5E: Converting AD&D Monsters to Fifth Edition

Incidentally, the Firelord currently has five even ability scores and one odd ability score like the SRD Efreeti, but we could give it a few more odd ability scores if we wanted.

In the 5E SRD, a Djinni (STR 21, DEX 15, CON 22, INT 15, WIS 16, CHA 20) has three odd, three even, a Dao (STR 23, DEX 12, CON 24, INT 12, WIS 13, CHA 14) has two odd, four even and a Marid (STR 22, DEX 12, CON 26, INT 18, WIS 17, CHA 18) has one odd, five even like an Efreeti (STR 22, DEX 12, CON 24, INT 16, WIS 15, CHA 16). The Marid's odd ability is even Wisdom like the common Efreet.

In AD&D a Marid was stronger than an Efreeti but that doesn't seem to have carried over into 5E.

Hmm, I'm tempted to make the Firelord's STR and CHA modifiers both +6 - maybe STR 23, CHA 22 or STR 22, CHA 23 instead of STR 24, CHA 22? - but that seems contrary to the MC13 text that says they're obsessively proud of their muscles and are "powerful warriors, trained in magical and physical combat from avery young age" who delight in their "raw power".

Heck, that almost argues for an even higher STR than 24. I'm starting to wonder about giving it STR 25 so they're as strong as a Fire Giant, which seems very appropriate and won't necessitate any changes to our numbers.

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The game as is is tricky at higher levels if PCs have huge armour classes, I am finding as a DM. So for playability I'd go STR 24 or 25, otherwise in melee it is very little threat.

Agree on a more interesing way and ditching Legendary Resistance and Regeneration - both of which are a alittle vanilla, and Purifying Pyre is a good nmae

The game as is is tricky at higher levels if PCs have huge armour classes, I am finding as a DM. So for playability I'd go STR 24 or 25, otherwise in melee it is very little threat.

So shall we make it STR 25, CHA 24 so its melee and magic ability modifiers match?

Agree on a more interesing way and ditching Legendary Resistance and Regeneration - both of which are a alittle vanilla, and Purifying Pyre is a good nmae

Works for me.

So what about adding Magic Resistance since the two AD&D Efreeti I was using as inspiration have that trait?

Ack, they went past the Worm of Minauros and gonna probs encounter Baalphegor soon (I have a plot twist with her) so keen to statblock her out - got this so far:


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Ack, they went past the Worm of Minauros and gonna probs encounter Baalphegor soon (I have a plot twist with her) so keen to statblock her out - got this so far:

So are you wanting to put the Firelord on hold to concentrate on Baalphegor?

Best avoid having multiple conversions on the go in one thread. It just gets confusing unless they're closely related variants of one monster.

Running my eye over your Baalphegor draft, I immediately notice that the fiend has had a sex change in the Stat Block. What's with all the "he is" and "he can"? Baalphegor's a lady!

The block looks basically sound apart from a few slightly wonky numbers.

The Melee Attack should be +12 (7 proficiency plus 5 strength) rather than +14. Well, unless you give her a +2 weapon or something.

If it were me I'd give her resistance to cold instead of immunity to cold but add on some additional resistances, like acid or psychic.

Hmm, doesn't Glasya have official 5E stats? I have some vague recollection of seeing a writeup for her online.

If so, she'd make a useful comparison, since she's a similar level and type of fiend to Asmodeus's consort.

Hmm, doesn't Glasya have official 5E stats? I have some vague recollection of seeing a writeup for her online.

If so, she'd make a useful comparison, since she's a similar level and type of fiend to Asmodeus's consort.

Of course, Glasya is in Mordenkainen's Book of Foes.

There's a CR 21 version Glasya of her on Dandwiki you could almost use as-is for Baalphegor.

except she's supposed to be really smart, and probs physically weaker...? Minsc and Boos have Baalzebul and Mephistopheles...I was thinking someone more conniving like titvilus

Have given her twisting word and corrupting guidance from titivilus.

Her voice supposed to be scary when angry - could just give her frighttful word. But needs an attack - or can just do psychic damage with cutting voice each round?
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ok buffing it like below gives me CR 18 (am I missing something or give her some more damage - or something more evasive/sneaky?)


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ok buffing it like below gives me CR 18 (am I missing something or give her some more damage - or something more evasive/sneaky?)

Didn't buff enough!

Look at Glasya, who's the target Challenge Rating of 21.

She has AC 21, 294 (28d10+140) hp and has a three attack Multiattack that does 28 per attack (assuming the poison works) for 74 DPR plus her Legendaries (which can add another 74 DPR with three more Scourge attacks).

Also, her Scourge's poison causes hit point reduction, which can be a potentially fatal nuisance during a fight.

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