I'd totally missed the earlier comment about how they buffed Spirit Guardians.
So, enemies need to make a Wisdom save or take the damage 'whenever the Emanation enters a creature's space, but only once per turn'. So the Cleric should be running around the battlemap to tag every enemy once, then your party should grapple the Cleric and drag them around the place on their turns, to hit everyone more times.
There are a few big problems with doing this as a viable tactic:
1. Under the new rules they need to hit the Cleric with an unarmed strike to grapple them. So they lose at least an attack doing this and if they miss they could lose more.
2. The half movement when grappling would severely limit the ability to drag them around the map for everyone except Monks and Rogues ... and Rogues would be giving up a high damage attack to do this.
3. Most players are not going to want to do this.
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