D&D (2024) 48 subclasses in the 2024 PHB: What are they?

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Crown-Forester (he/him)
I wouldn't expect to see these in a player facing book. D&D is themed around playing heroes.
They said playtest 48 subclasses; they didn’t say 48 in the PHB. These two could still be locked to the DMG (and honestly, so could the 1 wildcard, leaving 45 subclasses in the PHB and the only additions there being the third subclass options for the 5 classes that had just two choices).


Crown-Forester (he/him)
I wish the Deity they worshipped defined them more. I get the specific one is hard, but Priest of War God should have very different powers than Priest of Fertility God (like, for me, turn undead should be a choice of like 20 different powers, or something). Then have the subclasses be different also.
That’s literally what Domain choice is.

War Domain makes you a heavy front line tank of a church militant; Nature Domain makes you a Druid-lite.

That would work if the subclasses are separated from Domain choice. Which would be cool, IMO. It's like how Pact and Patron are different choices for the Warlock.
I'd love if they made domains a lot thinner, something with a mechanical heft somewhere in-between patrons and invocations, so you could start with a couple and maybe pick up a couple more along the way. Have the actual subclass be something more broad based, the Cleric meta-types of "Divine Striker" and "Potent Spellcaster" would be a good start.


I crit!
They said playtest 48 subclasses; they didn’t say 48 in the PHB. These two could still be locked to the DMG (and honestly, so could the 1 wildcard, leaving 45 subclasses in the PHB and the only additions there being the third subclass options for the 5 classes that had just two choices).
Wait, didn’t they? In one of the videos? I could be misremembering.

Anyway who said lists are bad? This thread is, like, a big chunk of lists.


That is really clever, sorting them by the new PC groupings. I would quibble and put Mercy monk as the obvious Priest corollary (and also as one of the few currently good monk subclasses, but hopefully the new update addresses that). Overall, though, you make a strong case.


I'm going in a bit of a different direction here. Given the 4 PC groupings, I'm guessing that the 4 subclasses for each class will end up representing the 4 Class groupings for each class. You'll have the 'classic' class for each that is the 'pure' version of the class, with the others dipping into the other three groupings. Don't know if that will stick, but I think they may want to test it. While I've used traditional class names for the below, I think there will be significant changes (including name changes) to fit the below.

Barbarian: Berserker (Warrior), Totem (Expert), Ancestral Guardian (Priest), Storm Herald (Mage)
Cleric: Life (Priest), Forge (Expert), War (Warrior), Arcana (Mage)
Druid: Land (Priest), Moon (Warrior), Dreams (Expert), Wildfire (Mage)
Fighter: Champion (Warrior), Battle Master (Expert), Eldritch Knight (Mage), Warlord (Priest)
Monk: Open Hand (Warrior), Shadow (Expert), 4 Elements (Mage), Long Death (Priest)
Paladin: Devotion (Priest), Conquest(Warrior), Vengeance (Expert), Ancients (Mage)
Ranger: Hunter (Expert), Monster Slayer (Warrior), Beast Master (Priest), Horizon Walker (Mage)
Rogue: Thief (Expert), Swashbuckler (Warrior), Arcane Trickster (Mage), Assassin (Priest)
Sorcerer: Storm (Mage), Shadow (Expert), Divine (Priest), Dragon (Warrior)
Warlock: Tome (Mage), Blade (Warrior), Chain (Priest), Genie (Expert)
Wizard: School (Mage), Bladesinging (Warrior), War (Priest), Scribes (expert

This is a neat idea, but you missed Bard, which we can guess would be something like:

Bard: Lore (Expert); Swords/Valor (Warrior); Creation (Priest); Whispers (Mage),

Though I think that they probably won't step on any of Xanathar's or Tasha's toes when it comes to subclasses (to keep those books as viable sellers as possible), but you never know.

Also, I'd like to see Domain removed from Subclass (as discussed above), and to a lesser extent Wizard School (though I think the names Evoker, Conjurer, Illusionist, and Necromancer are good. Well, not so much Evoker, but it has history. Still, if they make the connection not quite so direct (they can specialize in the school, but have there more to it than that, like make the Evoker and the War Mage the same thing).

Lots to think about.


Jedi Master
This is a neat idea, but you missed Bard, which we can guess would be something like:

Bard: Lore (Expert); Swords/Valor (Warrior); Creation (Priest); Whispers (Mage),

Though I think that they probably won't step on any of Xanathar's or Tasha's toes when it comes to subclasses (to keep those books as viable sellers as possible), but you never know.

Also, I'd like to see Domain removed from Subclass (as discussed above), and to a lesser extent Wizard School (though I think the names Evoker, Conjurer, Illusionist, and Necromancer are good. Well, not so much Evoker, but it has history. Still, if they make the connection not quite so direct (they can specialize in the school, but have there more to it than that, like make the Evoker and the War Mage the same thing).

Lots to think about.
Can't believe I forgot Bard! Those are good choices. I agree they won't step on Xanthar's or Tasha's toes, the examples I was giving was more for flavor. But I think it makes sense to help guide which class you want. Can't decide between an Expert and a Warrior? Choose which is most important and then pick a sub-class that gives you a little bit of the other.

I think Domains and Schools will remain a first level choice that defines some abilities for your class, with the subclass for Clerics and Wizards where more of the specific features for your character come from. Again, by choosing what other group you want to mix your main class with, you can focus more on what you want.

And I still think Monks should be priests with a bit of warrior and Paladins warriors with a bit of priest, rather than the other way around, but will wait to see what those groups actually are. I get the feeling they did it that way because Warriors are going to get access to 4 extra feat choices between 1st and 10th level (chosen from the warrior list), and Priests extra Channel Divinity uses and options. The Monk would especially benefit from extra feats (helps counter how MAD they are) and Paladins would benefit from additional CD options.

Voidrunner's Codex

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