Shooting for 48...divide by 12 classes...4 subclasses per class. Needing to divvy up the classes into thematic categories, that's 3 classes per major group... Soooo...
Warriors - Str. classes
Fighters - Str., Combat Mastery.
--Base/default: "Champion" (needs a better name)
--Battlemaster - the smart/tactician fighter
--Duelist - the fast/dexterity fighter
--Eldritch Knight/Arcane Warrior/"Magus" - half-caster fighter
Barbarians - Str + Con., Rage Mastery.
--Base/default: "Berserker"
--Totem Warrior - the "invoking nature spirits" (to do more than rage) barbarian
--Ancestral Guardian - "invoking ancestral spirits" (to do more than just rage) barbarian
--Storm Herald - "I am going to be Thor" barbarian
Paladins - Str + Cha., Oath Mastery.
--Base/default: "Devotion Oath," traditional LG Paladin
--Justiciar (Oath of the Crown)- Law & Order, but not necessarily Good, paladins
--Cavalier (Oath of Glory) - non-"divine magic" paladins, oath to themselves/rely on their own egos
--Greenknight (Oath of Ancients) - not "Law & Order" but "Nature/Natural Order/Old ways" (nature magic) paladin
Mystics - Wis. classes
Clerics - Wis., Channel Divine.
--Base/default: Life/Light Cleric - healing, protecting, supporting traditional cleric
--Balance/Neutral Cleric - could be Justice, Nature, Knowledge, Judgement of Souls/Death, etc...
--Chaos/Wild Cleric - could be Storms, Trickery, Battle, etc...
--Darkness/Void Cleric - not the good guys
Druids - Wis. + Con., Channel Nature.
--Base/default: "Land Circle" druid
--Circle of the Claw - the animal summoning, shapeshifter druids
--Circle of the Stone - the geomancer/earth-bender druids
--Circle of the Cauldron - potion brewer, spore snorter, "trancy" powers druids.
Monks - Wis + Cha., Channel Spirit (Chi).
--Base/default: "Open Hand" monk, traditional martial artist, xiaolin types
--Shadow Monk - the ninjas, shadow powers
--Dragon Monk - the glowy hands, chi-channellers for "magic" effects: undead destroying, psychic powers, healing (self and others), nerve pinches/paralysis, etc...
--Kensei - chi-channeling through/into weapon-use/combat perfection
Rogues - Dex. classes
Thieves (ne Rogues) - Dex., Skill Expertise.
--Base/default: The Burglar - traditional stealthy sneak thief.
--Acrobat - flippy, speed/movement gymnast/entertainer/combatant
--Assassin - disguise, spy, killer-for-hire
--Trickster - magic-using thief
Rangers - Dex + Con., Wilderness Expertise.
--Base/default: The Hunter/Monster Slayer
--Beastmaster - the animal companion ranger
--Seeker - the initiated to magic-use, "arcane archer," half-caster ranger
--Shifter - shapeshifting "I am going to be Wolverine" ranger
Bards - Dex. + Cha., Inspirational Expertise.
--Base/default: The Loremaster - chronicler, diverse jack-of-all-trades bards
--College of Glamour - illusionist, jester, courtesan/courtier entertainer bards
--College of Valor -skald, battle bards
--College of Whispers - spies, knowledge-mongers, not-so-nice bards
Wizards - Int. classes
Mages (ne Wizards) - Int., Arcane Magic-use
--Base/default: The Generalist/Universalist Mage
--Illusionist (Enchanter) Mage
--Conjurer (Evoker) Mage
--Abjurist (Protector) Mage
Warlocks - Int. + Con., Occult Magic-use - an arcane half-caster with innate magic powers
--Base/default: Pact Warlock - bound to Patron for occult knowledge (spells) and powers
--Binder - summoner of minions warlock
--Hexblade - "warrior" warlock that utilizes shadow magic predominantly through/for combat
--Blood Warlock (nee Sorcerer) - the magic's in your blood, grow to immense power while the magic within slowly corrupts and destroys you.
Psychics (ne Psion) - Int. + Cha., Mental Magic-use
--Base/default: "Disciple" - as in the user/holder of a "discipline," able to focus in all/various mental powers
--Seer - predominantly clairvoyant and telepath
--Oracle - mental powers with a divine magic slant/edge, "Akashic record" readers/any knowledge available.
--Psi-Warrior (needs a better name) - predominantly telekinetic and metabolic powers