[3.5] I have combined the SRD into nice PDF files (Updated)


Dimwhit said:

Reveal, if you have the full version of Acrobat 6, you may be able to open up, do a "save as" and save it as an earlier version. But I'm not sure. For the file size, try doing a "save as" and overwriting the copy. That might cut the file size down. Acrobat is funny that way.l

Twistnack, I'd tell you to make the switch to OSX, but if you're computer can't handle it, then it's not your fault. :D

Out of curiosity, what is your computer? I have OSX 10.2 running on my PowerBook G3/400 and it runs fine. It's slow in parts, but it works. Don't know how old yours is, though.

I don't have an option to Save As an older version in my options list. Also, I always do a Save As for the final copy. I learned that by using a lot of PDF forms. :)

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reveal said:
I don't have an option to Save As an older version in my options list. Also, I always do a Save As for the final copy. I learned that by using a lot of PDF forms. :)

In order to save it in an older format, you just need to customize your settings and recreate the PDF.


Oh don't even get me started on this. For the price of a fully decked out G5, you can pick up a Chevy Cavalier...or five really nice PCs.

The Chevy Cavalier, maybe. But I'd have a hard time even finding five really nice PCs. :D :D :D (Let the war begin!!!!)


I don't have an option to Save As an older version in my options list. Also, I always do a Save As for the final copy. I learned that by using a lot of PDF forms.

Oh well, it was worth a shot. Your files actually open up fine in Reader 5 (did for me), though it gave me an error before it loaded the pages. Not a huge deal, though. Your files work just great.


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Dimwhit said:
The Chevy Cavalier, maybe.

Find one with a rebate going, like I did, and you can pick one up for 9K! :D

Dimwhit said:
But I'd have a hard time even finding five really nice PCs.

Not if I build them! :p

Dimwhit said:
(Let the war begin!!!!)

You can't have a war if a fight can't be won in the first place. ;) In all honesty though, I don't have anything against macs. They're great machines, depending on what you're wanting to do.


kreynolds said:

It's actually quite easy. Reveal, if you need some help, let me know.

Any help would be appreciated. Problem is I don't have much webspace and really can't host more than one copy of each file.


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SRD.pdf: beautiful. Especially after I upgraded from Adobe Reader 5 to 6.0 :) Thanks so much, reveal. I am using it right now as a reference while I revise Combat-Q; 3.5 has more changes to initiative than I expected!

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