videogame and tabletop. I've...
  9. Evenglare

    Final Fantasy TCG video

    I figured I'd post this here. I recently started a youtube channel up at www.youtube.com/crystariumnet where I focus on Roleplaying Games both tabletop and video games. So I decided to do an unboxing video now that the Final Fantasy TCG arrived at my house. I don't know if anyone is interested...
  10. Evenglare

    Help me out. Need some questions for a Q&A podcasting segment

    Hey guys, I host a bi-weekly podcast. We've come to our 8th episode. I'd love to have some questions for a Q&A section. It doesn't necessarily have to be about tabletop RPGs. Our youtube.com/crystariumnet channel is focused on RPGs both tabletop and video games (just hit 100 subs!!), yet the...
  11. Evenglare

    Anyone ever run multiple adventure paths/modules etc, concurrently?

    After quite a long hiatus I finally got to begin a campaign with a group, and I'm running the Princes of Apocalypse campaign for 5e. So far my group seems to really like it and I love "4 element" genre of fantasy. Anyway, that isn't the purpose of the topic. I've been playing for about... 16...
  12. Evenglare

    D&D 5E This is driving me insane. Princes of the Apocalypse question.

    This is a completely insignificant question but it's driving me insane. On page 149 at the bottom there is an encounter where it says you fight bandits and they captured a black bear. The word Bandits and Black Bear are in bold. This means that they are monsters. There is no number so they...
  13. Evenglare

    D&D 5E Testing the waters. How many of you would be interested in solo play?

    I recently made a topic about how much I enjoyed the D&D board games (Castle ravenloft, Wrath of Ashardalon etc ) and pitch out an idea of giving enemies a specific way to operate in battle, just for the benefit of new DM's or those who aren't sure how to actually play a certain...
  14. Evenglare

    D&D 5E Just played one of my D&D board games and there's one thing I think could greatly benefit the current edition (or any really)

    So I have Castle Ravenloft and Wrath of Ashardalon and haven't played them in ages, the other night I actually got to whip them out and play a game. After we finished I realized that it would be absolutely fantastic if Monster Manual entries had action sequences for DMs who are new, or DMs who...
  15. Evenglare

    What are some of your favorite mechanics from a D20 system (not just dnd)?

    Simple question, what are some of your favorite mechanics from a d20 game? Examples would be Backgrounds as skills ala 13th age, 5th edition's (dis)advantage rule, Escalation die again from 13th age, 4th edition's summoning rules. Perhaps it's a class specific mechanic that hooked you for the...
  16. Evenglare

    D&D 5E So.... no UA this month?

    So it's 6 days into the month and no Unearthed Arcana, did I miss any news... or are they too busy with their yearly precedent of right-before-Christmas layoffs?
  17. Evenglare

    D&D 5E Justification for new class options and removing current abilities.

    I suppose this could go under the homebrew board, but it's not a homebrew thing, more of a discussion on class options and design. Anyway what brings me here is a conversion of a pathfinder class. When I got my advanced class guide I wasn't expecting much out of it other than the standard...
  18. Evenglare

    How excited would you be about 4th edition putting up the core books with all erratta?

    Pretty much topic. How much would you like to see the core 4e books with all errata released? By core books im talking about PHB 1,2,3 ; DMG 1,2; and Monster Manual 1,2,3.
  19. Evenglare

    What this heck is this and where did it come from? (Legend of the 5 rings related)

    So I was pretty happy to finally get the last book in the L5R AEG 4th edition game. The game was sold off to FFG which I assume they are going to restructure the game completely. Which gave a sort of final time line to me on when I needed to purchase the remaining books to have a complete...
  20. Evenglare

    D&D 5E Reflecting on advantage and disadvantage.

    So now that 5e has been out a long while what do you think about the A/D mechanic? Originally I absolutely adored it, but when I began playing more and more it seemed like the concept is a bit too... homogenized I guess is the best word. Since they did away with the +2/-2 as the DM rule and...