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  1. O

    Magic System Conundrum

    One thing I've been doing lately for my homebrew game with a D&D Legacy is in designing its magic system. I like where the magic system idea is right now, but I found myself hitting a wall all of a sudden; and I'm wondering how you would tackle this problem that I will explain to you below. (By...
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    Tell Us Of Your Game Settings

    So I've been getting a weird itch that needs to be scratched. See, I really enjoy seeing the kinds of places and worlds others have created; and I want to read what settings you came up with. This thread can be a "post and read", or even a "setting help", or whatever you think you need...
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    Fantasy Races and Space Aliens

    How do I include space aliens in a fantasy world consisting of elves, dragons, orcs, krakens, subterranean horrors, and other fantastical creatures, while keeping the space aliens feeling "alien"?
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    Need Artistry for Star Wars Game in the Making

    So I'm about to start up a Star Wars game, and I want to start it off with style. I want to add more imagery of the game world to make it easier for people to see. So what a better place to start than with characters? If all goes well though, and my income keeps up, I might even go beyond...
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    Looking For Artists To Do Star Wars Character Art

    I forgot if I made a thread about this here, but nonetheless, here we go. So I'm about to start up a Star Wars game, and I want to start it off with style. I want to add more imagery of the game world to make it easier for people to see. So what a better place to start than with characters? If...
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    Melee and Ranged Combat Rules Changes in SAGA Edition

    So I've been reading through the Star Wars Saga Edition rulebooks, and I can't help but think that the game's rules are a bit more in favor on Ranged Combat more so than Melee Combat, which means that most any melee combatant will, at least at the first few levels, simply be Blaster Bait. Some...
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    The Backseat GM

    I've looked all over the internet for information on what I've observed, but since I saw nothing, I'm going to go ahead and talk about it. So I've been doing research on That Guy (You know, That Guy who sucks the fun out of games), and the common archetypes that go with it, such as the Rules...
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    Tweaking the Star Wars Saga Edition Skill System

    I've been reading through the Star Wars Saga Edition rulebooks, and I must say that as a whole, I love this game system. The few things I didn't like I tweaked a little, but by far, the harder one to tweak is the skill system. As a whole though, I like the skill system, but I think some of the...
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    Conditions and Spellcasting Levels; What Condition Will Go With What Spellcasting Level?

    So I've been looking at making a lot of my own abilities, and I've hit a rut. I mean, I'm able to intuit which conditions should go with each spell level, but for now, I'm in need of something more than my intuition. So for the sake of this question, lets assume the following for the Spells...
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    Homemade Race Help

    A year ago or so, I posted here with a homemade race, and asked for help with it. I took in the criticisms, and remade the race below. What I need from you guys is your thoughts about the race- such as stuff I should keep, stuff I should change, or perhaps stuff I should simply trash, or if you...
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    Epic Levels; D&D's Other Beast

    Once a party reaches 21st level and beyond, the whole game becomes a different feeling game altogether- as it should be, I mean, you've officially become the stuff of myth and legend, rather than simply a hero of sorts. But when it comes down to it, a lot of times at Epic level, the game is...
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    Music Theory 101

    Its a weird thread to post here, but I still want to post it. I want to know more about music theory, especially things like song structure, as well as terms used when describing the music's flow, such as "crescendo" or some other terms like that. I want to know so that I can have a better...
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    Character Art Artists? Do You Guys Know Any?

    Hey guys! In my gaming group, we make it by with descriptions and imagination, but I feel there are some things in our world of pretend that bear more importance than the rest of the pretending that goes on. I'm talking about things like the Player Characters, and even the odd NPC, Landscape...
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    Making a Houserule, and I Need Your Guy's Help.

    One of my ongoing projects is to remake D&D 3.5 into a version that I myself would find ideal. Currently, my focus is on the Spellcasting System thats already in there. Now, there's a lot of stuff in the Spellcasting System, and it will take a lot of stuff to realign it to make it seem less like...
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    Custom Playing Card Business Anywhere?

    I'm wondering if you fellas here at ENworld can help me out with a little something. There has come a point in my gaming hobby where I want to make Card Games for the games that I GM. So far, I have a deck of 52 playing cards that are also played all over the world. This deck of 52 playing...
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    What Exactly Is the Issue With the Shadowcaster and the Truenamer Classes?

    I've skimmed through the Tome of Magic recently to check out the base classes in them, as I have heard that the Shadowcaster has a few too many weaknesses, but that the Truenamer was "Broken". But giving the tomes a skim through, I still have no idea where to start tweaking/rebuilding the two...
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    What would you say is the biggest problem with Wizards, Clerics, Druids, and other "Tier 1" Spellcasters?

    If not the biggest problem, just say all the problems you can think of. I'll begin this thread by saying a few that I've heard around (Most of what I say here is about the wizard, but this thread is by no means limited to the wizard): Scrolls are too cheap by the rulebooks. Thanks to this...
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    Amusing Character Concepts You Played/GMed Out In A Game

    As what the title says, I'm looking to see what kinds of character concepts you made for games you played in, or even GMed out in your own games if you're the kind of person thats forever stuck in the GM role that are silly/ not meant to be taken seriously. It can be from any tabletop game in...
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    About Unarmed Striking

    I'm curious if any of you know off-hand whether or not it is written in the rules of D&D 3.5 that you can use 1-1/2 Strength Modifier for Unarmed Strike damage rather than just your Strength Modifier, and if so, at what points can one use 1-1/2 their Strength Modifier? Thanks guys!
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    Does Such an Ability Exist in the Official Rulebooks?

    Is there an ability, be it a feat, or a spell, or whatever it is that allows you to, during Item Creation, substitute a certain type of damage like Fire into another kind of damage like Sonic damage? I'm asking this because I'm looking at the Blast Disk in the Heroes Of Battle Sourcebook, and I...