[3.5e D&D Greyhawk] The Sunless Citadel [OOC]


OOC: We've tried in town, what about on the outskirts - farms, that sort of thing?
Actually there is more to try in town.
So far:
1. Asked the altercation with the Constable was while she was busy, but Gregor will talk to Constable again when she's not.
2. You talked to the Matriarch, who thinks adventurers are crazy and barely knew what her relatives were up to professionally.
3. You asked around the Inn (Staff, few locals, & visitors), got 2 pieces of info.

That's really not that much actually. There is a General Store and Temple on the initial map. Also there is probably an open air market. With only one Gather Info success in the Inn, I will rule that the bard wasn't spoken to either. There is also the Mayor, but chances of him knowing anything about Brunhilde's sister would not be good.

Sure, some farms will be on the outskirts of town and those people could know something.

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Guys, I am a little concerned about the pace and frequency of some participants. I was expecting to post once or twice per day on my part to keep up, but things have slowed down that I am not needing to post everyday.

Is there an issue or something I am not aware of?


I am sorry guys, but I am about ready to close this down. If people have RL issues that are getting in the way, they should have posted it here to inform me. That was the agreement. This was not a 1-2 posts per week game, I had no interest in running a slow once a week game.

If people have too many other games with higher priority, they gave me a different impression during the interview process. Maybe it's me and my style of DMing, I dunno. It's a published adventure, so it is not a story telling game nor an adventure tailored around the characters you created. It is what it is.

But there would appear to be a lack of direction in the group as well, not sure why. And I also think this group's IC styles are not matching up well. Perhaps this has detracted from the enjoyment of the players as a whole, and the cause of the slowdown.

But rather than flog a horse to make it move, I would rather shoot it to put it out of its misery.

This is an official roll call, response time will dictate my decision.

Voda Vosa

First Post
I'm all for going on with the game. I just need some guidance as to what do you intend us to do, we are heading to the sunless citadel, we did miss like a lot of time around town, but I think we are heading the right way.


First Post
Just seen the post from the GM here having posted IC.

All of my games have been fragmented for the last 2 weeks for some reason. The game I am running has had 2 posts in 6 days, this one has slowed, one of my other games has had a couple of posts in over a week. Not sure why it has all slowed down.

I'll keep going if we're all still in and committed. But no point having it stagger on with a post every few days or so, better to cut it now.


First Post
This is the only game I'm in at the moment, so that's not an issue. The problem for me when posting slowed down was not so much lack of time or interest - in fact, I probably checked the thread a couple of times every day - as it was not knowing what to post. I think we lost direction for a while wandering around the town.

I think when we actually get to the Sunless Citadel things will pick up. It sounds like it's going to be a dungeon crawl or something similar, so it might be more straightforward than what we were doing before. If nothing happens, then it will be time to drop the game, but I'd say give it until then.


The problem for me when posting slowed down was not so much lack of time or interest as it was not knowing what to post. I think we lost direction for a while wandering around the town.
VV said something similar and I am not sure why you guys felt directionless. Well no matter, I will move you along in IC.


Just a heads up I am waiting on an answer to a question I asked concerning Krindorf. But Gregor and Brunhilde should go ahead and post again what they are doing.

Voidrunner's Codex

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