• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

4E or 3.5 or something else - what's in your future?

How are you planning on playing D&D after 4E is out?

  • I'm going 4E all the way!

    Votes: 61 20.9%
  • I'm going to play 3.x and 4E

    Votes: 36 12.3%
  • I'm staying with 3.x, and may or may not use some 4E rules as house rules

    Votes: 124 42.5%
  • Other (which I explain below in superior fashion)

    Votes: 71 24.3%


Front Range Warlock
Other. I'll be seeking to play HarnWorld, RCD&D, Red Box Hack, SLA Industries, Daredevils, MSPE, and other games in the next two years. Then, after the market again settles into a 'nothing but D&D' rut, I'll either migrate to D&D 4e or find another hobby altogether.

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Working on it
Psion said:
Thousand Suns, and so forth.
Yay! I'm glad to hear that you like Thousand Suns; it's at the top of my to-buy list.

Off-topic-ish: Will I see a review of it by you on rpg.net (or here), or are you out of the reviewing scene now?


First Post
IMHO 4e has some big dealbreakers show up of recent.

My group's host and his best friend are soured on 3e. Host's best friend is generally sick with 3e and seems to liked the look of 4e. Might not work out since our Host really prefers systems where characters avoid hits rather than have the HP to absorb hits and basically loathes the D&D way of grind through the foes HP.

He prefers:
Hit, Parry, Hit, Parry, Hit, Parry, Hit, failed to parry & take horrid wound and possibly drop.

D&D is

Hit, lose HP, Hit, lose HP, Hit, lose HP, Hit, lose HP then drop.

Another semi regular player is anti 4E due to not wanting to learn another system and does not want to have to buy another book.

So our group may stick with WFRP.


Community Supporter
I'm going to play 4e for a trial period, and then decide. My initial expectation was to follow tha with a 3.75 game, but following the presentation I am more tempted to play a 4e game. At any rate I won't make the decision until after I've personally felt what it's like to play 4e.


3.5 if I run it. I'm currently playing in three 3.5 games and running two 3.5 games, and this is not likely to change in 2008.

4.0 if somebody else runs it (not likely at the moment).

I'm trying Burning Wheel via Skype at the moment. BW looks like a system I would love to play in the long run.

And I'd love to run a game with my Zorceror of Zo / Fudge cross-over. Unfortunately it is on hiatus right now.


First Post
I plan to stay with 3.5 e. At first my brother and I were very excited about the 4th edition, however as we learned more and more about the changes it presents we decided to stick with 3.5 and perhaps take in what we like from the 4th edition. But definately staying 3.5


Since most of the games I'm currently playing (PbP only) are adventure paths that will last for many more years to come, and the fact that 4e is not really compatible with PbP (due to immediate interrupts and other such re-roll effects) I'm going to be sticking with 3.5. IF, and that's a big IF, I find the time to start another game or a short 4e trail, I'll play in one to see what it's like. But, since my main games are 3.5e, 3,5e is what I voted and where I'll stay. I just don't see Age of Worms or Shackled City converted to 4e, particularly for PbP.



First Post
Aus_Snow said:
No, they probably won't - assuming they even *own* a large section of that 'array of books'. Which most gamers probably don't. . .

And if they do miss them, they can either go back to 3e (or something else) or convert stuf from that (or something else) over to the 4e framework.

Just like it works in reverse, I imagine.
See though, I don't understand that. I played D&D in junior high, got bored with it, and quit. I probably would never have started playing it again were it not for things like Eberron, the Tome of Battle, Magic of Incarnum, and so on.

I can't imagine going back to Fighter, Barb, Rogue, Monk, Pally, Cleric, Wiz, and Sorc... Especially not in the Realms. God, I'd die.

I wouldn't even consider 4E until the ECS is released for it, and even then I'd be wanting to see some splatbooks surrounding it.

But then... This might be influenced by the fact that I have like everything for 3.5 (With the exception of the FR stuff), so...

But yeah, basically I don't consider a system worth buying into unless I can fill a shelf or two with crunch and fluff ;)


First Post
GammaPaladin said:
I wouldn't even consider 4E until the ECS is released for it, and even then I'd be wanting to see some splatbooks surrounding it.
Fair enough. Just wondering though - do you tend to start (or start in) games at high levels? I mean, if you started at lower levels (like say, 1st) then you could probably work through quite a fewm, and before you know it: ECS I! ;) :p

Kidding, kidding. ECS, then.

But then... This might be influenced by the fact that I have like everything for 3.5 (With the exception of the FR stuff), so...

But yeah, basically I don't consider a system worth buying into unless I can fill a shelf or two with crunch and fluff ;)
Heh. :D Yeah, that's cool. Whatever works. I'm not 'buying into' 4e no matter how much they put out for it before 5e hits the shelves, but I also suspect that a lot of folks view 4e pretty differently from either you or me, is what I was basically saying.

I tend to buy lots of books too, incidentally - including, in months and years not long past, 3e books - so I do grok what you're saying, OTOH. *If* I was even tempted to buy 4e in the first place, the apparent initial lack of support in some areas might well have been a deterrant. Not the only one, but still.

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