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14 year old girl wants to join my game

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Phoenix8008 said:
My youngest child is a 4 year old girl and she already can't wait to 'do gaming' with us. Me and the two boys played Friday night and when I went up to tuck her in again because she wasn't sleeping good, she asked if we were gaming (she could hear the sounds from downstairs). I told her we were and she said she wants to play to. I explained (again) how she isn't old enough yet to play this game, but I promised I'd let her play with my 'peoples' the next day. So on Saturday I pulled out my gallon sized ziplock bag of plastic mini's and dumped them on the kitchen table for her to play with for an hour. Future gaming girl FOR SURE! P.S.- I also taught her this weekend how to spin her first dice! (She has two sets of the over sized dice) She'd seen us messing with them and spinning them and wanted to do it herself. So I showed her how to hold her fingers on it and she managed to get it up and spinning a few times. She was very proud of herself (and so was I :cool: ).
My son (not yet 3) loves to play with my dice, when I let him. He always goes through and picks out all of the black d12s. I guess it's his favourite shape and colour, and considering his age, it speaks well for his mathematical abilities.

My 5-year-old daughter has also expressed interest in playing, and we've told her we'll teach her to play when she's older. I'm thinking I should design a simple "fairy princesses" game to introduce her to RPGs. Being a 5-year-old girl, she loves fairies and princesses, so it wouldn't need much selling.

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Meet the parents.

Make sure the parents are responsible for all transportation, and as such know when and qwhere the game happens at all times, they are to be notified of changes by you not the child.

Make sure you are never alone with said girl. People have gone to jail for innocent actions that can be considered to not be innocent by others.


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Only 14 year old girl I would accept in my games is... my own daughter.

Besides any ambiguity that must inevitably arise from having a 14 year old girl RPGing with male adults, I think it's not advisable. I strongly believe teenagers should go with teenagers and adults with adults. Only exception is parents with own children; but in this case note that most teenagers generally prefer to meet with their friends...


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rgard said:
Of course this may not be a problem at all. The 14 y/o girl may in fact be the 'creepy guy who always plays a hot elf chick'. He's just taking his roleplaying to a new level.
LOL! :lol: I would definitely not allow one such like this in any game I run!

In fact my own opinion is that the 14 y/o girl on the Internet is really a 38 y/o police officer in search of criminals. :uhoh:

Lord Tirian said:
Demand to talk to her parents. Even if you're not even considering inviting her into the group: Her parents should know about this, as well as the content of the e-mail. And if you're talking with her parents about it, you'll probably get an idea what to do - but call her parents first, they deserve to know about this.
Really the best suggestion of all the thread. No, 14 y/o girl should not game with adults, but parents should be informed she did ask. If only to prevent her future trouble...
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Obrysii said:
Yeah, I'm gonna have to agree with a few people above:

1. Make sure you have talked to her parents.

2. Make sure you game in a public place.

3. If possible with time restraints and all, simply set up another group composed of teenagers and simply be their DM (as a teacher, this may or may not be easy).

I agree, if you game in public and her parents are there at a game store then it would be ok. I would NOT let her come over to your house. I doubt its a cop, the US might be screwed up in places but nowhere is it illegal to play RPGs.



First Post
I had a 15 year old girl who was the sister of a 20 something player join our group.

I also had the 13 year old brother of a 19 year old player join the group.

The girl did fine but did not last for long, the boy played for 4 years until the group broke up.

NOTE: I already knew the parents of both from real life though.

Since I run games at my own house and not a game shop, I would not take or allow total stranger players less than 16 years old (must drive themselves here) for all the paranoid safety and security issues that we all must face in this day and age. If I know the family or in the case of siblings I have no problems with it.


I had two thirteen year old girls play in one of my games a couple years ago. I only allow minors to play in my games if:

#1- If its in a public place (like a gaming store)


#2- If the parents are playing in the game.


#3- They are related to me or kids of good friends

I would not allow a minor who I don't know or have any connection to their parents play at my house.

I'm reminded of the LARP'rs from Reno 911...

I don't see a problem at all: its a social game, and unless you do the "ok, the [NPC] tells you something away from the party... I need to talk to you in the other room," then you'll never have any problems. Plus, you guys are Australians? Like she hasn't heard any off-color jokes before... :)

I wouldn't go out of my way to get her involved, but young people can often bring a very fresh perspective to a game, particularly if you guys have been gaming for so long. She might be vibrant, energetic, and add energy to the group, where you guys get into your characters, and maybe you guys will be brought back to how you guys gamed back in your youths. It could be a good growth experience for you all.

Ultimately, though, you gotta go with the what the wife says.
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