D&D (2024) 48 subclasses in the 2024 PHB: What are they?

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5e Freelancer
I didn’t say that I’d like every patron to “favor” a pact boon. I said I’d like there to be a patron like the Hexblade for each pact boon.
I misread you then. But I still think that would be a bad idea. The buffs to Pact of the Blade from Hexblade and other possible boon buffs from subclasses should be granted to all Warlocks, not just ones of specific subclasses.


Heretic of The Seventh Circle
I misread you then. But I still think that would be a bad idea. The buffs to Pact of the Blade from Hexblade and other possible boon buffs from subclasses should be granted to all Warlocks, not just ones of specific subclasses.
That leads to less options, though. It’s good that I can play a chain pact Hexblade or a blade pact genie warlock.

Even better if I could also play blade or chain with a ritualist-focused patron that leans into the concept of the Tome Pact.


5e Freelancer
That leads to less options, though. It’s good that I can play a chain pact Hexblade or a blade pact genie warlock.

Even better if I could also play blade or chain with a ritualist-focused patron that leans into the concept of the Tome Pact.
If I were designing the Warlock subclasses, all of them would synergize with all of the Pact Boons. Fiend Warlocks with Pact of the Blade would deal extra fire damage with their Pact Weapon, Archfey Warlocks with Pact of the Talisman could have their Fey Prescence emanate from themselves or the ally that's wearing the talisman, Undead Warlocks with Pact of the Chain would get an undead familiar, and so on. It would be a bit complicated, but make it feel like your minor customization choices matter more.


Heretic of The Seventh Circle
If I were designing the Warlock subclasses, all of them would synergize with all of the Pact Boons. Fiend Warlocks with Pact of the Blade would deal extra fire damage with their Pact Weapon, Archfey Warlocks with Pact of the Talisman could have their Fey Prescence emanate from themselves or the ally that's wearing the talisman, Undead Warlocks with Pact of the Chain would get an undead familiar, and so on. It would be a bit complicated, but make it feel like your minor customization choices matter more.
I’d buy that on the DMsGuild. I definitely have players who like the warlock who would be overwhelmed by that, though.


5e Freelancer
I’d buy that on the DMsGuild. I definitely have players who like the warlock who would be overwhelmed by that, though.
I already have basically the whole system done. It's effectively just another Warlock subclass feature at level 3 that says "If you have the X Pact Boon, you gain the following additional benefit". Not overly complex, but it was a bit difficult coming up with something unique for every subclass and pact boon combination.


I'm going in a bit of a different direction here. Given the 4 PC groupings, I'm guessing that the 4 subclasses for each class will end up representing the 4 Class groupings for each class. You'll have the 'classic' class for each that is the 'pure' version of the class, with the others dipping into the other three groupings. Don't know if that will stick, but I think they may want to test it. While I've used traditional class names for the below, I think there will be significant changes (including name changes) to fit the below.

Barbarian: Berserker (Warrior), Totem (Expert), Ancestral Guardian (Priest), Storm Herald (Mage)
Cleric: Life (Priest), Forge (Expert), War (Warrior), Arcana (Mage)
Druid: Land (Priest), Moon (Warrior), Dreams (Expert), Wildfire (Mage)
Fighter: Champion (Warrior), Battle Master (Expert), Eldritch Knight (Mage), Warlord (Priest)
Monk: Open Hand (Warrior), Shadow (Expert), 4 Elements (Mage), Long Death (Priest)
Paladin: Devotion (Priest), Conquest(Warrior), Vengeance (Expert), Ancients (Mage)
Ranger: Hunter (Expert), Monster Slayer (Warrior), Beast Master (Priest), Horizon Walker (Mage)
Rogue: Thief (Expert), Swashbuckler (Warrior), Arcane Trickster (Mage), Assassin (Priest)
Sorcerer: Storm (Mage), Shadow (Expert), Divine (Priest), Dragon (Warrior)
Warlock: Tome (Mage), Blade (Warrior), Chain (Priest), Genie (Expert)
Wizard: School (Mage), Bladesinging (Warrior), War (Priest), Scribes (expert
I don't think this is likely at all. The reason being is that the Expert Group is define as "Polymaths who have the Expertise feature and elements of other Classes" JC talked about how the Experts, being Polymaths, take abilities from other groups/classes.

If one of the defining characteristics of the Expert is that they dip into other Classes or Class Groups for a little of their shtick, then it can't be something that the other groups all do.

So, while this is an interesting idea, it is against their stated Class Group definitions.


Limit Break Dancing (He/They)
I'd be really surprised if Hexblade doesn't make it into the new PHB; it's one of the most popular non-PHB subclasses out there. I think we will also see the Twilight Domain in there as well, for the same reason, but with hopefully some careful revisions to rebalance it.

But that's about as far as I would guess.


Jedi Master
I don't think this is likely at all. The reason being is that the Expert Group is define as "Polymaths who have the Expertise feature and elements of other Classes" JC talked about how the Experts, being Polymaths, take abilities from other groups/classes.

If one of the defining characteristics of the Expert is that they dip into other Classes or Class Groups for a little of their shtick, then it can't be something that the other groups all do.

So, while this is an interesting idea, it is against their stated Class Group definitions.
Clearly an Eldritch Knight or an Arcane Trickster will steal from other classes, so I'm not sure it's that cut and dry. It's not the whole class that's Polymath, it's a particular subclass. That subclass only steals from one other grouping, unlike, say the Ranger which steals from Warrior and Priest, or the Bard stealing from Warrior, Priest and Mage.

So really, what I'm suggesting is that the subclasses in the PHB (other than the 'iconic version of each' are sort of a pre-built multi-class option for the PC. An Arcane Trickster is basically 70% Rogue 30% Mage. A Swordmage would be 70% Mage 30% Warrior. And so on.

Blue Orange

Gone to Texas
Clearly an Eldritch Knight or an Arcane Trickster will steal from other classes, so I'm not sure it's that cut and dry. It's not the whole class that's Polymath, it's a particular subclass. That subclass only steals from one other grouping, unlike, say the Ranger which steals from Warrior and Priest, or the Bard stealing from Warrior, Priest and Mage.

So really, what I'm suggesting is that the subclasses in the PHB (other than the 'iconic version of each' are sort of a pre-built multi-class option for the PC. An Arcane Trickster is basically 70% Rogue 30% Mage. A Swordmage would be 70% Mage 30% Warrior. And so on.
Nifty idea. I actually liked the old fighter/cleric/mage options from 1e and 2e, and no reason you couldn't go 70-30. I guess after a while it goes into a skills system.

Voidrunner's Codex

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