D&D 3E/3.5 3.5 Stats for Tharizdun


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I thought I would come up with some stats for Tharizdun based on the other deities' stats from Deities & Demigods. This isn't perfect, so please give criticism and suggestions.

Colossal Outsider (Evil)
Divine Rank: 15
Hit Dice: 60d8+840 (1080 hp)
Initiative: +20 (+20 dex)
Speed: Fly 320 ft.
AC: 67 (-8 size, +20 dex, +15 divine, +28 natural, +12 deflection) Tch: 39, Ff: 47
Base attack/grapple: +60/+98
Attack: Slam +97 2d8+22 or Spell-like abilities (touch attack +87)
Full Attack: Slam +97/+92/+87/+82 2d8+22 or Spell-like abilities (touch attack +87)
Special attacks: Spell-like abilities
Special qualities: Darkvision 60ft, Immune to transmutation, mind effecting powers, ability damage, ability drain, energy drain, fire, electricity, cold, acid, poison, disease, stunning, sleep, paralysis, death effects, disintegration, DR 30/Epic and Good, spell resistance 67, automatic actions, fear aura
Saves: Fort+61, Ref+67, Will+65
Abilities: str 55, dex 50, con 39, int 43, wis 47, cha 35
Skills: Appraise +94, Bluff +94, Concentration +92, Diplomacy +102, Disguise +96, Escape artist +98, Forgery +94, Gather info +96, Hide +82, Intimidate +96, Knowledge (All) +94, Listen +96, Move silently +98, Search +94, Sense motive +96, Spellcraft +96, Spot +96
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Create Magic Item: Create any magic item related to portfolio up to 200,000 gp in value (no artifacts)
Automatic actions: Perform any action related to portfolio as free action
Fear Aura: All within 100 feet shaken, those who see Tharizdun frightened, no save
Spell-like abilities: (All at will) All spells from Chaos, Destruction, Evil, Force, Knowledge, Madness, Trickery domains (CL25); Greater Teleport (Self + 1500lbs) (CL20) Save DC 37 + Spell level
Salient Divine Abilities: Alter Form, Alter Reality, Alter Size, Annihilating Strike, Avatar, Battlesense, Clearsight, Divine Blast, Divine Dodge, Divine Glibness, Divine Shield, Divine Storm, Extra Energy Immunity (Fire), Hand Of Death, Increased Damage Reduction, Increased Spell Resistance, Lay Curse, Mass Divine Blast

Read more: http://www.enworld.org/forum/showthread.php?374670-3-5-Stats-for-Tharizdun#ixzz3IKq4Jz8k
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I thought I would come up with some stats for Tharizdun based on the other deities' stats from Deities & Demigods. This isn't perfect, so please give criticism and suggestions.

Well I didn't do a detailed check, but a quick glance notices that:

  1. Its attack is missing the -8 penalty for being Colossal, so should be +87.
  2. It has no Base Attack/Grapple line - which I reckon ought to be +60/+98.
  3. Its special qualities are missing the immunity to mind-affecting powers that all deities have as standard.
  4. Its saves are all 4 points too low - I make it Fort +61, Ref +67, Will +65.
  5. It has no feats, when it ought to have 31 feats.
Also, what description of Tharizdun did you base this on? I don't recall him ever getting any official stats. He appears in some of the latter Gord the Rogue novels, but the description in that doesn't suggest something Colossal size.


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I didn't put any feats because I have no idea what they would be. I made him colossal because from what I've heard he's a primordial god shaped something like a black cloud which sounds pretty big. I made his divine rank 15 because that's the highest rank for an intermediate god and I imagine he's pretty powerful based on his past and lore about him. To figure out his abilities, I looked at all the intermediate and lesser gods in deities and demigods and found which of them had the highest stat and gave that to Tharizdun. For example, Bahamut has the highest con at 39, so that's what I gave Tharizdun. I did this because I didn't want to arbitrarily make up abilities that sounded good because I had no idea what to base his abilities on, but since he is so powerful I thought the way I came up with his abilities worked. Then I looked at the srd and the rules for deities. I'll fix the changes you mentioned.


I made him colossal because from what I've heard he's a primordial god shaped something like a black cloud which sounds pretty big.

My mental image of him comes from his appearance in the Gord the Rogue books, where he's very humanoid in appearance - he's the big bald gray guy on the cover of Come Endless Darkness.

That said, the Big T has appeared in many different forms in various D&D sources, so he presumably has multiple avatar shapes.

A bit of research show that there are 3E stats for Tharizdun in two official sources.

Dragon Magazine #294 has a writeup of him as a divine rank 11 Wizard 20/Cleric 20 intermediate deity. In that source he's described as a "pitch-black roiling amorphous form", but he's also Medium sized and armed with a dagger!

Elder Evils had a web enhancement with an avatar of Tharizdun called Shothragot. It's no longer on the Wizards website, but you can view it on the Internet Archive. Shothragot is a Gargantuan ball of tar with some cool supernatural abilities, so looks like a good source for cribbing bits off for your conversion.
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First Post
I guess since he's sort of on the chaotic side, he should be able to change his shape, so if a dm wants to use him, they can make his size whatever they want. As far as classes, I suppose he could be a cleric/wizard, but plain outsider also makes sense to me


I guess since he's sort of on the chaotic side, he should be able to change his shape, so if a dm wants to use him, they can make his size whatever they want. As far as classes, I suppose he could be a cleric/wizard, but plain outsider also makes sense to me

You could just give him the divine ability Alter Size. Plenty of deities have it.

As a rank 15 intermediate deity your Tharizdun conversion gets 18 salient divine abilities, so he can easily afford it.

Voidrunner's Codex

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