[3.5] I have combined the SRD into nice PDF files (Updated)


First Post
reveal said:

I just got the 3.5 PHB delivered to me at the office and notice the "Monster Initiative" section is actually there. So it's simply missing from the SRD.

I checked and there's no Monster Initiative in the 3E SRD (SRD Classic?) either. You had me worried there that I missed something. Anyway, here are the revision notes going into the 3.5 compatible Combat-Q version, based on all the 3.5 Initiative changes I could find:

(#1) Use initiative modifiers to break initiative check result ties. (And make new checks for tied modifiers.)

(#2) Add note to help screen that Refocus action is not in v.3.5, but keep the action for Dungeon Masters who want it as a house rule.

(#3) Allow Delay to set initiative to any later count, instead of to -10 or higher. Selecting "None" on Delay screen leaves initiative count the same; this lets you Delay into the next round without Refocusing.

(#4) Replace Partial Actions with Move or Standard Actions. (You used to get "Partial" actions on Surprise rounds and after Readying.)

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Originally posted by mirthcard
Have you actually tried the files with Acrobat Reader 5? I'm on a Mac running OS 9.0.4 & Acrobat Reader 5.0.5 and the pdfs look fine. The poster before who had problems was using AR 4.0, but AR 5.0.5 does the job. Hope that helps.
I did try it same version of Mac OS with Acrobat 5.0.5, and it said the file was broken, and couldn't be fixed. I tried it before I post my first message. It could be Mozilla, sometimes it give me trouble downloading stuff. I'll try it later with IE.
Sadly I don't have any money for upgrades right now.


twistnack said:

I did try it same version of Mac OS with Acrobat 5.0.5, and it said the file was broken, and couldn't be fixed. I tried it before I post my first message. It could be Mozilla, sometimes it give me trouble downloading stuff. I'll try it later with IE.
Sadly I don't have any money for upgrades right now.

I use IE 5, so that could be it. There is an error message when I first open the files ("This file may contain newer information than this version of Acrobat Reader can support..."), but once I click OK for that error box then the files work just fine. Keep trying because if it is working fine for me it should be for you too. Good luck! :D



Dimwhit said:

The Chevy Cavalier, maybe. But I'd have a hard time even finding five really nice PCs. :D :D :D (Let the war begin!!!!)

That depends on who's playing them.:p

Seriously, the first batch of G5s is obviously for those doing serious creative/publishing work. Video and CGI editing for example. With 8 gigs of RAM we're talking serious processing here. Expect the consumer models to have space for about 2 or so gigs of RAM and a single processor. Also, don't expect them for another year.


A Follow-up

I downloaded AR5.1 with NS7, had no problems viewing the FDFs with it. Mozilla has (from what I've heard) a bad reputation thanks to self-indulgence, clunky coding, and a "it's free, what are you complaining about?" attitude among the developers. If you're stuck with a low RAM Mac I suggest you get yourself a copy of iCab . Not the most up to date browser on the market, but it handles W3 compliant sites well, and the first official release should be sometime soon. If you have OSX or can upgrade to it then you can try Apple's own Safari or a commercial browser who's name I've forgotten.

Warning: if you have a dial-up connection, installing AR5.1 (at 10 megs) can take awhile. Perfect time to pick up a few things at the grocery.


Re: A Follow-up

mythusmage said:
I downloaded AR5.1 with NS7, had no problems viewing the FDFs with it. Mozilla has (from what I've heard) a bad reputation thanks to self-indulgence, clunky coding, and a "it's free, what are you complaining about?" attitude among the developers.

I was talking about downlaoding the pdf not Acrobat Reader (since I have Acrobat 5.0.5 installed from the CD). Other than an a few problems downloading most of which I'm able to clear up I love Mozilla. IE didn't work, now I'm trying the seperate files, and seeing if they work. If not I think I'll just give up, in the time I've taken to do this I could have reproduced the pdf my self. :D


...5 minuts

The Base section worked. I'm not sure why the compiled version didn't, but the smaller files seem to work. Good for me.

And of course a big thanks to reveal.


First Post
MANY, many, many thanks to you my friend.

I am speachless at the gem this document represents. :)

PS: I have not read the entire thread but if you are ever in need of ideas for your document you could possibly start a final section called index that could contains hundreds, if not thousands, of alphabetically ordered bookmarks for all the important things, like at the end of the rule book.

Voidrunner's Codex

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