[3.5] I have combined the SRD into nice PDF files (Updated)


PeterMikelsons said:
SRD.pdf: beautiful. Especially after I upgraded from Adobe Reader 5 to 6.0 :) Thanks so much, reveal. I am using it right now as a reference while I revise Combat-Q; 3.5 has more changes to initiative than I expected!

Wow! That's a really cool prog. Any chances of me mooching a copy when it's upgraded? ;)

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reveal said:
Any help would be appreciated.

No problem. Wanna start a new thread for this over in Meta? It would probably be easier that way.

reveal said:
Problem is I don't have much webspace and really can't host more than one copy of each file.

I can cover you there. If you like, you can just upload it (or them) to my FTP server (which is usually up all the time).


Dimwhit said:

Really? I didn't notice any changes. Though I haven't read straight through things yet.

Here are some changes I noticed:

1) If players tie on Initiative, the player with the highest Dex does not go first. The player with the highest total Initiative Modifier goes first.

2) No more Refocus.

3) Monster Initiative is no longer listed. It looks as if you are expected to roll initiative for every monster, but this could be simply missing or just at the DM's discretion.


kreynolds said:

No problem. Wanna start a new thread for this over in Meta? It would probably be easier that way.

I can cover you there. If you like, you can just upload it (or them) to my FTP server (which is usually up all the time).

Cool... Thanx... I'll start the thread...


1) If players tie on Initiative, the player with the highest Dex does not go first. The player with the highest total Initiative Modifier goes first.

Interesting. I like this change. It's very, very minor, but I like it.


First Post
reveal said:
3) Monster Initiative is no longer listed. It looks as if you are expected to roll initiative for every monster, but this could be simply missing or just at the DM's discretion.

I might not be thinking of the same thing you're thinking, but I'm seeing listed initiative modifiers for all the monsters, just like in 3.0. Are you referring to something else?


kreynolds said:

I might not be thinking of the same thing you're thinking, but I'm seeing listed initiative modifiers for all the monsters, just like in 3.0. Are you referring to something else?

In the 3.0 PHB, under at the beginning of the Init section, it has subsections of Initiative Checks, Monster Initiative and Flat-Footed.

In the 3.5 SRD, it has Initiative Checks, Flat-Footed and Inaction. That's what I was referring to.

I just got the 3.5 PHB delivered to me at the office and notice the "Monster Initiative" section is actually there. So it's simply missing from the SRD.

Voidrunner's Codex

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